If she has no lack of male attention, she has no reason to be clingy. The two contradicts each other.
They don't actually, and the reason why I said that is bcz this is a porn game first and foremost, not real life, and some things need to happen so the story can progress and the characters grow.
Chloe most likely never even slept with Billy, she only trusts him so much cuz of what
she thinks she knows about him, not how he really is... she doesn't exactly have other men to compare him to either. Plus, the dev can't afford to risk making his supporters and fans even angrier than some of them already are cuz of the kidnapping 'prank' by showing her openly flirting with men other than the MC or vice-versa, or worse, 'socializing' with them under the sheets. IRL, we both know it'd be a completely different story, this isn't IRL tho.
As for her making a mistake, that's all good but that doesn't mean everybody should just automatically nod their head to it.
Nobody did tho. Kayla sounded pretty serious about wanting Chloe to either break up with Billy or at least demand some answers from him as to why any sane person on the planet would come up with such a stupid joke, and the MC instantly accepts to help her 'punish' him if you go to them and don't spend the night at Riley's. The MC's less concerned about it than her cuz he's a man and the MC of the story, nothing
too bad ever happens to MCs... he also has no right to tell Chloe what to do, since he barely knows both sisters, but Kayla was scared shitless, almost left traumatized after that so-called prank those two idiots pulled. It's only natural
for her to be a lil more emotional about it.
I understand why you'd want the MC to have reacted differently to their half-assed explanation for their prank, I also hate the doormat, beta type of MCs, but using your fists to get your point across or to clear up a misunderstanding is and should never be considered an option, for all sorts of obvious reasons, more so since the MC doesn't exactly look like the fighter type of a guy. A diplomatic approach is a better option to solve this problem, IMHO.
We'll just have to wait on the next update, and see if it's good enough for us.
I was on both sides in my 20's, but whenever I saw someone doing something stupid I did tell them as it is, and haven't supported said choices, or participated in supporting it. And that's what I was talking about, having the choice of not doing so, that's what's missing.
Let's be honest for a sec, don't think too many of us were too rational about our actions and the words that came out of our mouths at 18/19yo or in our early 20s
Same here. Did and said my fair share of stupid stuff I'm not exactly proud of
now, but it wasn't as bad as what others did, and I obviously didn't kidnap anyone for the lolz lol. This is why I said that
not a lot of us would
always do or say the right thing giving too many fucks about the consequences of our words and/or actions.
she acknowledges her mistake, of not standing fully behind her sister, but she sticks that he is a good guy regardless, so there's that, basically it means shit.
It actually proves my point tho. She's a naive, young woman in love, who doesn't have enough life and relationship experience and who thinks the guy gives her the comfort of a stable relationship and loves her back just cuz he farts a few compliments her way and treats her nicely for you-know-what reason. Suddenly, all these things makes her think he's her potential future husband, but I'd argue here that this could very well be used as a plot device to
force the MC, in a way, to step in, help her, show her how much of an actual great guy he is, spend some time together getting to know each other better, and ending up together.
I'm completely fine with you still disagreeing with me on this topic, if this isn't the answer you were looking for, but just read the dev's last few replies in the thread and take into account the fact that he's willing to listen to feedback, do better and tweak the few things that don't make sense storywise or paint the characters in a bad light. That's enough to convince me to be optimistic about the game's future.
My point is, you shouldn't give up on the game so soon. I'm pretty sure the next one or two updates will address this issue... there's no need to take it too seriously, just stick around and see if you like the final result.