So far I've seen the biggest complaint about this game being the Dev (Skooma) isn't focusing on one path towards completion. If this Dev was a writer, I'd say they were committing the greatest sin of storytelling by starting up a new story before finishing the current one. But this isn't a writer telling a story, it's a developer stringing an omnibus of various stories, with a multitude of themes and genres, together as one project.
As a writer, I know how long it can take to complete a single story. It can take a year for a novel, one of quality, to be completed. And that is because I'd like to forget what I wrote and review the work with a clear mind. This allows me to read over scenes without jumping to conclusions and, instead, I see whether or not I have made any mistakes that I would've overlooked as its creator. If Skooma doesn't have an editor or beta-readers, then this is all being done with time.
If Skooma reads this, I have something to say towards you: Ignore the anger of would-be kings and keep weaving the shroud, Penelope.