VN - Ren'Py - Desire of Fate [Ep.3 v1.5] [KKpotato]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    nice beautiful models and very interesting story. very good reading - had difficulties with leaving this game for some really important things, so that says a lot about this game. i liked mc's character as well and the possibility to make him something you like. relationships with lis are pretty interesting too. hope to see this game through to the logical conclusion. all the best to the dev
  2. 1.00 star(s)

    Revolving Mania

    The writing in this game is so bad. There is a crazy amount of infodumps and everything is told, not shown. Every single character will tell exactly what they're doing and how they're feeling. It feels very half-assed.

    The art is regular, I'd say. Neither great nor terrible. The music repertoire is small and repeats itself throughout the game. But what really bugs me is the way it was presented in the opening post. I don't usually believe devs when they claim MC is a certain thing, but I read some of the other reviews and I thought maybe there was something to it, but I was wrong.

    Some light spoilers from here on.

    I still played it because of the dev's description claiming that the MC is naturally dominant and it's kind of what I'm into, but if you're like me, you shouldn't play this. While there are some dominant scenes, it's more just like role-playing, because unlike what the dev claims, the MC _is not_ naturally dominant. He's actually pussy-whipped by a girl he has no chemistry with and who constantly "punishes" him and leaves him with blueballs.

    He says he will get back at her, but in the end he does just as they want. At the beginning, he tells the story of how his ex often talked about fucking other guys to get him mad and make him be rough in bed, and this repeats with this girl once more.

    It feels more like a story about power-bottoms than a dominant guy. He's always doing exactly what the girls want and they will never compromise. They will go as far as pulling a gun on him, choking him until he passes out and threatening to cut his dick with a knife.

    But then you get "punished" by a maid who you can't even reject and gets mad at you because you... didn't do anything. That's right, in my playthrough, I didn't have sex with anybody in that timeframe and she acts as if you "cheated" on her and MC just takes it like the pussy he is.

    And then, right after saying he will "get back at her" she asks for a favour and baits him with sex and he agrees. She's definitely the one dominating him. Which is all good and fine. People are into that. You just have to market it the correct way.

    He eventually "gets back at her" but he just fucks her, and unlike what she did, he makes her cum. How is that payback? lol. It was honestly so bad, such a huge lack of chemistry and believability that I ended up skipping every single one of her scenes.

    After that, you end up being the bigger man and never call her out on her stupidity, nor does she get any comeuppance. This repeats throughout the entire game. You always have to stand on some imaginary moral high ground, even if you look like an idiot. I felt like I was playing a slightly dumb robot with no feelings.

    This MC is honestly not believable as a human being nor is it enjoyable to play as him.
    Likes: Cars
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    While it has a slightly rough intro the rest of the game makes up for it.
    The Love interests are good looking.
    The main character is a dominating type of person which fits my tastes. if you are someone that doesn't like that treat my review as one star lower.
    While the MC is basically always dominating the harder scenes are avoidable if you don't wish to see them.
    While the characters and sex scenes look good what really drew out my love of the game is the story. It is one of the better ones i have read in AVNs.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    The ultimate male domination and body sculpting experience! This is by far the best portrayal of an alpha male MC in both ordinary and sexual situations I have seen in a AVN. Be prepared for a testosterone pumping ride!

    A unique alternate reality modern storyline where monarchy, polygamy, genetic-engineering, crazy drugs and political conspiracies go hand in hand. It’s no GOT, but kudos to the developer for actually spending much time in building up a believable society. In fact there was a scene where a table summarized the legislative approval processes of the country which I felt was an impressive detail.

    MC will be taking part in a political conspiracy to fight for the throne and centered around this, is a strategy to forge a grand alliance by marrying four wives belonging to four powerful families. At the same time, his enemies from rival factions and enemy countries will be seeking to make short work of him.

    Naturally, why stop at just four wives? MC will be busy poking his nose and cock everywhere to collect concubines and mistresses for his imperial harem along the way…

    Game Mechanics
    Essentially there are three kinds of choices in this game: 1) Those that reject LIs you are not interested in, 2) Those that influence personal attributes or LI love points which will then affect certain options you have in the future and 3) Those that seek your consent for controversial material e.g. scene with another male having sex with others, pegging, male or female dominated relationship etc.

