
Engaged Member
Mar 1, 2018
Is there any way to gain a lot of money?
Train your skulduggery and steal from houses, or if the skill is high enough from people on the street with the Club. Dancing at the Brothel or Club is a really good way to earn money. Or of course you can always activate the cheats and just give yourself huge amounts of cash, but where's the fun in that?


Feb 10, 2019
I am sorry, probably already answer, but am curious and don't know how to search for it in the entire thread:

how do i get cat transformation?


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2018
I don't get how to improve my relations with teachers. Science teacher loves me. I really slow improve relations with dance teacher. But i can't do anything about others :( And where i should search Avery? We met about 2 times ..
Jun 25, 2017
Been playing for a bit now but havn't seen much content. I'm like 3-4 weeks in got my stats pretty high. Chose small frame figuring hard mode + maybe some narrative changes, but alas its just hard mode. So my feedback so far in no particular order.
Skill ups can be quite grindy and provide little reward. Dance can be maxed in like a weekend. Been trying for the cat transformation and got to do that 50x! I'll be an angel before that unless I willfully lose, or Robin grows a dick (maybe). The actual lewd content is conceptually exciting maybe but no so much to actually experience it. Fights can last obscenely long. More than a few times I've just held down 1 til some thing notably changed.
Fine tuning on numbers and condensing content so theres more to do on the day to day than just grind and risk assessment on aggregate be great. Lastly i'd like it if there we some good people throne in there ways to punish or exact revenge on the more corrupt elements.

Sorry for if i'm incoherent. I really enjoy the game for what it is, but it kinda reminds me of another game i played where in the more i invested in it to get what i'd consider favorable outcomes the less rewarding it was. The H content and narrative content aint there enough to reward my attention.


New Member
Mar 7, 2018
How much does insecurity effect things? It would be nice to be able to control in the cheat menu. It bothers me that there isn't an npc silhouette for when you are doing anal/vaginal to an npc, and I am really looking forward to more positions besides doggy since it doesn't always make sense for some parts of rape scenes.


Feb 10, 2019
Find a wiki on how to turn into cat: lick the plate indeed is one, run from dogs in the resident areas, getting home naked/partial naked and or Wet are the others, thought being iffy by a Big cat person in disguise was one as that seems to work with the Wolf, but not.
Thanks for those who answer, i achieved all the transformations, Angel > Demon and now aiming to get the cat or the wolf but since Cat is more difficult i like to get that one first.

I also start a new game so to keep my other transformations, the angel is just lovely!

Another question though, notice in new game my MC penis got enormous (only in the character screen to the left) but when boobies start to grow i get the prompt penis shrunk like all the time but say it still enormous, is it a bug? or does the penis shrink? and if this is the case how do i prevent this? Also, does it has any advantage or disadvantage having a "mandingo" cawck? or is it only for the shits and giggles?

Nick Jane

May 25, 2018
Would it be possible to add in the option to go outside nude during the day? Or at least not have to sneak around while naked in the school?


Oct 17, 2018
Would it be possible to add in the option to go outside nude during the day? Or at least not have to sneak around while naked in the school?
You can do both of these. Just go to the bathroom in the park or the bathroom in the school and take off all your clothes.

... not that I'd recommend this however.


Apr 22, 2019
Thanks for the further ideas, and the kind words!

I plan to add chastity belt variants. I could include one that only protects your ass.

I agree the squids should stick around while you're being assaulted. On the whole I like how the squids turned out though, and want to develop a proper system to accomodate them and similar critters. I also want to add more parasites with different effects. Some of them could have a much bigger impact on arousal.

There's a slime that isn't a swarm in the old sewers. It won't be the only one. A pet slime sounds cute.

I'm glad you like it. Thanks for the suggestions. Oddly Blank is right that much of it is planned.

a) You can train willpower with meditation already, though the increase is very small. It really just takes the edge off the decay, unless your willpower is particularly low.
b) Pressing your dick against their mouth is planned.
c) 69 position is possible, in that you can perform oral on each other. The game doesn't recognise it as a specific position however.
d) e) I'm considering a fitness centre. A place to learn martial arts is planned.

Beauty improves over time. Faster with low trauma. It drops if trauma becomes high enough to overflow.

Thanks for the heads up.

Thank you!

I've been considering adding fetishes for the player character. If I do, crossdressing would need to be one.

Using crossdressing strategically has been something I've wanted to include from the beginning, but I've yet to get round to it.

Thanks for investigating. I'll have them fixed in the next update.

That's right. There's just the one right now. I want to give Whitney a greater presence outside school in general.

Thanks a bunch.

