There are tons of grammatical errors throughout the script. I normally try not to bitch about such trivialities but c'mon - you can't put hundreds or even thousands of hours into a game's code, artwork, and SFX only to send it out into the world with the dialog of a urine-soaked drunkard. Two finer examples are below:
Some people must think the purpose of an apostrophe is to warn the reader that an "S" might be lurking nearby but in reality, this just makes your dialog an unreadable mess. Homophones like there/they're/their are not interchangeable. If you're using a noun to refer to a collective group, it gets capitalized like any other name. The second statement does not have a verb, so it cannot stand on its own as a sentence. "Good favor" and "clean slate" are not new terms or ideas, so there's no point in quoting them.
If fixed, the above might read:
Even during the war, lots of the Greens talked about how the church promised them good favor with the gods - a clean slate for all the evil their family may have done.
As with the rest of the game, the answer is to remove the punctuation and just start over; it's the only way to escape this
Flowers for Algernon horror show. When in fresh hell did past tense start meriting an apostrophe? Sentences that start with Who/What/Where/When/Why are QUESTIONS, so put a fucking question mark at the end of them.
FFS. </rant>