Aug 27, 2021
The game has established two scenarios in the lore for this type of behaviour: honoured guest and might makes right.

In the first, a high-ranking, well respected acquaintance can be afforded certain household pleasures. With might makes right, it is the victor go the spoils. Neither one of these two scenarios is in line with the originally proposed Omar storyline. Essentially, the MC would have to give up his high status if he were to fall to such a basic blackmail plot. If he loses the ability to dictate when and how his villa/harem acts, then he is no longer at the top.
Omar is Rabiah's husband, so if you want the husbands to swap wives then he is rather important in your scenario. I don't think we have been introduced to any other married sisters in game so if that is your kink, you have limited options.
THAT IS WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT FROM A FEW DAYS. Thanks that finally someone understood.
Feb 5, 2021
And for the fiftieth time, you're asking for a payoff or a reward that does not make sense within the framework of the game, barring a change in characterization that is so drastic it fundamentally changes the nature of Omar's character.

Let me break it down for you:
Zaton is openly contemptuous of Omar. He has no respect for him. Omar does not stand up for himself. He is berated by his wife in front of Zaton. Zaton flagrantly violated the code of hospitality by having sex with Nadia with neither the permission of Omar or Rabiah.

You want Zaton to respect Omar enough to share his wife? Omar must do something to not only amend for his cultural faults within Zetan society; he must do something to command Zaton's respect. And as Kellermann said, within the framework of the story, there is almost no path within the cultural tenets of Zetan society that would allow such a change to take place.
Aug 27, 2021
And for the fiftieth time, you're asking for a payoff or a reward that does not make sense within the framework of the game, barring a change in characterization that is so drastic it fundamentally changes the nature of Omar's character.

Let me break it down for you:
Zaton is openly contemptuous of Omar. He has no respect for him. Omar does not stand up for himself. He is berated by his wife in front of Zaton. Zaton flagrantly violated the code of hospitality by having sex with Nadia with neither the permission of Omar or Rabiah.

You want Zaton to respect Omar enough to share his wife? Omar must do something to not only amend for his cultural faults within Zetan society; he must do something to command Zaton's respect. And as Kellermann said, within the framework of the story, there is almost no path within the cultural tenets of Zetan society that would allow such a change to take place.
And I will tell you for the fiftieth time, I don't care about framework and how much you care about it. I care about my kink. You want him quick drastic change of heart? Ok. Throw Omar to some pit where the only option is to either die or survive, he could bring with himself trophy than, pissed off as hell covered in blood. Critical situation like this can change everyone pretty quickly, know from experience. Normally I avoid conflict as much as I can, coz I know what is inside of me, and I was really close to kill someone in a fight, thrice. So yeah, some people have beast inside them that only is waiting to escape. But you will not care, coz you are focused on your vision.


Active Member
Jul 24, 2021
in my eyes a redemption arc only makes sense for one person. The MC. Omar is a side character at best. It just doesn´t make sense to even consider giving him a redemption arc. I´m sad to say, but in this scenario you might want to switch games, since that kink of yours is, sadly for you, never going to happen.
Feb 5, 2021
And I will tell you for the fiftieth time, I don't care about framework and how much you care about it. I care about my kink.
Well that's just fine and dandy, sweetheart; you could have led with that instead of contorting yourself trying to justify it through the story and lore. Which you apparently never even read, judging by previous comments, but hey, more power to you.

But here's the thing. Both you and I have probably played some games, watched shows, that we should have liked. Maybe it was the tags, maybe it was the game description, I don't know. But for one reason or another they fell short. I can't speak for you, but I can speak for me: they fell short because characters were out of character. They did things that didn't make sense. There wasn't any explanation why. Might be worth it for a cheap fap but if I'm going to be coming back to a game, there's got to be some more depth than Random Fuckfest 5000.

But you will not care, coz you are focused on your vision.
Ain't my vision. It's the devs' vision.
Aug 27, 2021
Well that's just fine and dandy, sweetheart; you could have led with that instead of contorting yourself trying to justify it through the story and lore. Which you apparently never even read, judging by previous comments, but hey, more power to you.

But here's the thing. Both you and I have probably played some games, watched shows, that we should have liked. Maybe it was the tags, maybe it was the game description, I don't know. But for one reason or another they fell short. I can't speak for you, but I can speak for me: they fell short because characters were out of character. They did things that didn't make sense. There wasn't any explanation why. Might be worth it for a cheap fap but if I'm going to be coming back to a game, there's got to be some more depth than Random Fuckfest 5000.

