VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Depraved Awakening [v1.0] [PhillyGames]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This is so amazing! The story is intriguing, captivating! You just have to know what happens next! The mystery keeps you going, questioning the motives of characters you interact with.
    All the sex scenes are an added bonus to this awesome tale!
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    It's not a game but the best consequential novel I ever interacted with.
    The story is great, the characters are plausible and as far as 3d models go very nicely made!
    There one part which I didn't really approve on and I would have loved the animations to be over more frames.
    Really looking forward to the next chapter and I'm seriously considering becoming a Patreon
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Mr. Sabe

    Excellent story line. The best one so far out of its contemporaries. I would say it is it main strenght as it's one of the most (if not the most) immersive h-games out there. Its narrative is compelling, and you feel part of the action, always wishing for more.
    Though the story-telling, fantastic as it may be, is not the only great thing about the game; it's got great graphics and nice models as well. The developer is quick and always delivers as expected.
    It's different, it's attractive, it's overall a phenomenal game, one of the greatest out there. The ratings speak by themselves.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Cliche killer. A much needed breath of fresh air.
    Well thought out and executed plot with excellent models and renders sets it apart from all those juvenile kids fap dreams games full of huge soggy mothers tits and humongous butts based on weak and pathetic (almost nonexistent) stories.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This is very good, one where you are actully wanting to read through everything to try and figure out whats going on rather than just fast forward to look at renders. Renders are however of high quality as well with a good variety between different characters. Awesome game and brings something else to the table than what your used to.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    I like how the characters are, the progression is good.

    Plenty of action, no grinding.

    If you make a mistake, it is easy to back up and try something else.

    Looking forward to seeing how this plays out.

    Best game I have played for a while.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a great game, the character relationship Progress is balanced very good. The animated scenes are very good, although there alre many characters and I lost track at some point.
    The story is thought through in some way so it comes not as an excuse to skip any story elements.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is better than most of the games you find in the popular games section of this forum and is way better than any LOP or paid site game. Probably my second favorite game next to Dreams of Desire but its not a fair comparison since DOD has been in development for a lot longer.

    This game really shines when it comes to the plot because it is interesting and mature, which sets it apart from other games which are mostly cliche dating sims or school days incest fantasies. The plot makes it so that you actually care about the story and the characters in it, which in turn makes you more involved and makes the game a lot more exciting.

    The second best aspect are the sex scene which are interactive and plentiful, this game doesn't endlessly tease you with slow progressive steps, it jumps straight into the action. Letting the girls call you by costume names was a rather clever and simple mechanic and makes the game all more enjoyable. Also there are plenty of choices and several of them alter the path of how the story develops.

    Right now the state of the game seems very close to completion, at least form the story aspect of it which makes me kind of sad because I wish it could be a lot longer. Doesn't need to have 20 episodes, but it is so good you just don't want it to ever end.

    As a suggestion, I would add a hell of a lot more scenes with Judy (because Kira's plan never fully comes into fruition) and also have direct contact with Kira (more than once) before discovering who she really is.

    So 10/10, keep up the good work guys. I am looking forward to see how this story ends.

    Christina is best girl.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    A well written game with beautiful model and interesting character and story line.
    The polar atmosphere is well pulled out with the music.
    The scenario is logical with sometimes hard choices with lot of consequences.
    To summarize a game worth your time.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best in terms of originality and plot. Make use of great sensuality and eroticism.
    Renders are quite good with a few being among the best I have ever seen here so far.
    The possibility to go through different paths is well implemented and with some kinky+taboo stuff that is not that obvious and explicit which makes it even more desired.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, very well done.

    It's son incredibly rare to find a game with a plot that pulls you in. A couple of times I even considered skipping sex scenes just to see what happens next.

    Considered mind you. They are fantastically done and it would have been criminal to do so...

    It's nice not having to grind for money, just make choices and deal with the consequences.

    Really neat how different choices can impact how the story progresses.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Setting? Check. Characters? Check. Interesting story? Check. Steamy and hot sex? Check and check. Quality visuals that set the bar for almost any other visual novel? Check.

    Hard to think of anything that hasn't already been said about this awesome game, other than to keep this review short to give you more time to enjoy playing it.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    N-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o! You can't leave it on a cliff-hanger like that! What's in the box?!

    Wow, this game just seems to keep getting better and better with each update! I Love the art(the lighting), the music (very speak-easy-ish), the plot, the story, and the renders on the female characters(tones & textures) are some of the best I have seen in games like this. The artwork is top-notch from the still images to the animations- the expressions, really feel genuine and convey emotions as well.

