
Oct 29, 2018
savegames lost ? i played previosu version (32.2) and decided to "install" new version, clicing on load..only to id my saves lost. what happened ?
i allwas asumed taht wneh i click on save it is automacaly saved on harddisk.
if it is not happening - it is here a way to allways force saving on disk (and loading form it) ?
Save to Disk?


Jan 24, 2019
well, as i writed before i thougt when i press save it is automaticaly saved on disk :)
Actually the save file is a sort of cookie if you don't say "save to disk". (CCleaner for instance can show you the file and you can add an exception for it so it got not deleted) It's folder dependend, that means if you you change the path/folder names where the game files are on your system in any way, it will no longer find its save file.

By the way, i have noticed that during shool lessons random encounters only seem to happen during the first and second part of the lessons but never in the third part regardless of what you choose to do during the third part.


Game Developer
Nov 9, 2018
hey i just updated mine on android and got this errors

Error: <<effects>>: error within widget contents (Error: <<effectstime>>: errors within widget contents (Error: macro <<time>> does not exist; Error: macro <<time>> does not exist))

update: when opening my game a popup says View attachment 315706
Thanks a bunch. Several people were having issues, and this was the clue I needed. I've made a small edit to the Android version on my blog, which should fix it. Some of the code I used for swipes wasn't compatible with all devices.
1. I think an interesting addition, though maybe difficult to actually implement, would be to have customization avatars for other characters like Robin, Whitney, and Kylar, in a similar vein to how you can customize the MC's appearance. (possibly also to allow these avatars to engage with the MC's during sex.)
2. I also absolutely love the fact that different hairstyles have been added. Thank you so much for this bit.
I agree customisable avatars for other characters would be interesting. They would indeed take a lot of work to get right.

I'm glad you like the new hairstyles. You're very welcome.
I've noticed a weird bug during the sex scenes where the MC's body isn't visible. It may have something to do with the changed hairstyle (twin tails in my case)
That's strange. Thanks for the heads up, I'll look into it.
Small suggestion: Move the hair options from the Wardrobe to the Mirror. Every time you make a choice it jumps to the top of the page currently, and you have to scroll down. But the Mirror page has plenty of room to hold it with no scrolling.

Maybe also add options to switch INTO saved outfits to the Wardrobe. Currently you can saved outfits there but not actually put them on
I decided to add hairstyles to the wardrobe as they are available in more locations. Perhaps they should be in both.
Now we need a roll-over action!
I'll see what I can do!
Clothing is gone in missionary it seems.
View attachment 315852 View attachment 315855
Ryan Waxx and Oddly Blank are correct, clothes for missionary aren't in yet. Some of the art is done.
I'm getting errors whenever I try to save or sleep.
If you're on the Android version, then the version on my blog should fix this. If you're not, then that's very bizarre.
Im new to html games is your old saves ok with new versions of the game
Saves should be compatible between versions. We've had one update that broke saves on Android.
I somehow feel as if when you asked to be naked in the school pool any real teacher would say no. Maybe a corruption mechanic could be added where this makes sense (in a suspension of disbelief kind of way)
I've considered a corruption-like mechanic. So far most stats are related to the player character, rather than the world.
I have one small but annoying problem with save from text only version. If I load this save in the normal version of the game there is no option to enable the images in the setting. Somebody knows another way to enable images?
A quick and dirty fix would be to open the html file in a text editor, then search for:
&lt;&lt;widget &quot;settings&quot;&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;nobr&gt;&gt;
On the line beneath that add:
&lt;&lt;set $textonly to 0&gt;&gt;
Save it, then open and load the game. Go to the settings page and click confirm. That should restore images for you.
"Apologies! A fatal error has occurred.Aborting.

Error:no valid storage adapters found..."

