Unity - Completed - Dick Chasey [Final] [Technical Troupers]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Absolutely terrible, the timing required to win is insane from the get go, and this is a f**king porn game, i'm not trying to do tough challenges with my f**king dick out, way to completely miss your audience. The scenes are not worth it for how much work you have to do in this game, just avoid this one.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    The game is really bad. The jump and slide anmations are hard to gauge so expect to constantly die. If you make it to the sex scene, its like the woman may as well be in T Pose. Very rigid. Instant delete.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    The game could have been funny, the premise is goofy as hell and a parkour game can always be fun. :KEK:
    But damn dude, if there is 1 thing you have to do right when making a parkour game is the movements.... And they are absolutely terrible in this game. :WutFace:
    The character takes way too long to jump, you basically have to press jump 2 secondes before you should, yes the jump animations looks smooths but if you have to sacrifice the gameplay of the whole game in order to make them work, then just do something else, make it faster even if you have to scrape them.

    Also strafing left/right is way too slow and clunky, wich makes it actually impossible to for example: jump over an obstacle right side and go to the left side to jump over another obstable in order to collect more viagra, all of this because of theses stupidly slow animations.