there's 3 feats for playing the game for 50 days, you won't see blood moon or the first angel transform until you're 30 days in, halloween until 60, and christmas until 90, which is also the earliest you can normally achieve max beauty, and there's that one feat that requires playing 150 days on hard mode. that's the target time frame. it's skyrim-type multiple playthroughs. you're not supposed to have high skills in early game. 4 seduction attempts a day - you'll become a stealth-archer max the skill in 50 days. that is, if your game plan even includes seduction, as you can get by without it just fine for vast majority of the content (at least in vanilla). and not skipping the school will max your grades in two months.
None of this changes that fact that it's boring, slow and time consuming, which were all my original complaints. At least with something like Lockpicking, it raises at a minimum of +3% per attempt and usually only requires one result screen. Seduction can go below 1% and usually requires multiple screen to resolve one attempt, plus all of the bullshit that follows (despite charging a lot of money, there's still a decent chance of people attempting to rape you, instead of denying the attempt).
i see you've got a dumb idea of trying to pay off early debt by using seduction skills. i probably already mentioned it, but it is a dumb idea. you wanna sell yourself for money - you need promiscuity instead, and it is much easier to raise.
The only dumb thing is that your incapable of reading. I never once said anything about using Seduction to pay off Baily's debts; addressing her payments every week is an unavoidable core mechanic, and using up several of my days to "slightly" train up a single skill instead of earning money is obviously going to limit one's time to find a way to pay off her debt, not to mention actually explore the game and have fun.
heck, you can just refuse to pay, submit to bailey, get sold that way (make sure to stay naked when getting out of bed) - and you'll unlock the option to prostitute without the required promiscuity in the attitudes.
Except that Baily's rape scenario and Beastiality are the two most disgusting aspects of that game to me (even though I have the latter turned off and it still shows the fuck up constantly), and I try to avoid them as much as possible. Not to mention, they also take up a huge chunk of your time. The part where the hunter "owns" you easily eats up 2 days. All of these "can" be avoided, but only if your Skills have reached a bare minimum, which is frustratingly hard to accomplish, but you just can't seem to understand.
earlier you said you couldn't raise your seduction past F after 10 hours of trying. now you're saying raising it eats fatigue. have you even tried? because it doesn't. you're probably talking about dancing? which does warn you that it costs extra fatigue. there is no difference between small time passes and long time passes when it comes to fatigue, unless you've missed the red text where it says that there is.
It's both: Seduction trains painfully slow
AND costs Fatigue to train. Have you actually played the game? You can still receive Fatigue for performing actions that use up small amounts of time, and it's while a lower amount of Fatigue than if said action took up an entire hour to do, performing those actions multiple times up to an hour will result in those actions using up MORE Fatigue than if you had simply used an action that required an hour. There's nothing directly wrong with this, since you're still getting multiple train session in during that hour compared to one, but when something like Seduction can give you 0.5% per attempt it's extremely frustrating and a poor management of Fatigue, especially when it's the ONLY way to train the Skill, which was by
YOUR recommendation.
YOU were the one who suggested just spamming the Pub in order to train Seduction, which
DOES cost Fatigue, because you have to select "Flirt" first. Maybe Seduction itself does not inherently have a Fatigue tax attached to it, but almost every single attempt of Seduction requires a Promiscuity action first before gaining the option to seduce. Therefore you can't fully train Seduction in the Pub without exhausting yourself, which in turn costs days of recovery and dialog spam. My point stay valid, but I was using your example, that you seem to have already forgotten in your eagerness to shut down my opinions.
what did you think the ominous red "+ Delinquency" meant? regardless, low-delinquency detention only takes 2 clicks and 10 minutes of in-game time.
The game explains that Delinquency lowers the teacher's opinions of you; it never once directly says "if you get a single point of Delinquency, you're expected to attend Detention at the end of school". For the most part, the game is filled with a bunch of reputation stats, which mostly affects direct gameplay. There's mechanic attached to Status, that says if I have it too low I'm required to attend some dance or kegger party; no other stat in the game have a forced physical attendance attached to it.
