Dang, I'm replaying because of the broken saves for v.17, and I'm surprised how different the remade scenes are.
it's one thing to just improve render quality/lighting/angles, etc, but for example, saving the slave from the "bad owner" has completely changed to where you have to go out of your way to white knight to save a thief who attacked/mutilated random people as opposed to previously where an owner was clearly in the wrong and abusing his slave. It was also a nice world-building moment because it showed that slaves aren't meant to be treated like trash in Zetan society, and that Stalkers could operate by some code of ethics.
A change like that completely changes the characterization of the MC and possibly their relationship to the elf girl, I'm suprised. Am I alone in disliking the new version of the scene? It felt out of character to go out of my way to save her this time. Or am I jumping the gun and the change pays off in a better way later?
Similarly, in the older versions, you weren't forced to murder the decayed to save the raider and be guilt tripped (honestly that felt like it was meant to be funny with how OTT it was), is there a conscious effort to make the MC more of an asshole?
It also seems like the remade scenes have removed a lot of "flavor choices", for example, you don't get to explain to Shani why you want to save the Raider girl anymore, when you rape her you don't get a choice to praise or degrade her, afterwards there's no choice to explain to her why you saved her.