    The main story is linear, so you won’t find multiple story paths, but the myriad of choices that actually have some bearing on minor deviations is a good compromise.

    Background / Character Renders
    The background is quite detailed and varied with good use of dim color, shading and lighting to convey the mood. We get to see anything from slums, cities, labs, novel bars / night clubs to an island filled with glowing mushrooms. It’s a visual spectacle and a departure from the usual stock background CGIs.

    The characters are very varied from skin color, attire to body shapes. A unique aspect is the MC and many LIs are very toned and muscular - one particular LI (Lily) fits the body builder fetish, but even the rest have very well sculpted curves and body line. If you like your girls either the generic Honey Select or Daz3D realism way, then DOF character renders might take some time to get used to.

    Character Development
    MC is IMO the correct alpha male that most AVNs fail to deliver. He is domineering and yet respectful and caring of the ladies he pursues. You won’t get a doormat whom every LI rolls over in DOF, but neither are you going to find a jerk who takes pleasure in humiliating / corrupting girls everywhere.

    There are currently 5 compulsory LIs, 11 optional ones and also numerous supporting characters as of Ep3V1. Those with more screen time currently are Lilith, Mina, Maria, Lily, Leyla and Lisa. Each of them is an independent unique character and not all of them are pushovers.

    For e.g. some like Mina and Leyla are very smart and serve as advisers to the MC in his quest for the throne, Lisa the childhood friend is no vestal virgin and you can even take a femdom path with Maria.

    Sex Scenes
    Very varied, not only in terms of basic things like positions and sex acts, but also the entire experience backed by spicy dialogue, appropriate BGM and erotic mood setting ambience. In summary each scene with a different LI feels fundamentally different and not just a cut & paste job with different models or background as seen in many AVNs.

    Some of the memorable ones include Lisa’s reunion and Lilith’s first time which takes place under the lush moonlight in a romantic setting, Mina’s high adrenaline scenes where she and the MC thrash talk and try to dominate each other and Vellas’s femdom turned mandom surrounded by glowing mushrooms.

    BGM and Sound Effects
    A wide selection of BGMs to suit different scenarios including sex scenes and also a sprinkling of sound effects that augment the story as and when needed. Good stuff.

    DOF offers a heart pumping journey playing as a real elite class character set in a somewhat believable alternate universe. There are enough quality and quantity in LIs available that you are likely to find that fits your preference. The well-animated sex scenes are memorable and whether you like the art style or not, you can tell much effort has been made to render them.

    The only drawback is the updates are kind of slow and given the current pace, I’m not very sure if the story can be fully expanded with enough time given to build up each individual LI introduced so far.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    The writing is poor. Sure part of that is technical - plenty of incorrect grammar and awkward wording - but it's mostly the fundamentals. The story and characters are all kind of generic and uninteresting. It's all infodumps and no tension. The LIs are all pretty one-dimensional, either immediately or very quickly worshipping the MC for no apparent reason. The MC himself is basically a Gary Stu. Your in-game choices do nothing except bump your stats or unlock scenes.

    The LIs have at least a little variation in appearance, and the heavy usage of abstract black tattoos is kind of interesting. However, overall, they all basically have the same body type and similar looking faces. It's a common issue with this style of models but I've seen other games do better with them. Otherwise the visuals are almost entirely forgettable.

    There aren't really game mechanics outside of choices, which as mentioned previously aren't all the impactful, so... it's kind of a kinetic novel with some annoying extra steps.

    There's a good amount of scenes and they're relatively visually appealing, with a bit of variety, and that's about all this game has going for it.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Firstly, the Dev says English isn't their first language but honestly they are doing a Fantastic job. It's certainly pleasant enough to read with very few mistakes. A nice change and better than most.

    The story is ok, nothing great and nothing terrible. That's ok as well. Sometimes it's ok to be in the middle of the pack.

    Mainly, the 'models' that were used are the exact same ones that are in most other games. Personally I can't stand them and wish the Dev would use some different ones. They are very bland and sterile. It's very annoying. Again, they are just the stock templates (I would guess) that everyone else uses. Even the mc's hair is the

    I certainly wish the Dev the best and think it's something worth reading to kill time. There are few choices and they probably don't shape the story much. I think they are mostly just to boost/cut relationship stats and such.

