That's the history teacher, Sofia, wearing her daughter Sifa's outfitMy question is, who is this? and how soon do we get to meet her? I don't recognize the face from the game? Minor character or a revamp of the English teacher by chance?
Quick question, where all the hidden comic books located?
Make sure you have your Search results preferences set to "most recent" first.Quick question, where all the hidden comic books located?
Confused about how you could miss signing up for class in the gym and lunch... You don't have any classes or have lunch until after going into the gym by going left in the first hallway after entering the school building on the day you are supposed to register after Leslie drives you to the school.Currently soft locked. Accidentally entered school at the wrong time and missed sign ups and lunch. Now I can’t leave until I complete my classes but I can’t go to class until I find girls who don’t seem to be where they’re supposed to be. Any clues?
So what happened is I tried the race, lost, checked the quest log that Id find the answer at school. So I went to the school myself at 11. It let me in with the warning thatI can’t leave until I’ve finished all classes but I can’t do that now. Problem is I tend to keep only one save otherwise I get mixed up and I saved upon entering the school so Iguess I’ll have to start over on another day when I feel up to starting over.Confused about how you could miss signing up for class in the gym and lunch... You don't have any classes or have lunch until after going into the gym by going left in the first hallway after entering the school building on the day you are supposed to register after Leslie drives you to the school.
If you are actually soft-locked - load your most recent save prior to entering the school and try again.
(Copy/paste from when I have already answered this question for many people)a hero have a save pls?
totally forgot you could use the search bar like that, thnx for the tip(Copy/paste from when I have already answered this question for many people)
Make sure you have your Search results preferences set to "most recent" first.
FirstSecondThirdFourth page of results (partially because people ask before searching):
(first page if you search for v0.5.5 save)
Yes, the "beta" save will work for the "public" version
Which site did you download from and are you sure it gave you a .zip file (it should be - - You're the first person since the update released almost a month ago that is reporting something like this, so it must be on your end in some way.downloaded a few times now - won't let me unzip at all, not even through Terminal.
I don't doubt it is likely from my end - so I downloaded the Mac Zip - i actually tried the GDrive, Anonfile and GoFIle links to do so (Mega was being an ass and Mixdrop link kept bringing up a warning about the website). The original message being something about space to unzip too and then with the Terminal - it would continue to say 'permission denied'Which site did you download from and are you sure it gave you a .zip file (it should be - - You're the first person since the update released almost a month ago that is reporting something like this, so it must be on your end in some way.
So you freed up space and tried to unzip again, right?The original message being something about space to unzip too
You need to be a better disciplinarian, Zakko. He didn't complete everything you needed.I completed the majority of things that Zakko needed from me