
Active Member
Oct 16, 2021
First Guy :Man you see those degenerates who shamelessly talking about sharing their Wife and Daughter( Of Course Zahra and Ain).

Second Guy : I mean I can understand some horny dudes( whose parents didn't teach them manners) but why is Dev making those scenes.

*While watching Igor's sharing scene*
Both Guys : OH MY GOD So much Cum

I don't know the problem of those who make fuss about sharing scenes. Man it's COMPLETELY AVOIDABLE.
Exactly. Everything is avoidable. It is in our hands. Man this game is really great. One of the very few games actually worth reading the story and not just hold the skip button to get the next lewd scene. Maybe a little to many big tiddie beauties, but i love Ain and Shani. Have fun boys. :)
The animations are spectacular as well. The cut scenes are cinematic, and the sex animations have a natural randomness to it instead of your typical robotic looping that you normally see in AVNs.


Active Member
Oct 16, 2021
I have yet to see a single game (that did not involve the MC courting and finally shtupping his virgin girlfriend without either of them first fucking not a single game yet), that wasn't about or didn't include sharing in some way shape or form....
Because more often than not, the MC is a man-whore who is passed around faster and more often than a AV game on this forum...... Which necessarily means that he's shared by the (wo)men he interacts with, often knowingly so.
Usually these discussions devolve into posturing, dick-waving, ad hominem attacks, grandiose declarations of "facts and truths" that are usually either an opinion or at most a matter of perspective, often not a very broad or coherent one, presented for the sake of winning the debate.
The better option would probably be to recognise that it's almost always a matter of personal preference that we then try to wrap around logic arguments...
Which is unnecessary and flawed from the get go, when at the root of the argument presented is indeed an individual opinion or preference.

The fact that these discussions only seem to flare up when that sharing is in one specific direction seems intellectually dishonest to me.
Nobody complains or debates these things when the MC is having a threesome, cheating or making other women cheat. Or worse, proving he's a sociopath with multiple personality disorder by declaring unending love to a bunch of women whilst sneaking around and failing to mention the other women or the idea of polyamory to anyone (which would be fine if the character at least acknowledged being a player and a lying cheat.. But no, as players we're supposed to suspend disbelief and take him seriously)

Everybody seems to care about defining sharing, ntr, cuck, and then appropriateness of it all only if it happens to them/their character...
Which to me is pretty funny
Are you making the claim that it's intellectually dishonest that it's sharing, ntr, cuckoldry from a male-centric view, while not from a female? Than yes I agree with you, to a certain extent. However, it is a male power fantasy with all the related tropes set in a fairly defined world. Do I think we get hyper focused on the NTR hate train, etc? Yes, I do. However, you have to admit, when these constant discussions keep cropping up they derail and sap any other kind of thoughtful discussion. I keep seeing people's fetish inserted in a framework where it doesn't quite mesh. Call it gatekeeping, whatever, but I just wish we could get back to more game design/narrative, what have you, related discussions that we all could enjoy.


Active Member
Oct 16, 2021
That too, i agree.
That scene when with Zetan and Shani looking out into the desert at night, that was better cinematography than many movies. I would be curious see what kind of team they have. I couldn't find anything in the credits, but if it's a one man show, that is seriously impressive. It's one thing to be good at animation or writing, but both?
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Active Member
Oct 21, 2020
Are you making the claim that it's intellectually dishonest that it's sharing, ntr, cuckoldry from a male-centric view, while not from a female? Than yes I agree with you, to a certain extent. However, it is a male power fantasy with all the related tropes set in a fairly defined world. Do I think we get hyper focused on the NTR hate train, etc? Yes, I do. However, you have to admit, when these constant discussions keep cropping up they derail and sap any other kind of thoughtful discussion. I keep seeing people's fetish inserted in a framework where it doesn't quite mesh. Call it gatekeeping, whatever, but I just wish we could get back to more game design/narrative, what have you, related discussions that we all could enjoy.
My observation is generic and not game specific. I see this happen pretty much everywhere.. Even in games where the tags ntr is actually (and correctly) displayed.

I think it goes both ways and people are too butthurt to just let the subject lie when it's not even part of the conversation. How many games in their infancy have posts like "at least it doesn't have...." Or "but does it have...?" In the angry/worries tones of somebody who sees the mere possibility as a personal insult, or its possible presence as the linchpin of what a game must, or must not happen at all costs...
Stuff like rape/non consent happens in 9 games out of 10 (yes, if you got your mommy drunk so you could grope her in her sleep it's still rape). Beastiality ? Hardly anyone bats an eye and most people at most say they're not interested and move on.
Alien tentacle porn? Vanilla!
Morally objectionable behaviour and straight up criminal behaviour? Sure..
None of those subjects ever devolve into such acrimonious name-calling and vitriol...
But this one does, and I genuinely don't get it.

