Which scenes are rewritten ? have only played the story for the first time 2 days ago.
Not like I kept a list but generally you can tell because of plot inconsistencies and the newer lighting.
Though to give 2 examples that immediately come to mind,there are "Welcome home" and Kyra´s rescue.
In the former originally Ain opened the Gate,leading to Zaton´s warranted outburst and her getting the task of carrying Yuna into the dungeon(where she subsequently screws up by placing the collar key right next to the cage,leading to Yuna´s escape,which is still referenced in her Diary despite the scene now missing).
The original immediately helped in establishing Ain´s naive and irresponsible character while also giving more credence to the later following punishment scene(instead of it just being the Market kidnapping which you would think if anything traumatized Ain and warranted more of a hug than being put in chains).
Also because Zahra now welcomes Zaton at the gate,the following dialogue in the Master Bedroom doesnt flow anymore as it was written with the intention of her greeting Zaton there first.
As for the Kyra scene,the original hit a nice balance of humanizing and monsterizing the decayed,showing both their horrorfying side(the player gets a glimps at a Butcher getting to work)while showing off a certain level of humanity(one of the surviving decayed going mad at the death of his wife,only staring at her skull)and even a certain level of civility(the boss behaved much more like a military leader who you could threaten into withdrawing instead of the only option being his death).
There is more like Fairy´s slaver dialogue being cut down(though the original was kinda odd)or Zaton saving a slave girl instead of Slink and some accompanying information about Stalkers in Yuna´s midnight meeting.
Probably better to just grab 0.16 and having a look for yourself.
Now that I think about it,where did the Zahra massaging Ain-repeatable event go?