
Oct 4, 2020
I am current 71 days into this game and like this game a lot. Here are my thoughts.
I like to be in control and the harassment bothered me alot so i save and load a lot.
I was a prefect student and would choose to suffer rather than face deviance point and detention... until i learn how the system...
I hold on to my purity with my life since i am aiming for Angel transformation on my first game and avoid orgasm until learn that orgasm is fine as long as you dont masturbate... or penetrate... ...
And i just got Sydney's anal shield off. I took my time and train my skills, that is my way to play this game. There are still harassments, but now i handle Bailey payment easily.
This game has some depth and lots of content, one has much to learn to master the game.

Bailey is a tyrant, who abuse the kids at the orphanage but he also protects them in some way when he chased out intruders. He has his rules and he is the fire behind your ass to force you to keep making money, think of him as the main antagonist of the game.
I was kind of sad when I discovered that I cannot escape the orphanage and his control even when I unlock other safe house, but accept that this is the way the game pushes you to work.

This isn’t the kind of game where you are the hero and will one day defeat the villain.
In this game you are the oppressed and you try survived but you can never ever escape. The fun part is about how you can choose to live your life under his oppression and other NPC’s harassment.

There are various ways to live your life in this game and it gets better as your skills level up. Most of the ways revolve around lewd which is the theme of this game, but you stay total virgin if you want to!
Jobs like dancing or even crimes and treasure hunting can help you pay the ever increase bills just fine even though the danger of lewd stuff happening is ever present. Thank gods that there is cap to Bailey’s demand.

You can max your physic and beat up “most” single opponent in fights and try to avoid those that you cannot win.
There are ways to reduce sex fame and harassment as you progress the game by getting help from the hacker I think, but if you choose to do stuff that attracts attention, then you must suffer the consequence.
Lastly people have different taste, if this game doesn’t match yours taste, it is better to stop abusing yourself by playing it. I am sure there many others who enjoy this game.

PS: Fire mod is 5.06 is there a way to incorporate his images (just image) into the latest version of the game? His x-ray images are better...righ?
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May 7, 2023
Seduction can go below 1% and usually requires multiple screen to resolve one attempt
wrong. it's a static 2.5% per an attempt, successful or failed, and regardless of level. failures do not need many screens to resolve, unless you're not a potato and succeeded first.

and it's while a lower amount of Fatigue than if said action took up an entire hour to do, performing those actions multiple times up to an hour will result in those actions using up MORE Fatigue than if you had simply used an action that required an hour.
wrong again. it's the same 1 point of fatigue per 1 minute regardless if it's an hour at once or 5 minutes 12 times. what really affects fatigue gains: being overheated, being drunk, + fatigue choices, nothing else. i can read the code, and you are lying about how the system works.

addressing her payments every week is an unavoidable core mechanic

I never once said anything about using Seduction to pay off Baily's debts; addressing her payments every week is an unavoidable core mechanic and using up several of my days to "slightly" train up a single skill instead of earning money is obviously going to limit one's time to find a way to pay off her debt, not to mention actually explore the game and have fun.
all the way up from F to S. "slightly". regardless, if you're not gonna use seduction to earn money, why mention 5 days? the skill doesn't only last 5 days, it lasts for the rest of the game. 5 days is what would be left until the rent day. if you're that tight on time to earn money, and you're not gonna be using seduction in the process - why do you need to train it to begin with? where's logic?

Except that Baily's rape scenario and Beastiality are the two most disgusting aspects of that game to me (even though I have the latter turned off and it still shows the fuck up constantly), and I try to avoid them as much as possible.
the first bailey punishment is the "dinner party". if you have bestiality disabled, the three-dog problem doesn't even occur. you still have a random chance to get in trouble because at the end you're in the alleyways naked, but that's normal rng, not part of the scenario. you only need one bailey punishment to unlock the attitudes option, and your debt doesn't get raised, so you're given a week of head-start to bump your skills and fuck around. and an extra week is A LOT of time.

Not to mention, they also take up a huge chunk of your time. The part where the hunter "owns" you easily eats up 2 days.
you know, many players intentionally risk wandering around the forest and rely on rng to get to eden and her cabin in the woods where bailey can't reach you, often getting into nasty encounters on the path. and here you have a convenient teleport button that also takes care of your debt for the week, and doesn't raise how much you have to pay next...

And literally EVERY Detention I've ever attended ALWAYS starts with Leighton ordering me to strip down (with no option to refuse), her spanking me in front of the class, then her inviting some random student to molest me.
that is the harshest detention punishment and requires significant delinquency, which resets to 0 after detention is attended. and you didn't put 2 and 2 together and just happened to keep unintentionally gaining that much delinquency every day? ngl, that is a you problem at this point.

15% is normally a significant amount, except this game doesn't use "truly randomized" numbers; everything is predetermined ahead of time, and when you only get one attempt per week per class, 15% isn't exactly a massive increase.
go spend an hour or two studying predictable random number generation in programming, or believe me when i say that you do not know what you're talking about. not about the prng, not about how exam chances are actually calculated, not how big of an actual difference it makes - nothing. i have given you the right numbers and chances, and it is precisely because you only get one attempt per week that it matters more, not less: without the access to save-scumming (that's all it does, it's a fair unbiased random integer from 1 to 100 otherwise), you need every single extra point in your favor, because you can't keep re-rolling rng until you get your way. you've seen the power of 2% on the bus and falsely believed that lowering allure doesn't make a difference, now it's 15% and you don't believe that it makes a difference, you're hopeless.

First of all, I'm probably older than you, and second, kids aren't allowed on these forums.
then you should be ashamed of being so ignorant and arrogant for your age, life clearly didn't teach you anything, and now i can't even add "yet".

At the end of the day, you're pretending the game is perfect, because you like it, and I see the flaws in it. You saying that I should be exploiting the game's mechanics to advance only proves the problems the game has in the first place.
i don't, and i did not say that you should be exploiting the game's mechanics. i said that it is easily possible to min-max it in less than 2 in-game days, maybe 20 minutes of real time, to prove a point that the skill is NOT difficult to raise, you just kept moving the goalpost. "but 5 daaaays!" - irrelevant. "but my fatiiigue!" - not even true. i also mentioned that it would only take 50 in-game days with just 4 daily interactions to max the skill (which is reasonable for the game pace), directly negating accusation of telling people that they should "exploit". and the fact is - this skill is not "it's only useful when it's maxed out" type either, you just have your priorities all wrong (seduction is not an early game content), and exaggerating much. like, i see two in-game days and maybe twenty irl minutes, you see years and hundreds of hours. i say "it's not that bad and you can raise it super fast if you wanted to", you're moving the goalpost. i use real numbers, from code and math, you're pulling your numbers out of your ass. i'm correcting your lies and ignorance about the game mechanics and you're saying i'm telling you that you should enjoy it my way. you're just wrong and i no longer care.


Oct 4, 2020
Ehm... one question, I complete Angel transformation and deflower Sydney anally during the rite of promise and doing this i lose my virgin trait.
The detail is, i was 1000 point of purity - give sydney first kiss during this ritual and became 990, lost penile only minus 1 to 989.
The rite of promise only let me keep the temple allowance and benefits but not my virginity?
I read that a fallen angel must lose virginty after becoming angel - does this mean that now i will become a fallen angel? If not since i have already lost the virgin trait to sydney,i can never become fallen?

I think to be safe, i should lose my virginity for anal and oral seperately while i still have the virgin trait since the trait helps recover purity points. After this i will go lose my penile virginity to sydney during the rite..
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Engaged Member
Jan 5, 2019
Ehm... one question, I complete Angel transformation and deflower Sydney anally during the rite of promise and doing this i lose my virgin trait.
The detail is, i was 1000 point of purity - give sydney first kiss during this ritual and became 990, lost penile only minus 1 to 989.
The rite of promise only let me keep the temple allowance and benefits but not my virginity?
I read that a fallen angel must lose virginty after becoming angel - does this mean that now i will become a fallen angel? If not since i have already lost the virgin trait to sydney,i can never become fallen?

I think to be safe, i should lose my virginity for anal and oral seperately while i still have the virgin trait since the trait helps recover purity points. After this i will go lose my penile virginity to sydney during the rite..
Rite of promise lets you lose virginity to sydney without losing angel status and temple purity. It still voids your virginity.


May 7, 2023
I read that a fallen angel must lose virginty after becoming angel - does this mean that now i will become a fallen angel?
if you did not become a fallen angel - then no. going from angel to fallen is instantly visible.

If not since i have already lost the virgin trait to sydney,i can never become fallen?
you are promised to sydney. you can do things with her. putting your pp into anyone else will make you fallen.

I think to be safe, i should lose my virginity for anal and oral seperately while i still have the virgin trait since the trait helps recover purity points. After this i will go lose my penile virginity to sydney during the rite..
virgin trait only gives +2 purity at night. this is not much. pray at temple while wearing holy clothes - you will gain purity much faster.


Engaged Member
Jan 5, 2019
Thanks for the help guys! :love:
Pray at temple with the holy clothes means praying in the temple near midnight?
If I remember right, the only 'praying' at the temple that actually restores purity is the sunday mass.


Oct 4, 2020
If you mean the nude pool party at school, yes they are.
You should hear the students talking about it in school. In my game i have seen them happen on Mondays and Tuesdays but there might be other days too.
I think it can happen once every week, but i am not sure about this..
If you use the secret tunnels from the toilet (unlock via History grades), you dont have to pay the $100 to the guard.
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Apr 29, 2020
If you didn't put this person on your ignore list after the first unhinged wall of text post, then you're doing it wrong.
The only issue with that way of doing things is some people cant find the door unless you show it to them.
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Mar 22, 2022
The only issue with that way of doing things is some people cant find the door unless you show it to them.
Some people can't find the door even if you violently slam their face directly through it repeatedly, which I think is the more apt analogy in this particular situation. There are certainly many legitimate concerns and criticisms of the game to be had with regards to not only the current game balance and the economy of the player's time (especially with what you can and should spend time on vs. what you can't or shouldn't), but also even with fundamental design: no game is for everyone, some issues are going to be deal-breakers for certain people, and that is fine. But getting into back-and-forth arguments with people for which that is clearly the case is not healthy for anyone involved, and I think we're all better served just by not engaging. Let someone get their frustrations out, acknowledge, move on.
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