    Apart from the story, love the Noir-style feel that this game has- there's a real air of suspense and mystery hanging over everything; let's not forget the women. I like that they don't have the cookie-cutter appearance of the models that everyone uses over and over and they each have a distinct personality. Each one unique and done beautifully;

    Just like the Beatles said, I "Love, Love Mi-do"- she is a porcelain skinned-Goddess, with her shy and demure personality. Her late-husband was a right twat for allowing anything to happen to her. Good riddance, ya wanker!
    I really like the Judy character (although, I thought you could rename her- must be thinking of a different game), she starts off as the sweet, innocent girl-next-door type and you just want to hug (and do more, obviously). I like how the relationship between here and MC started off slowly and built up over time. The scene where she's crying after the explosion is incredible- she looks so scared, frail, and weak. Poor thing.
    The Dev has done a really good job with Christina, as well. The OP image states that she's the "Nympho" under her portrait- and she doesn't disappoint. She's playful, but at the same time takes control and gets what she wants. It's also nice to see that she cares for the MC and his niece and looks like she genuinely feels bad for her part in everything that's transpired so far. Plus, Bonus Points- she a red-head with freckels.
    Carli- tbh, I only remember her from the opening scenes and when given the opportunity to avoid her story arc- I took it. She is an interesting character and rendered beautifully- she just didn't really do anything for me, I just hope that doesn't bugger up the plot for me later...
    Stella- Hmmmm, she's an interesting character as well. The wife of you last client who was killed and a willingness to sleep with anything that moves (apparently) *stands still* While she's integral to the plot- I must have picked the options that don't involve her so much- let's hope that doesn't bite me in the behind later too...
    Kira- if bat-shit crazy and beautiful were synonyms. That's Kira. While she can be incredibly manipulative- she can be manipulated as well (or Mr. Matlock instructs on how to manipulate others).
    Hollis' sister- Boobs McSomething, can't say to much about her- didn't really follow her plot thread too much.
    "The Dragon" - This one is a tad confusing, I don't know who the girl with the Barret is or how she fits into the story yet... Have we already been introduced to her and I'm just kinda slow? Oh, wait- she was the one in Patrick's bed just before you went off and did the bastard.

    What's interesting is all of them either have tragic backstories or there futures aren't looking so great either

    Despite all the drama and tragedy- there is a little humor mixed in there, the little comment by the Security Guard (Henry) to the MC in Regent Office was pretty funny.

    This such a great game and can hardly wait to see what the next installment has in store for us (me, particularly- screw the rest of you). j/k :p
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    the best game I ever played. Amazing girls, story and soundtrack. A really masterpiece. I'm really want to know how things will ending. I wanna play again to see how things will happen if I dont fuck all the girls I meet.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    An amazing story, with lots of sex action and great renders. Also there are many female characters involved, with different paths and options for everyone's tastes. The plot keeps getting bigger and bigger without compromising its consistency or quality.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    i noticed a big difference between the art in v0.8 and 0.9
    like that is a big improvement and all these cliff hangers and the plot is just amazing everything is amazing and even so the art in 0.8 wasn't as good as the other versions it still is the best game i've played so far
    congrats on this awesome piece of art ! like literally everything you want is in this game
    you want some sexual content? you can find it in this game
    you want an awesome plot ? you can find it in this game
    you want some perfect cliff hangers? you absolutely can find it here.
    i really appreciate all your hard work on this game it's fucking amazing. keep on going man
    and if i had money i would've really donated some to support you because you fucking deserve it sir.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    First time I've played this game. (0.9)

    First, the story is really good. Lots of choices to be made...
    Second, the renders are of good quality. Although the aqutomated scenes could be more fluend.
    Since this is a visual novel, some of the scenes need you to 'click' forwards, which is in my opion not necessary.
    If you stumble upon a choice to be made it's always a influencing choice... so saving those to be able to play all different choices would be wise.
    Texts are good. English is impeccable .

    So a good story, different ways to play, fantastic renders and smooth playing makes this game give me 5 *
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Cool Film Noir styled game. It really feels like a good, sometimes pretty kinky, crime story.
    Some of the models seem familiar, e.g. the Patrick model (even here altered) is almost in every game.

    The music is well chosen and fits the setting.

    Decisions having effect to the progress and that keeps you trying more than one choice.

    Story is ok, nothing special but neither bad.

    The only thing what messes up a bit and why I cut a star is the facieal ecpressions of the models. They are awkward politly described.

    However, still enjoyable and you can see that the author put some efford into the game. And the game is really huge at it's current state.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games on this platform.

    Top notch plot, renders are absolutely amazing.
    The cliffhangers he put are so intense.

    I'll definitely give it a 9/10
    -1 just because I think he could have made all the characters unique but he didn't. At least two of his characters are basic daz models.

    I really wish Philly all the very best
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Best game I have played on this site. Has something for everyone along with a awesome story. You will not be disappointing playing this one. It is so rare to find an engaging story that makes you fell you are there and you care for the characters.