I'm not into it either (at least not on the receiving end).. but I can't help forming an opinion about people on either side of the fence who feel the need to launch crusades and often make some dumb or cringe-worthy arguments.. I wish it would stop.
I mean... It will probably happen again the next time we put something "objectionable" in, and it sure livens the thread up, but.. Meh... boring!
As you said, there should be more interesting points to debate..
Luckily, that too happens, occasionally.. More often in this threads than I see elsewhere, which warms the cold shriveled peanut that passes for my heart.
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Active Member
Oct 21, 2020
That scene when with Zetan and Shani looking out into the desert at night, that was better cinematography than many movies. I would be curious see what kind of team they have. I couldn't find anything in the credits, but if it's a one man show, that is seriously impressive. It's one thing to be good and animation or writing, but both?
ZetanDS is the main creator of the game.. The scene you refer to was in the game before I joined the project.. One of the reasons that made me reach out to him, actually.
He's pretty good with understanding story and injecting philosophical themes in it (even if sometimes we but heads about both).. And the graphics speak for themselves, he improves with every release.
I mostly polish the writing/dialogues, and Paz does a lot of work on the code and some Photoshop.
My main focus is world building and trying to have the character speak in individual voices. The library is my personal playpen.
Z more often than not makes the scenes and then we debate them halfway through, or even at the end when we fine-tune the dialogues. Occasionally we debate them in advance. We get a fair bit of help from patrons who enjoy troubleshooting and proofreading.

ZetanDS could probably make the game all by himself, if he took enough time with every release
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Active Member
Oct 16, 2021
My observation is generic and not game specific. I see this happen pretty much everywhere.. Even in games where the tags ntr is actually (and correctly) displayed.

I think it goes both ways and people are too butthurt to just let the subject lie when it's not even part of the conversation. How many games in their infancy have posts like "at least it doesn't have...." Or "but does it have...?" I'm the either angry tones of somebody who sees the mere possibility as a personal insult, or its possible presence as the linchpin of what a game must, or must not happen at all costs...
Stuff like rape/non consent happens in 9 games out of 10 (yes, if you got your mommy drunk so you could grope her in her sleep it's rape). beastiality ? Hardly anyone bats an eyelid and most people at most say they're not interested and move on. Alien tentacle porn? Vanilla!
Morally objectionable behaviour and straight up criminal behaviour? Sure..
None of those subjects ever devolve into such acrimonious name-calling and vitriol...
But this one does, and I genuinely don't get it.
I'm not into it either (at least not in the receiving end).. but I can't help forming an opinion about people on either side of the fence who feel the need to launch crusades and often make some dumb or cringe-worthy arguments.. I wish it would stop.
I mean... It will probably happen again the next time we put something "objectionable" in, and it sure livens the thread up, but.. Meh... boring!
As you said, there should be more interesting points to debate..
Luckily, that too happens, occasionally.. More often in this threads than I see elsewhere, which warms the cold shriveled peanut that passes for my heart.
You do kind of have a point NTR does seem to attract more name calling and hostility, and honestly I can't really think of any other fetish that is treated like that. Maybe Loli? Rape? I dunno. I really don't play any games with really weird niche genres, maybe it's different? I just don't like when people ask does it have X? Without checking the tags or "man I wish so and so would fuck" when logically or thematically there isn't a shot in hell.
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TM | Twisted Games

GDI Spec Ops
Dec 30, 2020
My observation is generic and not game specific. I see this happen pretty much everywhere.. Even in games where the tags ntr is actually (and correctly) displayed.

I think it goes both ways and people are too butthurt to just let the subject lie when it's not even part of the conversation. How many games in their infancy have posts like "at least it doesn't have...." Or "but does it have...?" I'm the either angry tones of somebody who sees the mere possibility as a personal insult, or its possible presence as the linchpin of what a game must, or must not happen at all costs...
Stuff like rape/non consent happens in 9 games out of 10 (yes, if you got your mommy drunk so you could grope her in her sleep it's rape). beastiality ? Hardly anyone bats an eyelid and most people at most say they're not interested and move on. Alien tentacle porn? Vanilla!
Morally objectionable behaviour and straight up criminal behaviour? Sure..
None of those subjects ever devolve into such acrimonious name-calling and vitriol...
But this one does, and I genuinely don't get it.
I'm not into it either (at least not in the receiving end).. but I can't help forming an opinion about people on either side of the fence who feel the need to launch crusades and often make some dumb or cringe-worthy arguments.. I wish it would stop.
I mean... It will probably happen again the next time we put something "objectionable" in, and it sure livens the thread up, but.. Meh... boring!
As you said, there should be more interesting points to debate..
Luckily, that too happens, occasionally.. More often in this threads than I see elsewhere, which warms the cold shriveled peanut that passes for my heart.
You are absolutely correct...although I'm not sure it equally goes both ways. As you note later, there don't seem to be many brigades launched to object to rape, or incest, or's really just one or two things...I'm beyond sick of it...especially when it comes to having to clean 0.1s of it. At least I know Zetan won't be influenced by the vagaries of message boards.