I'mWabbit is right. You also need higher sex fame than rape fame, and can't be notorious for bestiality.
This first one is the pub right? When Whitney gonna be gentler to the MC?
Jun 25, 2017
Update on thoughts. The very low density of content is still the biggest issue for me, but grinding, stats often having little influence, Many fights being unwinable via defiance even with max stats and pepper spray. Some few others no doubt being unwinable via any means. Most content being locked behind loses, painfully obscure, or RNG dependent was a big frustration.

Keeping in mind of course the game isn't made for me and is pornographic in intent not a RPG, Its still frustrating that when most content content narrative and pornographic can be circumvented entirely by "winning" leaving kinda just in a stat grind with a drip feed of narrative.

Can finish the lichen science project in a day potentially than like 2 weeks til that relevant. The mushroom one is about damn impossible or atleast i was very unlucky spending days searching and patrolling the forest and getting nothing (RNG again). The measuring one was probably more interesting but only tried it once and it quickly degenerated into a gang bang with phones out so I was like "F that".

Think eating or drinking from cafe should "cleanse your pallet".

Havn't seen the blackmail scene from the principle, but (if its possible) the idea of him blackmailing you for exhibition is funny to me. "You're notorious for willfully exposing yourself, and if you don't comply with my demands i'll expose you farther!" - An Idiot. I kinda just want to stare at him eye brow cocked til it clicks. Options for defiance could just be strolling out in the buff, making it consensual but charging extra for being a dick about it.

I thought of a fair bit while playing threw but didn't bother putting them down cuz I expect nothing and I'm probably not the demographic. I will cut my nose to spite my face, and the biggest boner I got playing this was for revenge.

Oh and speaking of taking an L on principle or spite...More of that and award defiance for it.

Weekend content is structured in annoying fashion more so because you've got to go threw 5 days of probably nothing to do any of it. Avery can't be reliably contacted, and you've got to forgo going to docks on sat to trigger semi reliably . Mass on Sunday probably again precludes docks but I don't know the hours for that since It not on my agenda.

Having a cell phone would open up a-lot of non frustrating options for meeting with people and in general I expect.

Being able to set up a cell to record yourself make getting fame more reliable which is again SUPER grindy, especially combat. Hit people thousand times and was basically Braith from Skyrim "Boys, girls, dogs, elders. There's nobody I won't fight!"- Braith, but was still obscure.

OH there was an error with bathing at the orphanage where the exhibition option leave you still dirty when its over.

How many charges of pepper spray are there and where? I've gotten 4 counting the one from start so far
1- Given free at start
2- In the Old sewers
3- Gotten from robbing the obscure compond on Elk Street
4- Gotten from hunting than robbing the hunters after you've been accepted as part of the wolf pack

Able to refresh 1 charge via the following.
Spending 2500 at Pub- Almost under no circumstances is this ever worth it. Cut that down to 500 atleast cuz DAMN.
Gotten for free from Skylar once they're properly enamored by you for talking with them. One a day I think.
From robbing the obscure building on Elk street once you've discovered it. Repeatable each day.
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Game Developer
Nov 9, 2018
Degrees of Lewdity is out on my blog! It includes art for the PC in a missionary position, and a number of new events.
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This game has been updated
Thanks for spreading the word!
I don't get how to improve my relations with teachers. Science teacher loves me. I really slow improve relations with dance teacher. But i can't do anything about others :( And where i should search Avery? We met about 2 times ..
Not all the teachers have reliable ways to improve their opinion of you. You can sell antiques to the musem to improve your relationship with Winter though.

Avery should contact you every Saturday on any street after the science fair. Just wander around or loiter, and they should show up with a high chance.
I got an error in Asylum.

View attachment 312175
In this event:
View attachment 312177
Thanks a bunch.
Been playing for a bit now but havn't seen much content. I'm like 3-4 weeks in got my stats pretty high. Chose small frame figuring hard mode + maybe some narrative changes, but alas its just hard mode. So my feedback so far in no particular order.
Skill ups can be quite grindy and provide little reward. Dance can be maxed in like a weekend. Been trying for the cat transformation and got to do that 50x! I'll be an angel before that unless I willfully lose, or Robin grows a dick (maybe). The actual lewd content is conceptually exciting maybe but no so much to actually experience it. Fights can last obscenely long. More than a few times I've just held down 1 til some thing notably changed.
Fine tuning on numbers and condensing content so theres more to do on the day to day than just grind and risk assessment on aggregate be great. Lastly i'd like it if there we some good people throne in there ways to punish or exact revenge on the more corrupt elements.

Sorry for if i'm incoherent. I really enjoy the game for what it is, but it kinda reminds me of another game i played where in the more i invested in it to get what i'd consider favorable outcomes the less rewarding it was. The H content and narrative content aint there enough to reward my attention.
Update on thoughts. The very low density of content is still the biggest issue for me, but grinding, stats often having little influence, Many fights being unwinable via defiance even with max stats and pepper spray. Some few others no doubt being unwinable via any means. Most content being locked behind loses, painfully obscure, or RNG dependent was a big frustration.

