Do you think the extra revenue will actually increase development time or its just another way to milk new subs?
Only time will tell. But I'm feeling optimistic that the extra revenue will be poured more into expediting the development resources needed to get more streamlined updates for DS.
Plus, getting more traction on other mainstream gaming platforms (e.g., like Steam) will help improve marketing visibility to get more interested stirred up for the project and potentially new subs to help spread the word from a PR perspective.
Zetan (so far) doesn't seem like the type to just milk new subs and then abandon the project without any conclusive reasons as to why they ghosted their fanbase as I've seen happen with other devs and their projects.
But like I said, it is only something that will be revealed over time to see how well Steam sales do and just how much of that growth can be reflected over the course of Desert Stalker's development lifecycle