Active Member
Oct 16, 2021
ZetanDS is the main creator of the game.. The scene you refer to was in the game before I joined the project.. One of the reasons that made me reach out to him, actually.
He's pretty good with understanding story and injecting philosophical themes in it (even if sometimes we but heads about both).. And the graphics speak for themselves, he improves with every release.
I mostly polish the writing/dialogues, and Paz does a lot of work on the code and some Photoshop.
My main focus is world building and trying to have the character speak in individual voices. The library is my personal playpen.
Z more often than not makes the scenes and then we debate them halfway through, or even at the end when we fine-tune the dialogues. Occasionally we debate them in advance. We get a fair bit of help from patrons who enjoy troubleshooting and proofreading.

ZetanDS could probably make the game all by himself, if he took enough time with every release
I mean one could argue for full control of one's work, but it must be nice to bounce ideas off one another and to share the workload. Fans certainly appreciate the faster turn around. Anyways, you guys are making an excellent game.
Sorry, if I come across combative, I obviously am invested in the story. I don't think my biases are driving my argument, but maybe others might argue differently. I would like to think if were something else I would make the same line of reasoning.
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Conversation Conqueror
Sep 7, 2022
Stuff like rape/non consent happens in 9 games out of 10 (yes, if you got your mommy drunk so you could grope her in her sleep it's still rape). Beastiality ? Hardly anyone bats an eye and most people at most say they're not interested and move on.
Alien tentacle porn? Vanilla!
Morally objectionable behaviour and straight up criminal behaviour? Sure..
None of those subjects ever devolve into such acrimonious name-calling and vitriol...
But this one does, and I genuinely don't get it.
Sure you do. Purely as a thought exercise, imagine the core demographic of many of these games.

Now, of that hypothetical group, further imagine what proportion have had sexual experiences which were undesired by them. Or picture how many have suffered significantly as a result of criminal behavior.

Ok, now imagine what proportion have had experiences feeling routinely picked over by women and not being in the winner's circle.

If only one of the aforementioned is relatable to this hypothetical group, it's not surprising which of the slights when portrayed (or even alluded to) in fiction elicit the strongest reaction.


Active Member
Oct 16, 2021
Sure you do. Purely as a thought exercise, imagine the core demographic of many of these games.

Now, of that hypothetical group, further imagine what proportion have had sexual experiences which were undesired by them. Or picture how many have suffered significantly as a result of criminal behavior.

Ok, now imagine what proportion have had experiences feeling routinely picked over by women and not being in the winner's circle.

If only one of the aforementioned is relatable to this hypothetical group, it's not surprising which of the slights when portrayed (or even alluded to) in fiction elicit the strongest reaction.
Are you sure there is a correlation? Honestly not trying to be a contrarian, but what about people who seek catharsis in a work of art that have had those experiences? I think people are too different in how they interact and even process their experiences to make a generalization like that, but maybe I am wrong.

Edit: Found this video

Feel free to delete if you think it is veering off topic, but I found it interesting.
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Conversation Conqueror
Sep 7, 2022
Are you sure there is a correlation? Honestly not trying to be a contrarian, but what about people who seek catharsis in a work of art that have had those experiences? I think people are too different in how they interact and even process their experiences to make a generalization like that, but maybe I am wrong.

Edit: Found this video

Feel free to delete if you think it is veering off topic, but I found it interesting.
I'm not sure of anything here :)

Those people seeking cartharsis would fit in perfectly with my hypothesis though - you just described the very strong feelings of both the pro and anti-ntr crowd; two reactions/outcomes to the same (presumably) symptom.

I'd venture the minority here isn't those that feel strongly one way or another, rather those agnostic towards it.
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Conversation Conqueror
Sep 5, 2018
I'm not sure of anything here :)

Those people seeking cartharsis would fit in perfectly with my hypothesis though - you just described the very strong feelings of both the pro and anti-ntr crowd; two reactions/outcomes to the same (presumably) symptom.

I'd venture the minority here isn't those that feel strongly one way or another, rather those agnostic towards it.
I'd wager the vast majority of NTR fans just want to fap to depraved porn without self inserting, and it has nothing to do with personal experiences for them.

And similarly, I'd guess that the majority of anti-NTR people didn't go through some traumatic experience regarding dating. A lot of them tend to self insert so it just feels bad, as expected, when MC gets shit on.


New Member
May 8, 2017
Maybe because they had sex before the start of the game?
No they didn't. At the market they meet first time since her childhood. Since she was a little girl with ponytails. And she offers him to get laid first time cause she's curious & old enough wild wretch
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