Keeping in mind of course the game isn't made for me and is pornographic in intent not a RPG, Its still frustrating that when most content content narrative and pornographic can be circumvented entirely by "winning" leaving kinda just in a stat grind with a drip feed of narrative.

Can finish the lichen science project in a day potentially than like 2 weeks til that relevant. The mushroom one is about damn impossible or atleast i was very unlucky spending days searching and patrolling the forest and getting nothing (RNG again). The measuring one was probably more interesting but only tried it once and it quickly degenerated into a gang bang with phones out so I was like "F that".

Think eating or drinking from cafe should "cleanse your pallet".

Havn't seen the blackmail scene from the principle, but (if its possible) the idea of him blackmailing you for exhibition is funny to me. "You're notorious for willfully exposing yourself, and if you don't comply with my demands i'll expose you farther!" - An Idiot. I kinda just want to stare at him eye brow cocked til it clicks. Options for defiance could just be strolling out in the buff, making it consensual but charging extra for being a dick about it.

I thought of a fair bit while playing threw but didn't bother putting them down cuz I expect nothing and I'm probably not the demographic. I will cut my nose to spite my face, and the biggest boner I got playing this was for revenge.

Oh and speaking of taking an L on principle or spite...More of that and award defiance for it.

Weekend content is structured in annoying fashion more so because you've got to go threw 5 days of probably nothing to do any of it. Avery can't be reliably contacted, and you've got to forgo going to docks on sat to trigger semi reliably . Mass on Sunday probably again precludes docks but I don't know the hours for that since It not on my agenda.

Having a cell phone would open up a-lot of non frustrating options for meeting with people and in general I expect.

Being able to set up a cell to record yourself make getting fame more reliable which is again SUPER grindy, especially combat. Hit people thousand times and was basically Braith from Skyrim "Boys, girls, dogs, elders. There's nobody I won't fight!"- Braith, but was still obscure.

OH there was an error with bathing at the orphanage where the exhibition option leave you still dirty when its over.

How many charges of pepper spray are there and where? I've gotten 4 counting the one from start so far
1- Given free at start
2- In the Old sewers
3- Gotten from robbing the obscure compond on Elk Street
4- Gotten from hunting than robbing the hunters after you've been accepted as part of the wolf pack

Able to refresh 1 charge via the following.
Spending 2500 at Pub- Almost under no circumstances is this ever worth it. Cut that down to 500 atleast cuz DAMN.
Gotten for free from Skylar once they're properly enamored by you for talking with them. One a day I think.
From robbing the obscure building on Elk street once you've discovered it. Repeatable each day.
Thanks for the detailed feedback. I'm glad you're enjoying it despite the game's rough edges.

I don't think the PC getting into bad situations as a result of passing out or such should be considered "losing" exactly. Some of those situations can provide benefits, such as the wolf pack, and there are no bad ends. That said, a game that locks content behind any sort of "failure" state does need to tread carefully. Getting the balance right is important, but difficult.

I agree there's a lack of long term goals for established characters who are able to weather the day-to-day trials the town throws at them. One way to solve that would be more activities geared towards strong characters, so that there's both something to work towards, and something that can threaten such characters other than a string of awful luck.

Leighton shouldn't try to blackmail the PC for high exhibitionism fame specifically. It's the only lewd fame that doesn't contribute to that sequence's start.

I've tried to sprinkle a little goodness into the world with characters like Robin and Doren. This is another area where getting the balance right is important.

As for the pepper spray charges, there are five in total. You're missing the one on the tentacle plains, which is particularly hard to get.
How much does insecurity effect things? It would be nice to be able to control in the cheat menu. It bothers me that there isn't an npc silhouette for when you are doing anal/vaginal to an npc, and I am really looking forward to more positions besides doggy since it doesn't always make sense for some parts of rape scenes.
Insecurity starts damaging control if it rises high enough. Not by a huge amount, but enough to make an impact. I agree it should have a cheat menu option.

This update adds missionary, though it will likely need some fine-tuning.


Apr 29, 2018
hey i just updated mine on android and got this errors

Error: <<effects>>: error within widget contents (Error: <<effectstime>>: errors within widget contents (Error: macro <<time>> does not exist; Error: macro <<time>> does not exist))

update: when opening my game a popup says 315706
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animal idiot

Jul 6, 2018
1. I think an interesting addition, though maybe difficult to actually implement, would be to have customization avatars for other characters like Robin, Whitney, and Kylar, in a similar vein to how you can customize the MC's appearance. (possibly also to allow these avatars to engage with the MC's during sex.)
2. I also absolutely love the fact that different hairstyles have been added. Thank you so much for this bit.
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