For starters, I was messing with the wardrobe and then when I went to school I couldn't get in because the clothes weren't right, but at no point I was notified of that, nor I could choose to change before going.
Second, cool UI, the language was NOT that bad, but the navigation sucks big time. Also, having small objectives to guide the player through the first week would be amazing, like showing where to get money, where to get items, where you start the relationship quest line for each character, a small introduction to a routine and then let the player explore around this, and then you can throw the random events around these. And the sheer amount of locations is a bit ridiculous, less is more in these kind of situations. The same is not true for the events, I couldn't find anything before I got bored of trying, I don't want nor need to rush to a orgy with everyone, but I do need something to stimulate myself to keep playing, after all, I opened it because I was in the mood/horny.
I hope you keep it up, management games are fun and yours have the right inspiration.