RPGM - Dilmur [v0.19a] [Shaso]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Good game. I am very glad that there is a Russian translation. The game has a very good plot, constantly keeping you intrigued. The characters are interesting, not boring. Overall 5 out of 5. Noemi sunshine
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This is an incredible rpgm game that completely exceeded my expectations. From the moment I started playing, I was captivated by the games immersive world and engaging storyline. The characters are incredibly well developed, with unique personalities. I found myself genuinely invested in their stories and eagerly anticipating each new interaction.

    The game's artwork is also top notch in my opinion.

    It's a game that is slowly becoming one of my favorites and I'll definitely be coming back to check in on its development and I can't wait to see what the dev comes up with next.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    The actual rating would be 4.5, but since it's impossible to set it (or I just didn't get how) I figured out that 5 would be the closest mark to the truth. The review is written under the impressions of 0.17b version.

    The story in Dilmur is based. The script at all doesn't seem that original, but it ain't that trivial at the same time, which is pretty enough to keep you interested in what happens next. Setting à la cyberpunk and the environment at all are pretty canon.
    All characters are well-written, some of them may disgust, some may attract, but almost none of them (from the main characters pool) left me indifferent. The MC has an original nature, it's interesting to watch and participate in her development. The corruption process is going really smooth, which makes you enjoy new scenes to the fullest.
    Art here is interesting. First scenes gave me old, slightly undetailed CowboyBebop's wibes, but the newer CGs are, more detailed they seem. Even though some of them left feeling of incompleteness, after completing most of the event's in the game I can assure you that those won't ruin the moment when it needed. But mostly CGs are cool. Especially loved Calyx's, Arcade questlines and final Midea's missions .
    Sound. Well, I love lo-fi, smooth jazzy samples, so author was hitting me in the right spot by choosing them for the background music.
    Amount of content is really amazing comparing to other unfinished projects on f95. The plot and scenes are working hard to make you feel interested in reading almost every line, so this game is a good candidate to give you ten's of hours of good pastime.

    So, every aspect that was mentioned upper is doing good job, why it's 4.5 then?
    Well, the point is, the content of the latest updates is really raw. Some of the events are closely connected to other arc or questlines. To unlock new content you need to progress on them. But there is no mention or hint to it when you try to advance on these events. So, if you're eager to advance on these events specially, you'll have to spend some time figuring out what to do, or if it's not a bug or smth. The good thing is, developer is pretty fast to assist you here in f95 thread, so whatever happens you'll deal with it, but it will take your time.
    To sum up, the game gave me good vibes and pastime after all hours of gameplay. It even triggered me to write a review. In my honest opinion it's a must play for every respectable f95zoner. Will look closely to what happens next to the project and good luck to the author in brightening Noemi's life with new experiences!
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    Mad Max: Creampie

    I rarely play rpg games because of the complexity of the gameplay (it takes a lot of time to move @@), but this game is an exception because the game's graphics are really great, I said in the rating of 1 game : if you are a talented artist - even if you render on a 1024-768 pixel machine - your game graphics will still look good, If you are a bad artist - even if you render on a 36k resolution machine - your game will still be ugly @@.
    The author of the game is really a great artist.
    The downside of the game is probably that the walkthrough is too sketchy and too lacking @@
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    scarlet rot

    ( Sorry for my English, I don't know it well )

    Damn, this is the first h-game in which I try my best to save the main character from the h-scenes. Wonderful story. I got more emotions than from any AAA game in the last 5 years.
    God bless developers
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    I was inclined to give it 3 stars, not because of the quality but because of some decisions made in the design of the game. Still will try to remember and write down some of them, in case I can back in the future:

    Many moments where there are insane neve ending walls of text. Id ton mind reading, but in the context of porn there should be some sort of balance so one part doesnt drag the other, in this case both world building and porn are important, but in many cases I kind of didnt know what was I playing and kept facepalming and sighing.

    Depending on the orther you do the evnts you might find yourself with no worthy events available and just walking around reading walls of text achieving nothing.

