HOW TO RUN IT ON MAC (for those who may it concern)
1. Make the file an executable by opening the command prompt and executing :
chmod +x "/Users/YOUR_USER_NAME/Downloads/Desert Stalker v0.17.1.1-WLM/"
Make sure you replace YOUR_USER_NAME
2. Right-click -> "Show Package Contents" on your "" file (note it's not the .exe one)
3. Go to "Contents" -> "Resources" -> Create a folder inside named "autorun"
4. Copy the "game", "renpy", "lib", "" and "" files into that autorun folder.
5. Right-click -> "Open" on the "" file (note you probably would need to go to System Settings and click "Open Anyway" because your Mac will complain that the app comes from an untrusted developer)
6. Enjoy