next update, should center on herIs the elder daughter back from the zone yet, please? (Wanted that part to be complete before playing again)
Omar shares his wife and step-daughter as per Zeta's "rights and expectations concerning honored guests", or maybe the MC just takes them . I don't know, I'm waiting for the android port.Does this update have any wife sharing scenes ?
all is as it should beOmar deserves some pussy, MC bullying him just for the sake of cucking him
It means that you had Fairy's "broken" points (fairy_b
) at a greater value than her "healing" points (fairy_h
Treat her kindly, and don't treat her like she's a sex toy and you should end up with the "Gratitude" scene because that's the scene you get when she's on the path to healing.
Otherwise, use URM and go fix your pointsOr search for the label
in URM and play the scene directly.
It is. Specifically, the condition isfairy_healed == True
. That happens in the moment when Zaton asks if Fairy is feeling better, and it only happens as long asfairy_b
is not greater thanfairy_h
Fuck it, i'll just start a new game soon and see if i get it this time right away.
Sometimes you can only give a hot bewildering awesome looking crazy babe what she needs.Does anyone know how to unlock this scene for Fairy?
Finally got the alternate Fairy scene. It was really hot and probably the better scene, but it doesn't feel right treating her like that. My canon playthrough will remain healed Fairy.
You saved her you own her. Never give up! Never surrender any hottie to anyone!all is as it should be
I still have no idea whether to leave mantis or take her back. sigh
Then he should look at the mirrorOmar deserves some pussy, MC bullying him just for the sake of cucking him
People already having PTSDs whenever they see Igor lolIs there any scene with Igor in this update?
It's the opposite of Appreciation.for some reason I failed to get the first Rabiah scene, what are the requirements?
It's not that simple, The Hive Queen is only an ally until the corpses stop flowing or her hive grows large enough to outfight and consume everything around it, and Mantis' mind got completely subsumed by her mother. While saving Mantis kills a long term threat, and still gives the option to pop out hive drones with the caveats of not knowing if the original hive queen went crazy due to giving birth to the drones, and knowing Mantis' control of her own would be limited but the mutants are back at square one with needing either decent allies, or a very successful recruiting drive.future queen and ally to your causes,
or let her be a nobody, just another cog in the mutant nutty leader plans.
Rabiah? Zahra's sister? First and second scene go one after the other.for some reason I failed to get the first Rabiah scene, what are the requirements?