    Certainly a good enough time killer. I'd keep playing for sure if it weren't for the stock character images.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Review for Ep.3 v1

    In a sea of other visual novels especially, I think first impressions are incredibly important. If I'm not being hooked by your game within the first hour or so, I am just not going to bother pushing through it on the chance it does improve.

    Yeah, the prologue is pretty rough. If this caught me on a bad day I probably would have dropped this sooner, but I gave this about a good hour and a half before I gave up. I don't say this as an insult, but the entire prologue just does have an incredibly amateur feel.

    This does what I consider one of the cardinal sins of AVNs: info dumping. Pretty egregiously as well. I probably don't need to explain to you why this is a bad thing, but it hurts this on many levels. I am not going to remember all this information you're suddenly spewing at me, and to be frank I don't care enough about the game to attempt to either. You have to earn my investment for me to want to know the intricacies of your world and characters.

    This is far from the only problem. There's pacing issues, a general lack of nuance, and maybe what I consider the worst of them; off-screening events I actually want to see. Our estranged mother, who turns out to be an incredibly rich and powerful woman, reunites with us and takes us out of the slums and into her mansion where we meet what's essentially the MC's family. Now instead of taking time to introduce these characters and really build up relationships, lets just info dump more and skip the relevant events that would build character. So much shit just happens off screen for no reason, causing a sort of forced feeling when it comes to all of these new relationships. The game moves way too fast for its own good, and I'm not even going to get into the two time skips (jesus).

    There are still a number of other issues to detail, but to avoid harping on the game a ton I will say I didn't despise what I played. It's one of those games that feels like it truly has some potential with some aspects, but is extremely held back by an overall rough execution. I seen mentions of an eventual rework, and should that happen I'd give this another shake. Until then though, I have no interest in playing further. The prologue did not do its job in getting me invested enough to do so.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I think this is a five-star game and I suggest anyone who is a fan of adult games play it because the author put a ton of work and effort into the story and the scenes themselves. I think they earned a five-star review, but this game is not perfect, I'd probably give it a 4.5 if that were an option.

    I'm not sure why every developer who uses this engine decides the MC must have an ugly face, it boggles my mind that every time I see a game in this style, the MC is ugly and jacked, it definitely weighs the game down.

    Another criticism is that there are way too many girls, even for a harem game. I'm tired of random girls who are just introduced taking scene time away from the established core of girls, but it's a harem game so I get why, but still, this game and its' scenes are amazing, you really should try it!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Awesome game!

    Unique and interesting characters
    Good amount of content for how long it has been in development
    Really hot scenes
    Great humor
    Great dialogues, I love the relationships between the characters

    Mediocre story

    Too many girls! -I say this because with the amount of girls I just don't think it's possible for the dev to create enough content to make them actual characters that we care about (without taking years and years, assuming it doesn't get dropped). This is already apparent with many characters in the game that are so interesting yet have little content. I would suggest not introducing any new romance-able characters.

    Rating: 9/10
    Kudos to the dev, definitely play this game if you haven't and support the project if you can!
  10. 2.00 star(s)

    Giggling Raven

    Damn, I tried, I really did, but the beginning is one of the worst experiences I've ever had when it comes to storytelling. I know the dev warned that he didn't have much experience and that it picks up in quality later but it was really hard to go through chapter 1. I just couldn't keep going and couldn't finish the chapter.

    Even though the worldbuilding at the start is just a dump of information as part of the prologue, it's very common so not all that bad, but the way MC "recalls" about his past and where he stands in his present day could've been presented a lot better instead of him just sitting there and conveniently reminiscing everything about his life up until this point.

    The very beginning where the couple in the stalls offer the girl to give MC a blowjob out of nowhere is extremely poorly written as well as MC just agreeing it to it without any discussion whatsoever or even presenting us with choices to agree/disagree. I guess I'm just really not a fan of this kind of writing. MC and the girl's supposedly boyfriend just casually converse about his past while the girl gobbles his (MC's) dong down.

