The Master bedroom "Invite Igor and his girlfriend" event...
It happens long after Kateryna has joined the home. But MC says he is hesitant to presume on her intentions... after player has already been with her in the epic sex event... so... maybe need to set that up in a different order or revise the lines if Kateryna is already living with MC?
MC wife even says this line... even though she's a member of the household already:
... the clincher is MC talking about Kateryna:
It happens long after Kateryna has joined the home. But MC says he is hesitant to presume on her intentions... after player has already been with her in the epic sex event... so... maybe need to set that up in a different order or revise the lines if Kateryna is already living with MC?
MC wife even says this line... even though she's a member of the household already:

... the clincher is MC talking about Kateryna: