Thanks for the further ideas, and the kind words!
I plan to add chastity belt variants. I could include one that only protects your ass.
I agree the squids should stick around while you're being assaulted. On the whole I like how the squids turned out though, and want to develop a proper system to accomodate them and similar critters. I also want to add more parasites with different effects. Some of them could have a much bigger impact on arousal.
There's a slime that isn't a swarm in the old sewers. It won't be the only one. A pet slime sounds cute.
I'm glad you like it. Thanks for the suggestions. Oddly Blank is right that much of it is planned.
a) You can train willpower with meditation already, though the increase is very small. It really just takes the edge off the decay, unless your willpower is particularly low.
b) Pressing your dick against their mouth is planned.
c) 69 position is possible, in that you can perform oral on each other. The game doesn't recognise it as a specific position however.
d) e) I'm considering a fitness centre. A place to learn martial arts is planned.
Beauty improves over time. Faster with low trauma. It drops if trauma becomes high enough to overflow.
Thanks for the heads up.
Thank you!
I've been considering adding fetishes for the player character. If I do, crossdressing would need to be one.
Using crossdressing strategically has been something I've wanted to include from the beginning, but I've yet to get round to it.
Thanks for investigating. I'll have them fixed in the next update.
That's right. There's just the one right now. I want to give Whitney a greater presence outside school in general.
Thanks a bunch.
I'mWabbit is right. You also need higher sex fame than rape fame, and can't be notorious for bestiality.