    Look, the story is what makes me want to keep playing an AVN, especially if it wants to take itself seriously, and at this stage, the beginning of this one is very hard to stomach. I've read comments that say it's pretty good but the start really needs a rework, or at least it does for me. I'm ok with starting slow and increasing the quality later on but this one was just way too hard to get through. I'll keep it bookmarked because I've heard great stuff about this AVN and I'll probably give it a second chance later on because I might just be missing out on something great (that happens later) but as it stands, the starting point is really bad.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Desire of Fate [Ep.2 v2 Final] [KKpotato]

    • One of the great and well developed / structured / narrated stories or game emphasizing incest & polyamorous.
    • Remarkable amount of content, very interesting is certainly amazing.
    • Remarkable logic for the game to link the human characteristics such as Karma, Lust, intelligence, Dominance, Reflex, etc.,
    • Consideration for easy mode / realistic mode
    • Well thought portraying of images as raw for initial and changed/refined as the character is developed.
    • Excellent quality of image renders.
    • Excellent quality of animations.
    • Playability and grammar are all just OK no issue

    • Performance issue especially the animations are very much lagging / hanging.
    • Sound: Almost no sound except background music / shocking scene
    • Lack of significance for sexuality; merely a casual activity.
    • Lack of seductiveness in sexual approach.
    Eagerly waiting for the next update / release
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best AVNs that i have played.

    First of all the sex scenes are fantastic. Also the music adds a lot more depth to the game. The character models, renders and the art style are top notch. The story is good with decent pacing, world building and character development.

    Would recommend it 100%. Will like it especially if you liks avns such as eternum.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Good game in first look.
    But when playing this game some disappointing moments appears.
    Pros -
    Visuals good. Maybe some animated scenes need improvement (shorter and not show so many men's asses). One of the things in game is personages reaction on their faces, really good work.
    Plot is good. Some twists are really predictable, but overall it's good. Storytelling mostly decent. There are a lot of funny jokes and memes which not ruining mood. Personages have very logic background, and personages development seems legit. But sometimes there are feelings that it's too many personages whose not make any difference in the story.
    Music good too and for some scenes fit perfectly.

    Some cons...
    What is this? 3 day story 30 days jump, 3 day story 180 days jump... What kind of storytelling it is..?
    And why Lilith face start looking like a trans face in Episode 1 instead of being cute girl like from the game start (and by the plot she is just a cute girl). Why redesign a good model. And some other models start looking uglier too... why...

    Well I hope some problems going to be fixed in future development. Game looks promising.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This is not a perfect games by no means a lot of other reviews already pointed out the flaws but it certainly checks all the boxs for me IN HS games
    Good renders
    Decent story
    Awesome character models
    Good animations
    Nice variety of kinks
    would recommand it to anyone who looking for a good HS games
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I am enjoying this far more than I should have. Game is well put together, good dialogue, great sex scenes, interesting characters and plot, and of course, exquisite humor.

    Really looking forward to more updates!
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    As interesting a story as you are likely to get in a harem power fantasy. With a stylish presentation, quality animations, and a reasonable diversity in both characters and situation this game has both personality and charisma in spades. This is honestly the first game of this type that I have considered having concurrent play throughs to see different paths.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This VN has some pretty egregious errors: collosal info-dumps; characters being entirely too forthcoming about information and their feelings; random, stale sex scenes with zero build-up; that MC's dumb looking mustache. All-in-all, this is the kind of story you should vehemently hate.

    But don’t.



    Because there's Bad-ass-chicks. Everywhere.

    Turn the corner? Bad-ass-chicks. Turn the other corner? Bad-ass-chicks. Looks towards the ceiling? Bad-ass-chicks.

    They're everywhere, and it's awesome.

    See your sis? She’s fucking the maid. See your other sis? She’s fucking the table. Mannn, these chicks are crazy.

    And I fucking love it.

    Bad-ass-chicks, man. Bad-ass-chicks.

    And the mom? One of the first Bad-ass-chicks ever to grace your sorry-excuse for a screen? She’s the biggest, baddest dommy mommy you’ve ever seen in your life?

    Lonely, sad MCs? She hugs that. Huge criminal enterprises ran by super bad-ass bad people? She runs that. The neck of that one dude who tried to fuck with our MC?

    She snaps that.

    I want nothing more than this guy’s momlandlady to crush me with her thighs, but she’s not even the best part.

