Odd, the type of enemy shouldn't make a difference since I do the calculations based on how the enemy is defeated and what level the enemy is compared to you... hmm...I was rather low level when that screenshot was made, goblins gave 300 per body.
I'm not against this but it would require me to rebuild the battle system yet again, so I'm pretty hesitant. At least for now.Hm, come to think of it, the fights are always one-on-one huh..
Perhaps you should start giving the player tougher fights, against multiple opponents at the same time, because honestly so far the hard difficulty doesn't impress, i simply squeeze every last drop of exp out of everything and become too powerful for anyone.![]()
If I build another battle system for another game though, I'll definitely be doing it differently.
I hear you. The number of times I've played FF6 and FF9.But then again, i'd say my style of play is not quite common anymore, kids these days don't have the patience to grind like i do.
I'm not big on grinding in modern games... Depending on the game, but for some reason old FF games, xenogears, legend of dragoon, parasite eve, etc. Maybe due to nostalgia, none of it bothers me.
Not until chapter 3.5Surely you jest. Do you think anything prevents players from just grinding the brothel all day long
Well, if you're patient enough. v52 comes out on my website in roughly 1.5 weeks. You'll be able to continue from wherever you left off...Yeah, figured these were in v52 since i haven't seen them in 51.
Meh, maybe should have waited for v52.. ah well, quite far to stop now.![]()
However, I'd actually recommend waiting for version 0.52 anyways before you start the second half of chapter 3 as it's a drastic improvement and completes the area which will fix a certain issue that was impossible for me to avoid in version 0.51 (can't say what it is due to spoilers).
In short, I had to move things around in version 0.51 a bit because there was no way I was completing the entire chapter, and I was able to place them back in their proper places in update version 0.52, which releases for free on 05/01 on my website or 05/03 publicly.
Yeah, I've tried coming up with ideas for this. Like outfits or something. I'm not too sure, but it is extra work to create a seperate version for free players.Hm, how about this idea:
Every X months, you add new patron-only exclusives to the game.
Kind of like they do it in all those mmorpg games where they add new cosmetics and shit all the time so people keep spending money.
Then, after making and adding new exclusives for the patrons, you make old patron-only exclusives public.
I'm not too sure. :/
Yeah, I was originally planning to write those scenes but Eins offered.That's great, since i'm already there. Playing with teaching Rhelyla transformation tricks atm, i love her so much. <3
Btw that guest writer (Eins was it) is not bad at all, i'd even say he's pretty good, you can definitely work together with him more.![]()
Eins is way better at adding emotion to lewd scenes than I am, and he writes fantastic scenes.
I've offered to pay him, but he's refused for DG. We have talked about paying him for other games though in the future. I've even suggested the idea of making a game together.
I really enjoy working with him.
Yeah, I think one of these updates I need to just spend on filling back content.I don't think you did.. though i gave up on trying it on males pretty fast since after trying and failing a couple times i figured this gig was a no-go. But i'm glad you have this planned.![]()
I'm so happy with the exploration of chapter 3.5 that I kind of want to go back and redo a lot in my original forest. Though I have no idea what I'd do differently.
I've been getting burnt out a lot lately, and I've been really eager to move onto another game. I wish I had made this game shorter. It's mostly the sheer number of NSFW scenes I have to write for this game that burns me out. I actually enjoy writing the overall story, but it's hard to come up with so many NSFW scenes.Take care not to burn out,
That said, I won't bail on this game, or rush it. I'd hate for my first game to be another one of those canceled games.
If I make another game as long as this one though, with as many paths as I've done, I really hope to have a backup writer or something next time. In the future I'll try and do things a bit simpler, though I still want to enjoy the stories I tell.
Got it, I'll go back and review what I have it say and consider modifying it. It is a low chance of success on any enemy.At first i thought you succeed TFing the target only when you crit, but i'm not sure. Honestly, the whole thing is a bit convoluted, i think enemy-TF would benefit if you made it more... prominent? clearer? visible? that it proc'd on the enemy. I think i'd appreciate that.
I think for male enemies that don't have a scene I changed it so it will instantly end the fight, but I don't recall for sure.
Back when I used to do web dev, we were strongly advised against using colored text. I know it's common in games, but everytime I consider doing it, I end up getting college flashbacks and some of my older jobs when I used to design websites.Perhaps you should start using colored text for important things like this,
(I'm kinda kidding). But seriously, I do consider this but I don't want to leave color-blind people out so I've been kinda hesitant.
Not that that means it's a bad idea, still.
Most recent entry should always be at the bottom.i often have a hard time telling where the most recent entry is at lmao.Perhaps the most recent entry in the combat log should be in colored text as well to help locating it quickly.
However, if you're on Firefox, it may not show up properly. I don't remember exactly what it was, but firefox had some issue with the typing text. I think I couldn't change speed or something?
However if people clicked a button before it finished typing, it ended up breaking all of the code, so I had to disable it for Firefox.
On chromium browsers you'll see a rapid typing affect.
In both cases though, the newest content should be the bottom of the window.
I'm not really happy with the battle log though, and if I change it again I may try and find a better way to handle it.
This makes me really happy. ♥i love her so much. <3
I think she's been the most popular character I get feedback on in this game, actually.
My personal favorite is the abyssal witch.