Ren'Py - Desert Stalker [v0.16b] [Zetan]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This is really how game-like adult VNs should be done.

    There is almost everything here to your heart's content - a solid storyline, great renders, lots of quality content so far (of different kind and liking), good sound/music choice, great variety of girls to interact and have quality fun with...

    "Almost" in that statement just implies that we need much more of this, like, much more. :D It does not mean there is any lack of content so far, especially with those repeatable actions. But you just cannot really get enough of this, always seek for seconds. ^_^

    Also, it's not an uncommon practice to put choices in this kind of games, but DS is a rare one when you feel like your choices/action do matter, and I believe there will be much more of not that simple choices in the future. But, at the same time, in most cases you can feel how to make a right choice, and if you do, you will never run out of nice happy endings wherever you might be roaming on the game map. )

    So it was 5* from the first scene and if there were any higher I'd rate 6* for keeping, and sometimes even rising the quality of the game experience.

    It's not uncommon for me to rate top *, but really, this one stands out for more credit than most of the best VN-like adult games.

    If you are looking for a really exciting (in many ways) experience, this one is must-play.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Hands-down the best visual novel I've ever played. Fantastic. Pacing is excellent, visuals are incredible, story keeps you hooked. 10/10 would recommend to anyone.

    I tend to prefer 3D and open-world type games but this game/story kept me captivated from one decision to another. It is well worth the time to get into the story and even for users like myself who aren't typically a VN enthusiast. IT IS A PHENOMENAL STORY. Give it a shot!
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I personally enjoyed this game.

    +Writing is above average for this site.
    +Fetishes appeal to me, I enjoyed the Dom/Sub and Sharing elements.
    +Dev tries his best to provide players with an immersive experience. He tries his best with music and sound effects.

    -However, some sound effects scare the living daylights out of me, which I failed to turn down before because of how disproportionate the sound effect levels are.
    +- There are some characters that appear to be walking talking tropes. However, there are some characters that the dev is fleshing out as you go. Primarily your younger daughter (default Ain), elder daughter (Shani)

    ~I can understand that some players find some aspects of the game unrealistic, such as how everyone kinda falls for the protag. While that itself is unrealistic, I don't really mind it as it is first and foremost an adult novel.

    ~Neutral Points
    ~Secondly, the world itself is believable to me, as it is a post-apocalyptic society that has devolved to medieval standards where strength makes right, plus resource scarcity logically forces people to live the way they currently do. The breeding temple/religion made a lot of sense to me. More population would be highly valued, though I'd like to see how exactly they grow their own food in this god-forsaken desert since they can't only subsist off of trading.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Game is a perfect match for my desires. Raw post apocalyptic tale, decisions that change the way the game plays out and plenty of gritty sex scenes suited to the games atmosphere. As there are eventually several concurrent quest lines there were times when I felt as thought I went too far down one path which made it feel as though the story paused until I was able to progress with the other questlines (each questline can stand on its own in terms of content). I was able to unlock everything with two play throughs without using any guides or mods which meant I was able to enjoy the story instead of spoil it.

    This game deserves your attention and my recommendation is to turn all optional settings on to enjoy the full post-apocalyptic tale the way it was meant to be played.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    good vn
    I finished the current content in a few hours

    girls are really cute and written well
    renders are good
    story is ok
    seems bug free

    only real complaint is that the mc looks younger than his described age (around 50)
    I also had some trouble getting the gallery to uncensor names in the menu, but you can use the gallery/walkthrough mod to unlock them

    there is some minor gore but it can be avoided if you dislike it. there is also some sharing content (no ntr) but it can also be toggled if you dislike it. content is mostly incest and s/m.

  6. 5.00 star(s)


    IMO there isn't a better AVN out there. That is saying a lot when it is a sandbox.

    The sandbox part is done perfectly and anyone who is currently doing one or thinking about doing one needs to learn to do it like this. I get to see repeating scenes that I want and ignore the ones I don't. I don't have to "earn" the right to see scenes either.

    Also there are some out there that have prettier renders, but these are pretty damn good too. Animations just started and I think it is done well.

    The two thing that set it apart from other AVN's is of course the story and the consistency of updates. Looking at the AVN as a whole instead of pieces, parts puts it well above its competition.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    very different in a good way. many stories here feel sameish. This game feels different. I like the rendering and story too. The characters don't seem hollow or the same. i going to keep an eye on this game
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the very best porn game in this site. High quality modeling, interesting plot, cliche but nice apocalypse concept and not quite uncomfortable incest. Love this game and hope won't be abandoned cause of funding shortage or smt like that. Actually my true wish is watching dev makes a team for this game and upcomming project related to this game but I know it's too ideal for single porngame dev run by patreon and donation. Anyway, keep it up and enjoy.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I wasn't going to bother writing all these at first but this game is good that I had to at least support it like this. I dont care much about sexual content if a games story is good but this game is full of sexual content too which is great. Only bad part is that it lacks some animations but its still awesome.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    great game. wish there was more animated scenes. hope to see more variations in the repeatable scenes. i rarely like male protagonist games but the story is very engaging and the interactions with the women are really hot. need more pepper.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I came for sex scenes stayed for the story and sex scenes.

    Really cool porn game not neglecting visual aspects, story or sex scenes. And setting is really original compared to many in this site being basically copy paste "hot women in the house" cliche.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    + Impressive 3D renders
    + Plot is interesting
    + You won't end up stuck at any point
    + The diegesis stays coherent while serving the player what he looks for : quality faps.

