Ah thanks, guess I'll keep a look out for when the china dress works for max boobI think that's the Hikari mod. It's in DOL Plus.
Ah thanks, guess I'll keep a look out for when the china dress works for max boobI think that's the Hikari mod. It's in DOL Plus.
If it is, ass needs an update cuz it looks flat as alwaysSo 5.~ is just the art asset update? No real content?
This shit is crazy, both in a good and bad way. I cannot wait to see more of it lmaoBongistan Loli PTSD Simulator 2018?
Yes please
It's...not the first thing I would work on (in fact, I usually don't even remember tanning is a thing and...probably wouldn't notice if it was completely disabled?), but keep in mind that the new system was created by one specific contributor. If you check update notes for Xao's contributions over the last handful of versions, they seem to work mostly only on visual-related stuff: they were, for example, also responsible for the recent weather system update. It's probably safe to say this sort of thing is their interest and/or specialty, and if they weren't able to contribute stuff like this, the alternative might be that they don't work on the game at all. And hey, if this could be used as a feature for an update that comes out this month instead of delaying it to next month's (or whenever), I'm fine with them doing that. I don't think it really impacts the things that other contributors are working on.Now.. I don't want to be an AH, but.. with all the incredibly interesting things you could work on and add to the game I see a huge effort for.. tan lines.. WHY?
because somebody wanted the thing, and had the know-how and determination to make it real.Now.. I don't want to be an AH, but.. with all the incredibly interesting things you could work on and add to the game I see a huge effort for.. tan lines.. WHY?
You need to do a shit ton of crime before getting arrested,crime stat needs to be around 6k+(I think).You can raise crime quickly by breaking into mall shops and stealing everything there and also stealing from docks/elk compound.Just make sure you are not wearing any identity concealing gear(eg-skulduggery mask).Can someone tell me how to get sent to prison. I break laws all of the time but only get community service.
If you open the game's html file in a text editor and search for "setup.feats = {", all of the feats are listed there, even the secret ones. I'm guessing this is the one you are asking about:Did anyone get the new feat in the special section?
If so, what's it called? It's not on the wiki yet, and I couldn't find it in the changelog either...
Hey, sorry to bother but do you know how to use the console to add more wardrobe space? I used to be able to use the online save editor but now it went back to 40 and I can't change it with the save editor anymore (as far as I've tried at least).Honestly the best alternative is just directly editing sugarcube variables with the console.
You can try the Blizzard strat. by sustaining yourself with breast milk instead.Whenever you get attacked by cat girls/islanders suck on their titties for some milk and once you have had your fill,bite them to victorySo I'm stuck on the island. Am i not supposed to find food when I go looking for it? 65+ searches and three circle tattoos later and I still haven't gotten anything from "Search the shore for a higher chance to find food". Got a few from the bird feeder I made but all I get for the search is constant cat attacks.
Check your Attitude settings when you are in your bedroom. You may need to set it so that consensual sex reduces stress (as a bonus). You can also set it so that certain stats don't decay. That'll help you you get your characteristics higher where you should be able manage things a little better. I've never turned it off but you may want to after you've reached a level you're comfortable with. The game warns that it can make managing control difficult.Is it possible to stop stress from rising at all ? Having to cheat or console it to 0 every two encounters gets boring
That will just slow stress down, I really mean to block it, or at least make it so my mc will stop passing out every few noncon encounters.Check your Attitude settings when you are in your bedroom. You may need to set it so that consensual sex reduces stress (as a bonus). You can also set it so that certain stats don't decay. That'll help you you get your characteristics higher where you should be able manage things a little better. I've never turned it off but you may want to after you've reached a level you're comfortable with. The game warns that it can make managing control difficult.
Once you get your characteristics up to a certain level and you obtain some special traits, I imagine a lot of the things that are causing you stress will have the reverse affect.
Honestly sounds like you just don't manage your stress properly. I can't say I haven't had my PCs pass out, but it's never been a severe issue to me.That will just slow stress down, I really mean to block it, or at least make it so my mc will stop passing out every few noncon encounters.
Just play DoLP with multiple orgasms on and embrace the fact that one non-con will probably land you in the asylum on a vanilla start.That will just slow stress down, I really mean to block it, or at least make it so my mc will stop passing out every few noncon encounters.
I'm pretty far along in my game and I'm guessing you're not. The only thing that stresses me to the point of passing out is when a whole crowd of people attack me when I'm on stage dancing. Pretty much everything else reduces stress for my character.That will just slow stress down, I really mean to block it, or at least make it so my mc will stop passing out every few noncon encounters.