So why would I ever assume that translates to instant Detention, especially since half the things you get for Delinquency are absolute bullshit that makes no sense for Detention, but does make sense for the teachers not liking you? Like I said in a previous example, in what way was I supposed to know that defending a student from assault meant Detention? In what world, was I supposed to know that students attempting to molest me during class meant I had to attent Detention... where I would also be molested for attending?
what you did is you probably skipped a ton of classes to grind for money before finally deciding that now's the time for school. and yeah, turns out if you do that - you're hit with the harshest detention scene daily, until you've attended half of the lessons you've skipped.
No, I've NEVER skipped a single class. Usually it's some random event DURING class that inheretly makes no sense and it completely out of your control. And literally
EVERY Detention I've ever attended
ALWAYS starts with Leighton ordering me to strip down (with no option to refuse), her spanking me in front of the class, then her inviting some random student to molest me. Every single time, irregardless of what happened in school that day. It's dumb that Leighton magically strips you without a response or conflict in the first place, but it's even dumber that if you do escape her during punishment, she just robs you blind, again with zero reaction from you as a Player.
The most frustrating parts of the game is when it just randomly decides to take things from you or rape you, without you even getting a CHANCE to pick a direction for the scenario to go, and it happens way too damn often. Like with Detention, which is why I just ignore it now, except you have to attend it or Sydney will refuse to do anything with you after school, but that's an entirely different thing.
firstly, 0% means nothing because it doesn't show the fractions. and even small numbers are powerful when there's many of them. second, kid, you're young, and ignorantly dismiss the importance of 15%, but the bankers out there rake in big money from much smaller percentages. if you need to roll 8, and you rolled 7 - these 15% mean the difference between passing an exam and spending another week with lower skills, which you could have avoid if you didn't turn your nose from "number not big enough for big me".
First of all, I'm probably older than you, and second, kids aren't allowed on these forums. 15% is normally a significant amount, except this game doesn't use "truly randomized" numbers; everything is predetermined ahead of time, and when you only get one attempt per week per class, 15% isn't exactly a massive increase. We're talking about a +0.5% that eventually adds up, but as constantly stated, that's a stupidly frustrating grind. I think the problem here is that your comfortable wasting hundreds of hours of your time for a minor increase in a text-based game, but not every is willing to have that huge amount of dedication.
It doesn't matter if you have infinite in-game time to play through the game, that doesn't mean that your real-life time should suffer a multiplayer grind in a single player lewd game. We shouldn't have to dedicate an entire evening of our valuable playtime, grinding away a fraction of a percent on a Skill, especially if you seem to think the Skill doesn't even have a massive impact on the game itself. Hurting my wrist clicking through thousands of bland interactions just to raise a single skill by one Rank isn't fun, no matter how hard you try to defend it.
and i can literally read the code. with starting allure, taking the bus has 7% chance to get into a potentially bad situation.
Honestly, not a huge accomplishment. Anyone here can spend an hour or two studying online, and get the gist of how to read code. Hell, most people do it in Notepad++ (which is free) and then compile it elsewhere, in their engine of choice. I know how to program to, and have worked on mods for RPG games too, which is why the slow grind and poorly dealth with "random" situations makes me mad; because I know the developer did all of this on purpose to frustrate us and waste our time.
At the end of the day, you're pretending the game is perfect, because you like it, and I see the flaws in it. You saying that I should be exploiting the game's mechanics to advance only proves the problems the game has in the first place. A properly designed game and sim should relate the proper information, then actually make sense. Not force us to read a 100 page wiki explaining why not allowing ourselfs to be raped is worth having Detention over.
I feel like this game forces its fetishes upon the community, rather than letting us interact with it how we want. I'm no prude, but there's a ton of situations in this game are cringe, and you have no choice to avoid, unless you have godly Skills, which is where the problems with the game lies. I shouldn't have to abuse the code to enjoy the basics of the game. But apparently I'm supposed to enjoy the game how YOU enjoy it. My bad.