    Perfect score for me. 5/7. Almost as good as the Dark Night.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    never bother giving rating but love this one that much to give one lel.

    beautiful girls with good story flow to back with it. Also just enough rough scenes here and there to keep some of the special fans entertained. One of the best ive played so far and ive played a lot
  14. 4.00 star(s)

    Natzi boiz

    +Interesting characters
    +Straight to the point and occasionally good porn scenarios
    +Decent flow of story
    +Some action sequences is exciting and inspirational
    +Crazy as any post-apocalypse title should be

    +Apocalyptic part is often overwhelmed by many slice of lifes quests which are very contradict to each other in tone
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    Bro In The Game

    Great rendering

    Output characters, each with its own calculator

    All relationships lead to different outcomes and your decisions in the game really matter

    The plot is expanding, I see in this story there are at least 3-4 paths

    It's worth looking forward to and I will be your regular supporter on Patreon until this game is completed.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the only great games with great story and scenes on this site. Plus I have a bias for this game because the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. franchise is unmatched in gameplay and atmosphere.
    Pro tip, leave the music on for this game, it adds to the game quite a bit.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Game is easily in my top 20 good story and you can see how Zetan progressed by the later animations in game. Not a big fan of a bald MC but atleast he didnt make the MC ugly or look like hes 12 thats a huge plus for me. Ok Edit a year later this game is now in my top 5 Zetan really is talented. Story is going strong and the fact that Zetan doesnt take a year for every update is a huge plus too.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Version Played: 0.09c
    Time Played: About 5 hours. Reached end content. Did not check different routes.

    Although I'm not normally into post-apocalyptic settings (particularly since we seem to be having a front-row seat to the real thing here...), I had read that this game contained one particular fetish I'm big on (sharing, with an extra-depraved twist) and decided to download it. My initial impression was WOW! In addition to the supremely hot ladies, the setting manages to hold its own against its influences and there has clearly been a lot of effort put into creating the world, factions, history and lore. I finished the near entirety of the content in two evening sessions and if I were to have started this review in the middle of those, this would easily have been a 5, but some P.N.C. made me reevaluate and my conclusion is an enthusiastic 4.

    + Amazingly hot cast of women
    + Detailed and engaging lore and story with easy to follow and track quest structure
    + Good writing with proper grammar (english)
    + Great range of fetishes that are well-integrated into the world setting
    + Ain, holy fuck, Ain. Everything about this character and her place and role in the story.

    = Setting might a be bit grim/overwhelming for some
    = Differing routes and questlines means there is a lot of compelling content that grinds to a halt right when it's getting good as content seem to be developed in parallel rather than questline by questline

    - Near non-con, but as the game intro states, everyone is eventually on-board (frankly, it's well-integrated into the setting as well)
    - Not a lot of content when all is said and done :/

    As you can see from the above, there really isn't much I find fault with here content-wise. Even though the game is, in essence, in the harem genre, the execution is so well-done that it would almost be lessened without it. No, the issue here is the amount of content vs the time spent in development, then extrapolating what that means for the future. Looking at the original posting date, we are coming up on two years worth of development time here and everything can basically be seen in a long afternoon. I understand that, due to the branching quests and storylines, this was going to take a while to create, but given just how grand in scope this feels, I wonder if my junk is even going to still work by the time it's finished, if it's finished. That said, you'd better believe I've happily sent money via

    Ambition in the adult game space is to be celebrated and I understand that I might be coming off as a butt hurt ingrate who wants it all now, but given the massiveness of the undertaking and the fact that content is essentially drip fed, this can't really be recommended without acknowledging that it's going to be quite a while before this game really has a substantial amount of satisfyingly complete content.

    Make no mistake: what's here is incredible and you WILL get off, you're also going to be left begging for more so be ready to lube with tears.

    Note to Devs: Truly stunning work. Thank you for this exceptional project. I hope that you are able to find a good system to get more content out with frequency. Best of luck!
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    i've played a LOT of visual novels to various degrees of quality and i have to honestly say that this is up there with some of my favs.. the setting is great and as someone who loves Ancient Egypt history and geography as well as the culture its great to see this imaginative take on the post apocalyptic mad max meets so many great genre tropes..
    I hope this is a title that continues to grow and push those boundaries others dare not cross it has multi seasonal potential or be it sequels if the climate is ever changed in need of growth.. it would be a shame to lose the egyptian theme but if it means keeping the story fresh id be all for visiting other biomes of the current timelines geography..
    Animations could be better during lewd (but im basing this on early stuff i've encountered so far, The animations used for cutscenes tho are pretty great..
    Characters are well designed and extremely likeable both on a desire level and a personality base too..
    Story - Enjoyable read, Fun moments, Sexy moments, im gonna be hated but for this environment maaaaybe could use bit more NTR as everything seems too in the mc favor despite his harsh environment.. or hell even make it optional like the other sharing options included..
    All in all one of the best Post Apocalypse creative reads and one i'll gladly support
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has a lot of stuff that greatly appeals to me, not in the least the post-apocalyptic setting.
    The story is good fun and very engaging, some decent world-building going on here.
    There is lots of gritty and nasty stuff in here (there is an option to tone it down a little) but at the same time the protagonist is living in some kind of ultimate harem fantasy. A "better to reign in hell than serve in heaven" kinda approach. I love it.
    Some of the LI's are stunning (big fan of the wife and youngest daughter).
    Another very unique part of the the game is the option and hinted option to share some of the LI's. I know this is "not done" for many people, so don't worry, it's completely optional. I'm hoping for lots more content in that aspect because it's a huge turn on and it fits so perfectly well in the story and lore of the game. A stroke of genius if you ask me.
    Greatly anticipating the continuation of this project.