
Creating Deluded
Game Developer
Jul 10, 2018
massoblivion. Really liking the game, main character is cute, story and mistery make it interesting (if you're in for thise things like tentacles).

I like the gameplay too and in general its smooth, dont find it too grindy (saw a lot worse). Maybe for some things is not intuitive and you risk to lose some scenes, but i think you meant it that way... maybe there could be some indications when there is a bivio for the scenes to choose..

The only big down for me, and the biggest concern i wont pledge or pay, is the deadlines.. this release was meant to be out in may, and following the roadmap it would have been day 4. It went out 5 months later and not even day 4. Delays are ok (i understand because my work is similar) but communication is ambiguos and nearly absent. It would be nice if the updates were told more frequently.

In this regard, do you know an ETA of day 4? Or can you uodate the roadmap after this last release? Thanks ;)
glad you enjoyed!

we post dev report summaries bi-weekly, you can also read them in full on our Discord, where we post them almost daily. don't think anyone can call that 'absent communication'

not sure what you mean by 'updating the roadmap'.
can't give you an ETA since we've never made NPC systems, so no idea how difficult it can be
3.50 star(s) 39 Votes