I dont know why you all say things like "looks promising" and "has potential" as just shitty nice things for the sake of something nice with no value. If we're to be honest here, this doesn't show anything "promising" or having "potential" as much as all the other similar games of this nature and needs a lot of work to even feel promising or having potential at all. It's essentially just as every other side scrolling action game of its kind, only there's one small section with one enemy while you have 1 attack in interaction that has really janky hitboxes with combat that seems stiff. Not even a main menu screen, you're just plopped in.
There really is no point to post "games" that are so early in development like this and if its desired to want anyone to really anticipate what comes next for the game, there has to be something enough to distinguish it from others. Whether it be quality of animations, polish of gameplay, or interesting gameplay or game concepts. It'd be far better for this not to be shown so early or to at least give a proof of concept for however the game is supposed to be envisioned when its done. One possible thought for example, since it's about a dark lord trying to gain revenge, having sort of a "rape or be raped" mechanic would work well for the setting. Something like the enemies rape you and you lose heath/power or what have you, but the opposite is true as well so it can be more interesting and feel like this Dark Lord is gaining power through every enemy he goes through. (although this can be tasking since it might imply that every enemy would need double the animations, but it's possible to simply do certain stronger "worthwhile" enemies instead. Maybe with an indication that they provide added benefits from defeating)
What this does at least have going for it is the fact that it is female on male rape in a side scrolling environment which isn't really done much at all. In addition to the aesthetic so far being fairly nice. But this really should have waited to show more content. Keep working on it for sure since it COMPLETELY isn't the worst i've seen by a long shot (and calling it bad isnt fair either since it's simply highly underdeveloped), but in order to really catch people's attention and be something that people care for, it needs to have something worth gaining their attention If there is something unique and special you feel you wanna do for this game, do try to showcase something of it in the next build. Good luck