if the metric by which you judge a game is the quantity of tissues you get to use at every release, then yes, this episode is light on wanking fodder.
We believe that a story is only as good as its characters, and those characters need to grow, develop and have meaningful interactions beyond only the sexual ones.
There's also such a thing as setting up future content. if a scene counts for you only if it is a sex scene..then I suggest you find yourself a different game.
That said, we do not tell lies, so please stop factually miss-representing the game just because you didn't get to wank on it as much as you hoped to.
Factually speaking, this is the biggest update yet by sheer nr. of renders and animations (and yes, I am including scene reworks in this, because they did not drop in as a freebie to the dev...)
Of course, given that the update focusses on character development..it also contains words... if you skim through them, that's on you. as I said, find yourself another game. happy wanking.