    There are many moments where, despite Noemi's desires when interacting with others she is purposedly holding back (for the sake of plot) and this happens Midea and "hosuemate", and in the moment she stops holding back, the other part becomes the part holding back. She can make decisions and act but she choses not too, its pretty obvious.

    The "housemate" route is boring, you have to make 20 handjobs in every palce available to unloock blowjobs, then make blowjobs in every event available and so on, I wanted to shoot myself. I thinl its imporat to manage expectations and try to keep certain unpredictability, otherwise it becomes boring,and for sure repetitive.

    In the arcade you are required 10Lst to fully unlock all the events, but once you have 10 lst the event is pretty much the same.

    If you do Arcade ouotside events after Calix route, you may find some Cringe cause obviously she should be more open after leading a top exhibitionism blog. Anyway I dont think money is needed after the Vampire cosplay, and the event doeosnt offer anything.

    The Cinema Anal is the same as regular sex, sitting on top with motion blurr, if there is any difference, nobody can tell.

    Even though some scenes are decent, the first 3 times you have sex, the scenes is pretty much a recycled misionary.
    Some times roles in the scenes are way too fixed, there is one giving, and one receiving, and the one receiving, with the exceotion of some text he/she becomes quite passive.. I gues its harder to draw, but still it could be better.

    The fact that exhibitionism goes from plaster to naked to a bigger plaster its kind of annoying. Adding a camgirl subquest doesn't make up for the step back. I will always say that to watch a camgirl, there are VR camgirls using dildos, its kind of poinless to watch them in a game.

    The visual quality goes from above average to very good, but most of the time is just in the average mark, It wuld be awesome to have more of those high detail images that look awesome.

    Im not a fan of motion blurr to make movement, using that ghosting effect and drawing that shaking effect looks way better, doesnt make the image unwatchable and dirty.

    The Calix route its ok-ish, but since im quite picky I don't like having nannies, and Calix is a Nanny, why? Cause we don't see the stranger, they are in msot cases just hands, so he is only there to prevent interesting things from happening. If he weren't there stuff wouold happen, and the player would need to make choices. So him being there is a way to strip any agency from the player and just make him see the slideshow.

    The events with the subscribers are always the same, dont offer any replay value (until they are updated) since the sweater is not removable until the very end.

    Not every "box" in the memory room offers clues.

    In the end the game is still a good game, with 20+ hours of gameplay as for 0.16. Since it has a lot of content, its easy to find decent scenes somewhere. This was a surprise cause im not a fan of 2D, but the art is sollid enough to make me play it.
    Still there is a feeling of dissapointment, I was expecting the 2D to add a little extra thanks to the more creative freedom that 2D brings , but this creative freedom barely shows its potential, it does, but very few times.

    A tiny bit of dissapointment, but still one of the top Female protagonist RPGMs.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this game so much. The corruption process is well done, the art is amazing, the story and the characters are solid. The only downside is that the game is a bit too grindy at times in my opinion.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I really like this game. I also like the art. I don't how its achieved, maybe a muted color palette, but this game has a nice feel. Also female protag getting corrupted is a fave genre of mine. I'm a bit curious if she will need prosthetics at some time and how that might impact her life.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game.

    I love slow paced corruption games and this one is perfect for me.
    Good story and characters, great art and no grinding.

    Also the side quests are very well designed each one has its theme.
    The main plot is slutification of the main character.
    Father route is incest, Calix exhibicionist, Midea lesbian, etc
    So you have a little of everthing and if you don`t like something, just ignore it.

    Keep the good work
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    I find to enjoy games from Russian devs more and more.

    This one is also amazing.
    It has a valid good story, i think you'd be satisfied with it.
    Animations are very well made.

    It can get buggy sometimes but mostly its fine.
    I recommend this game, try it.
    Likes: Shaso
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I must say that I wasn't imminently interested in this game based on the screenshots and description. But this is one of those games that I started playing at around 8 pm and was playing all the way to the next morning. So needless to say I am sure glad I ended up playing it. The character art is great and the progression of the corruption is paced well in my opinion.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I'll give this game 9/10

    The plot, game characters, art, and everything are solid and entertaining.

    The only problem I have with the game is, it is in RPGM. because of that, you have to spend hours upon hours getting to the CGs.

