Reading the posts above, i can only think "damn degenerates...", but then i remember where i am and how i got here.
Maybe add a few general settings to make NPC sexual desires lean towards something? Like more creampies, more anal, more oral, more feet, more tits, more S, more M etc? Or less? Basically control what's more likely to happen in a sexual encounter and what will be less likely to avoid.
It might add variance to gameplay? "Welcome to Analville, where everything that's everything is ass!"
Or have holidays/events where a type of practice is celebrated for a period of time like "facial week", "creampie weekend", "full moon june", "lickityclit tuesday split", "go gay-gay for wednesday", "fry-day roast", "tentacle october", "a november to remember", "xmas yeast infection", "2-faced january", "all-in-thyme 4 valentine", "spring fling" and other crappy names like that.