Ain't my vision. It's the devs' vision.
I even admitted here that I skipped 99% of reading leaving it for later when game will be bigger or completed.
I mostly am pissed at characters not because they do something out of character, but because they do something stupid, or are arrogant dicks. Mostly I play in avn not for a deep story, I leave that for other games, I play for kinks, for scenes, even sometimes only for models that look good. But ok, I will agree and be honest that having good story helping here a lot, but it's not a total must for me.
That's why I don't force it on dev and will accept their ideas, even if I will not like it.
Aug 27, 2021
in my eyes a redemption arc only makes sense for one person. The MC. Omar is a side character at best. It just doesn´t make sense to even consider giving him a redemption arc. I´m sad to say, but in this scenario you might want to switch games, since that kink of yours is, sadly for you, never going to happen.
Never say never :ROFLMAO: There is still slight hope for that, even if it's below 0 it still is. I will wait and see what happens. Maybe in a mean time I will change, who knows.


Sep 17, 2022
I wonder what Zaton would need from Omar that could be achieved only by whoring the woman of his life. :rolleyes:
yea lol, what can Omar provide, that Merneith can't?
Z takes what he wants and doesn't need Omar's permission. Anything that weak man has can be taken away by force or intimidation.
I think people are wanting to make this game out to be something it is not. The lore, character traits, and power dynamics have been clearly established since the beginning. A wild departure from thaat at this point in the game would be an odd development choice.
who knows? what if it is information that he is reluctant to share for fear of his life. there are other forces out there. Zetan literally whores out his daughter. he uses people for his benefit. if that's what it took, he wouldn't shy away from it.
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Engaged Member
Jan 27, 2019
It's not about him, it's about two sisters sharing their husbands. Fuck, give Zarah 2nd sister with cool husband and it also will be ok. I don't give a shit about Omar, just about thoughts about sisters swapping their husbands, and if Omar is cuckolded, or dead, there will be no swapping. Logical conclusion. In fact, I don't even care too much about MC.
Problem with that idea seems to be that from everything we've seen so far, at least i get the feeling, that Zahra finds Omar absolutely pathetic and only reason she would even entertain the idea would be if MC pushed him to that, which seems unlikely considering how MC also sees Omar as pathetic tosser that is incapable of satisfying a woman. If Zahra's sister is anything to go by, it seems she is the classic example of housewife that doesn't get satisfied, with the husband knowing that she isn't getting satisfied, so instead he pushes for her to become more chaste and thus ignore the lack of satisfaction of her sex life. So storywise there's only really option for MC cucking and tormenting Omar about his incapability of satisfying a woman. At least that's the direction of writing so far.

If sharing content is what you're looking for, then pretty much only logical place where that would be in the writing is with Igor, MC's friend.


Engaged Member
Jan 27, 2019
And you're mistaking optional sharing with cuckholding. I have never seen such a fixation on a side male character in a game with no gay tag. Maybe it is some kind of self insert, I'm not really sure, but it is bizarre that out of all the hot female LIs and interesting supporting characters, this bloke is the one who gets passionate fanboys.
Eh, some people are like that, i've seen it on few different games, best to let them be.


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2022
Anyone wanting that pathetic uber-cuck Omar anywhere near any of the girls, what the actual hell is wrong with you? The only one getting cucked is Omar, he is pathetic and can't even handle his own wife, let alone anyone elses wife. Being a willing cuck is one thing, but Omar is just a loser who is so overprotective of his wife that he doesn't even deserve, and when he gets fully cucked by Zaton it will be glorious, we will need a mug for his tears.

P.S. I don't remember if I already said it ,but Kitty is so beautiful, who woulda guessed we would get such a treasure from a shithole like that place. ;)


Aug 15, 2018
Yikes!!!! Seems poor useless Omar has started a war. Who could have guessed that the limpest dick in game could starts a war, but to each his/her own. I almost feel like calling Helen of Troy now, and see if she can help the flames of fire in here LOL...


Active Member
Mar 29, 2023
I don't remember if I already said it ,but Kitty is so beautiful, who woulda guessed we would get such a treasure from a shithole like that place.
That's very much so and I'd rather discuss this mysterious beauty than pathetic Omar. :cool:
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New Member
Jul 3, 2023
Help I can't progress anymore, I have V0.13C with the walkthrough mod, After Shani came home and after all the discussions about her adventures. I can't progress anymore, tried everything and all actions. I have only 2 choices in the world map the mutants and home. No way to progress the quest, on the clipboard upper left I can see the 2 quest Her majesty and Till death do us apart. But no way to actually progress. Do I restart? uninstall mod and start pre V0.13C?


Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2019
Igor might be worthy enough to receive a BJ from Zarah. But as for Omar, he seriously needs some testosterone booster before he can play in the Big league's. Neither of them are worthy to even get close to Zarah's pussy. Only Zaton can fuck Ain and Zarah.
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