Game wont open for me,shet.
Cumknuckles is right that this usually results from cookies being blocked.
savegames lost ? i played previosu version (32.2) and decided to "install" new version, clicing on load..only to id my saves lost. what happened ?
i allwas asumed taht wneh i click on save it is automacaly saved on harddisk.
if it is not happening - it is here a way to allways force saving on disk (and loading form it) ?
Schnipo gives a good answer. Explicitly saving to disk as AriaZaia suggets is the safest way, if you're unsure.
By the way, i have noticed that during shool lessons random encounters only seem to happen during the first and second part of the lessons but never in the third part regardless of what you choose to do during the third part.
Aye. I fear I'll need to rework how lessons are structured in order to fix it


Oct 10, 2018
I have one small but annoying problem with save from text only version. If I load this save in the normal version of the game there is no option to enable the images in the setting. Somebody knows another way to enable images?
In the browser console that you probably can open with F12 type these 2
SugarCube.State.variables.textonly = 0
SugarCube.State.variables.images = 1
and the next scene should have images enabled.


Game Developer
Nov 9, 2018
In the browser console that you probably can open with F12 type these 2
SugarCube.State.variables.textonly = 0
SugarCube.State.variables.images = 1
and the next scene should have images enabled.
That's a far more elegant solution than I suggested.
Last edited:


Aug 28, 2018
Maybe hints in the NPC screen where we could go and see some of their events or how to proceed down a certain line of relationship with them? If at all possible obviously, I really enjoy games like this and Lilith's Throne.


Feb 10, 2019
Thanks for the update, really cool all the new features

Two thing!

how do i save save files in a android? i notice file in save slot #4 get missing from time to time and don't want to lose progress as all takes A LOT of grining, specially that acceptance meditation thing, WHEW! having a small coco should be more tramatic than showing a mandigo to everyone and fell damn prowud about it.

Also notice some images not showing, well it shows a broken image icon on the upper left corner where the animates .gif shows. is it only me or is this a common BUG?

Oddly Blank

Apr 10, 2018
Thanks for the update, really cool all the new features

Two thing!

how do i save save files in a android? i notice file in save slot #4 get missing from time to time and don't want to lose progress as all takes A LOT of grining, specially that acceptance meditation thing, WHEW! having a small coco should be more tramatic than showing a mandigo to everyone and fell damn prowud about it.

Also notice some images not showing, well it shows a broken image icon on the upper left corner where the animates .gif shows. is it only me or is this a common BUG?
same here (note about the broken image icon)


Game Developer
Nov 9, 2018
Thanks for the update, really cool all the new features

Two thing!

how do i save save files in a android? i notice file in save slot #4 get missing from time to time and don't want to lose progress as all takes A LOT of grining, specially that acceptance meditation thing, WHEW! having a small coco should be more tramatic than showing a mandigo to everyone and fell damn prowud about it.

Also notice some images not showing, well it shows a broken image icon on the upper left corner where the animates .gif shows. is it only me or is this a common BUG?
You're welcome.

Files on Android aren't readily accessible like on desktop. That said, I wanted to add a "save to disk" option to the Android verson. Someone better at programming investigated thoroughly on my behalf, but found that it wasn't possible. It's something that would need to be changed by the SugarCube dev. Unless someone knows something we didn't.

Fixing insecurity is a bit grindy in the current version. There should be ways to increase acceptance during encounters.

Thanks for letting me know about the broken image bug. I've found two sources. Buttjobs and double penetration weren't displaying properly.
you might have to start over. The game atm doesn't like older save files. sorry dudes.
That shouldn't be the case. Sometimes things bug out between updates, but it's usually fixable. Is the new sprite not working right for you?


Feb 10, 2019
There should be ways to increase acceptance during encounters.
did i understand well? There is a way to increase acceptance during encounters? how exactly? or did you mean this is planned for future versions?

My MC is male and has boobs so imagine having to mediate to acceptance cawck and bewbs 0~0;;; i like the challange really, but if there is a easier way will like to know. Thanks!


New Member
Jan 9, 2018
Can someone plz tell me where the saves are for these html games, apparently it's full.(probably from Free Cities autosaves)


Active Member
Nov 18, 2018
That's going to depend on browser and OS used I would think. Did you try clearing your cookies/browser data? Also, although it's not as fast a method, save-to-file has no such limiting factor beyond hard drive space.


New Member
Jan 9, 2018
That's going to depend on browser and OS used I would think. Did you try clearing your cookies/browser data? Also, although it's not as fast a method, save-to-file has no such limiting factor beyond hard drive space.
Thanks, cleared my cookies and I can save once more. And I know save-to-file works but, as you said, it's not as fast.
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