    Boobs! There’s boobs everywhere! I love boobs! And these boobs? They’re veiny. Veiny boobs!

    And now you might be thinking "Oh, veiny boobs? Ewww.", but then you, my dear gentleman, would be committing to a grave misunderstanding.

    Consider the following scenario:

    Incredibly hot bad-ass-chick: "What the fuck?! Were you just looking at my tits??"

    You: "No Miss, I was merely making note of how preposterously veiny your chest was."

    Incredibly hot bad-ass-chick: "Oh, that's okay then."

    You: (Works. Every. Time.)


    And so my dear gentleman, don’t make mistakes. Make successes. Read this VN, and read these chicks. Bad-ass-chicks with fat-veiny-dicks!


    I meant tits.

    (Or did I? :).)



    Edit: I kept reading, and I feel like a lot of the bad things get better. So in my completely, totally unbiased opinion, yes, this is a 12/10. You should read it.

    Edit 2: Story might be getting a bit worse, but like, the girls just keep getting hotter, so.... I SWEAR I WAS GOING TO PUT SOMETHING INTELLIGENT HERE! I SWEAR!

    Edit 3: Okay, I get it. I only like it for the renders and copious amounts of sex. BUT IS THAT SO BAD? IS THAT SO BAD?? Huge amount of content btw. Huge! You should read this. Totally.

    But wait, be a super spy, super soldier god who fucks everything that moves with his massive tyranno cock. Do you know how many rich milfs you get to bend to your will? ALL THE RICH MILFS!! Every-single-rich-MILF-you-meet. How cool is that?!

    MILF-Lovers, GET IN HERE!

    Edit 4: Alright so I'm done for real this time. Just read it, please. I've done everything I can to convince you. Just remember:

    Excellence doesn't come from greatness, it comes from fat tits. Fat. Veiny tits.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    I'm pretty conflicted about this game.
    I start by saying that, in my view, it currently does not deserve 5 stars because it has several problems. I think it ranges between 3 and 4 stars, maybe 3 and a half stars would be the right rating.

    What are the problems?

    As others have already pointed out, basically the protagonist is at the mercy of events and will not be able to choose anything. The only choices are related to the possibility of increasing or decreasing certain stats or the interest of the various LI.

    It is clear that this was done to limit the coding work behind a project with ample branching possibilities.

    Another problem is that the game all the time suggests some specific kinks (domination, bdsm etc.) without ever fully embracing them. It is as if the developer wanted to keep the project open to as many people as possible but in doing so he risks displeasing everyone.

    Third problem: the X-scenes are sudden and have no construction behind them.

    Another minor problem: the animations are really limited, adding a couple more to each scene would not be bad.

    It's a real shame because the world building isn't bad, some insights into the story are promising but for now the execution isn't among the best. But I am convinced that this developer is talented and that over time he can hone both his technical and creative skills.
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    Itachi RHB

    This is one of the best game on this site. There are wide varieties of kinks, great cgs, plenty of content so far; and above all, the story is a unique one unlike most other games here. You have to play it to know it. Also if you can support the dev, please do, cause games like this is rare and we should help to keep it going on.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    And once again I found a rare gem among all dem games.
    I think I found this game by a signature banner.. it looked interesting so I checked it out...
    God damn, I fell in love with it. It has been 2 weeks since I finished playing it to the latest update so I forgot a bit already. Life has been busy lately but I alway wanted to give this game the 5* star review it deserved.

    Storytellingwise, renderqualitywise, atmosphere, and hot damn dem GIRLS... they all look sooooo good and they all seem really nice (not so much into dark skinned muscular sister but i knew many dig for those type of girls)
    I like its storytelling. Its a bit cliche that some random dude suddenly got found again and suddenly jumps into mafia war but cliche is nice. It all depends on its storytelling in the end and im quite pleased with it...
    So.. yea.. horny scenes are quite good. Harem makes sense so far. I really love the maid and mcs mom...
    Ah sorry, i got interrupted while writing and now I lost my thoughts..

    Anyways, to make this review short.
    ITS REALLY GOOD, this game easily reaches the upper rankings of my signature games here.
    Amazing and likeable girls, immersing atmosphere, good storytelling, super sexy horny scenes. interesting plot, early sex scenes, hot milfs. Just not enough content hahaha.