    But in general kudos to the devs and artists of this game. they did a pretty good job.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    First of all, I want to thank the dev for his/her work. From my personal point of view I like this games story setting and characters as well, specially the incest patch, that part is gold, is what I think.
    now let me put my star status on how much I like this game...

    Story Plot: 9.5✯ out of 10✯

    Character Design/Art Work: 7✯ out of 10✯

    Game Play: 10 ✯ out of 10✯

    Side Story Collection: 7✯ out of 10✯

    Game Features: 9.7✯ out of 10✯

    H-Animations: 7✯ out of 10✯

    Sounds/SFX/Audio: 6✯ out of 10✯

    Performance: 8.5✯ out of 9✯

    Bugs: 9.9 ✯ out of 10✯

    Once again thanks to the dev / workers of this game to give us this wonderful game software.
    Reviewed Game Version.... Dilmur [v0.15a] [Shaso]
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    It must have been summer/fall 2018 when I first became aware of Dilmur.
    At that time, there wasn't much going on in the game and I couldn't do much with the city map and the search for events.

    After a long time I downloaded and played Dilmur (v0.15a) again and I am extremely surprised how good the game has become.
    In my eyes it is one of the pearls on F95.

    For players who want to test it, but just a quick tip.
    Take your time and save regularly.
    It happens very quickly that you follow a series of quests and thus can not finish one or the other side quest. Take your time with the main quest(s) and enjoy the side quests.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Played in version 0.14a
    The game puts in control of Noemi in the city of Dilmur, after having a rage and destroying stuff from the mafia to keep her job in an arcade, givin her a big debt with the mafia, she would have to do a lot of crazy stuff so she can erase that debt from her life.
    Good points:
    History: Without giving much spoilers about the history i can say its such a good one, giving you taints of horror/comedy/lewdness, in the whole history making it such a diverse and attractive history.
    Characters: The game has a lot of different characters every one with his own history, lewd scenes, and interactions with the mc.
    Art: The game has a great art, that not only has its original style, but can switch between the normal life style, the lewd and the horror, making it a freaking good art.
    Scenes: The lewd scenes in the game, appart that have such a good art, they had good animations and good sounds effects.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games without a doubt.

    The development is very well done, great scenes, beautiful art.

    I loved the lesbian parts. And also the incest parts.

    I expect more scenes with Rufina, she is so cute!
  17. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2004997

    I really like the story, it keeps you entertained. The atmoshphere feels unique it gives you the cyberpunk vibes. Noemi is sexy af and I love how erotic she can be. It feels like it dosent use the open wolrld map to the full potentail. The map and background is full with creative art but I think the developer should live some hints in the background that is connected to the main story.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Artwork: 9/10
    Probably the best 2dcg art i've seen on the site, tho it can always get improved.

    Gameplay: 7/10
    Its okay overall, cant expect a lot from a rpgm game but there are few situations where you cant figure what to do next without going to walkthrough a couple of times. (I still dunno what to do with her bed that has event icon on it)

    Protagonist: 8/10
    Noemi is really cute, i love her expressions but she's still not the sexiest girl on the site still, oh well.

    Porn: 10/10
    It has all of my kinks and game never forces you for scenes, at least i didnt notice it. Also the amount of content is so much which is always a good thing.

    Cyberpunk: 10/10
    Not much to say about this one :) personal opinion.

    Story: 8/10
    Not the most mindblowing one but good enough to keep things interesting.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Great Story, good animations, quest and status sections is informative, nice music, sound effects are OK, stable programming

    It took me 10 hours of playing, Overall, I Like it, will continue playing newer versions.
    Keep the good work.
    Likes: Shaso
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    Version 0.12.
    I haven't touched this game for a year or so, and I was very surprised that
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    I won't blame the developer for his(her) decision, as I have no idea what influenced the change of the pace (romance of GULAG, mb?). However, in my opinion, the initial style was much better.
    I didn't finish the 'spoiler' part and beyond, but I'm pretty sure that I won't ever touch this game. Oh, well… the female characters were great…

    P.S. Yes, I'm totally disenchanted…:(