Developers using SEX as a Reward

What are your thoughts ?

  • making sex the "reward"

    Votes: 31 36.5%
  • Sex being used to build from

    Votes: 60 70.6%

  • Total voters


Sep 2, 2017
It's all subjective but for me personally nothing annoys me quite as much as grinding for hours upon hours just to get a kiss on the cheek for a 30 second blowjob scene if you're lucky. If you need a walkthrough just to get the first scene in under 4 hours of playtime your game has got problems. I can understand not wanting your game to be a five min fap and done deal but christ theres so many games who's gameplay consists of being as boring and repetative as possible to the point people don't play and just wait for a mod to skip or someone to rip the lewd pics.

This is bad in games that have been developing for awhile but quite a few 0.1 builds are doing it too, Having you grind for a hour or two then getting a single upskirt at the end and a message to donate on patreon if you want to see more in a few months.

So to sum it up: Too many blueballing simulators and not enough actual smut games. Sex as a final reward can work but not when combined with grinding.


Jul 14, 2017
I agree with this Sex as a final reward can work but not when combined with grinding. Question I ponder is way we can't build on sex making even better. Find out more about your partner sweet spots so no one would ever be better then the MC then NPC would now understand sex could never be the same without MC? Real Lust..


Apr 27, 2017
: Sweetheart, Schumann is the shark. Okay? Schumann is Jaws, you know? You have to tease them. You gotta tease them. You don't put Jaws in the first reel of the movie. It's the contract, sweetheart. The contract of the election, whether they know it or not, is "Vote for me Tuesday, Wednesday I'll produce Schumann." See, that's what they're paying their seven bucks for.

Wag the Dog.


Jul 14, 2017
: Sweetheart, Schumann is the shark. Okay? Schumann is Jaws, you know? You have to tease them. You gotta tease them. You don't put Jaws in the first reel of the movie. It's the contract, sweetheart. The contract of the election, whether they know it or not, is "Vote for me Tuesday, Wednesday I'll produce Schumann." See, that's what they're paying their seven bucks for.

Wag the Dog.

And I would never disagree I just say it can go farther then a reward of vanilla sex.. Most of us do..


Apr 27, 2017
And I would never disagree I just say it can go farther then a reward of vanilla sex.. Most of us do..
Well they always can get married.

Jokes apart, the reason why i`m Tlaero games fan is that sex is part of the game. And sex depends on the characters. Elsa... is an unexperienced, timid person, you have to build a trustworthy relationship to get in her pants. Jessika is a rock singer she`ll give you a bj in the elevator before asking your name. Ok, maybe because she`s drunk, but anyway she`s nothing against one-night stand.

That`s a story with sex in it.
And then there are a lot of "Your a 18 year old boy (but who looks like 15) who still live with her mom and her sister and expect her aunt to visit you next week. What is your name? What is your mom name? What is your dog name? Sorry about my english".


Jun 4, 2017
It was hard to choose because for me, depending on the story or the quests, sex could be used as a reward for example: a cute NPC who begs the protagonist to do something for her and after you've done what she asked , she pays you with her body and maybe her loyalty. Some stories, especially in RPG games, the player with female character have the option of prostituting themselves (see Roundscape Adorevia for example). For me, sex has to be part of the plot of some erotic play, but it can not go beyond the limits, for example, the female character is raped and the player can only watch and there is no option for the character to react and kill the aggressor and without forgetting child pornography (That's right, I mean lolicon and shotacon) that is present in many forums, including in this one and is more linked to the sexual abuse of children and of course games involving children are not in my list of games favorites, even if the defenders try to change my mind. Still talking about it, there is the question of homosexuality, of course, that there are a lot of people, especially heterosexual men, who like to see two beautiful women having sex, or a beautiful shemale sticking hard in the back of a woman or another shemale, but they do not want to see no way a muscular man thrusting hard into the back of another muscular man. Okay. In the case of homosexuality, there is a lot of hypocrisy in this issue that even had people asking to erase the gay category of this forum.

Deleted member 167032

Alternate Existence
Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
I like the build up of DMD and Ashley in Man of the House...

That being said, I believe the trick is to create a game where sex is part of the story, yet your story is so enticing that it keeps the user wanting more. That is my mission with Retrieving the Past....

The story teller ( dev ) needs to use different tit bits ( pun intended ) to entice and provoke the users in wanting a little more each time yet not get bored. I believe for me DMD did this really well. Even without the side attractions such as Jennifer or Georgina..

A game that i'm enjoying a lot lately is LIfe with Mary which can shape up to be very good or go down south quickly.