Another game released before it has any content .......I call these not ready for prime time The intro is more like a Kinetic novel
no one likes a click fest though you style is interesting and your CSS work is well done , scroll click , scroll click , over and over again does not make a reader or player happy .......the whole intro could have been done in a scroll or two ...... so do what you can to minimize the monotony ....
Not to time lime .....if you have a hygiene requirement in a game a shower should not take HALF THE DAY away
nor should watching 2 non porn gifs on the computer .... so you need to work on your time management
now to the Character currently ZERO DEPTH ...why should she care about a neighbors emergency when she just met her ?
if she is supposed to be sweet and innocent why is she already peeking into windows ?
and if she is just starting college she shouldn't already look like she is in her mid 30's
Your Main character has to have some Agency , you have to immerse your player in the character , and make them want to care. The more involved you allow the player to be in the life and surroundings of your protagonist the better your game will be
if your plan is a sandbox style game THEM PLEASE fill it with some sand ie substance .