I was inclined to give it 3 stars, not because of the quality but because of some decisions made in the design of the game. Still will try to remember and write down some of them, in case I can back in the future:
Many moments where there are insane neve ending walls of text. Id ton mind reading, but in the context of porn there should be some sort of balance so one part doesnt drag the other, in this case both world building and porn are important, but in many cases I kind of didnt know what was I playing and kept facepalming and sighing.
Depending on the orther you do the evnts you might find yourself with no worthy events available and just walking around reading walls of text achieving nothing.
There are many moments where, despite Noemi's desires when interacting with others she is purposedly holding back (for the sake of plot) and this happens Midea and "hosuemate", and in the moment she stops holding back, the other part becomes the part holding back. She can make decisions and act but she choses not too, its pretty obvious.
The "housemate" route is boring, you have to make 20 handjobs in every palce available to unloock blowjobs, then make blowjobs in every event available and so on, I wanted to shoot myself. I thinl its imporat to manage expectations and try to keep certain unpredictability, otherwise it becomes boring,and for sure repetitive.
In the arcade you are required 10Lst to fully unlock all the events, but once you have 10 lst the event is pretty much the same.
If you do Arcade ouotside events after Calix route, you may find some Cringe cause obviously she should be more open after leading a top exhibitionism blog. Anyway I dont think money is needed after the Vampire cosplay, and the event doeosnt offer anything.
The Cinema Anal is the same as regular sex, sitting on top with motion blurr, if there is any difference, nobody can tell.
Even though some scenes are decent, the first 3 times you have sex, the scenes is pretty much a recycled misionary.
Some times roles in the scenes are way too fixed, there is one giving, and one receiving, and the one receiving, with the exceotion of some text he/she becomes quite passive.. I gues its harder to draw, but still it could be better.
The fact that exhibitionism goes from plaster to naked to a bigger plaster its kind of annoying. Adding a camgirl subquest doesn't make up for the step back. I will always say that to watch a camgirl, there are VR camgirls using dildos, its kind of poinless to watch them in a game.
The visual quality goes from above average to very good, but most of the time is just in the average mark, It wuld be awesome to have more of those high detail images that look awesome.
Im not a fan of motion blurr to make movement, using that ghosting effect and drawing that shaking effect looks way better, doesnt make the image unwatchable and dirty.
The Calix route its ok-ish, but since im quite picky I don't like having nannies, and Calix is a Nanny, why? Cause we don't see the stranger, they are in msot cases just hands, so he is only there to prevent interesting things from happening. If he weren't there stuff wouold happen, and the player would need to make choices. So him being there is a way to strip any agency from the player and just make him see the slideshow.
The events with the subscribers are always the same, dont offer any replay value (until they are updated) since the sweater is not removable until the very end.
Not every "box" in the memory room offers clues.
In the end the game is still a good game, with 20+ hours of gameplay as for 0.16. Since it has a lot of content, its easy to find decent scenes somewhere. This was a surprise cause im not a fan of 2D, but the art is sollid enough to make me play it.
Still there is a feeling of dissapointment, I was expecting the 2D to add a little extra thanks to the more creative freedom that 2D brings , but this creative freedom barely shows its potential, it does, but very few times.
A tiny bit of dissapointment, but still one of the top Female protagonist RPGMs.