
Mar 31, 2017
All that you said will be. And I really happy that people liked the animated scene in a car, it took time, but now I see that was worth. A scene like that will be more.
Hi Shazo, your game rocks ! I just have a probleme with the lust points. Althought I always choose the lewds options, I'm stuck at 18/41 points and couldn't watch this car scene because it needs 20 ! I did everything I could think of, even cheat the saves, but I'm stuck at 18 points.

I used the same savefile since forever so maybe it's broken, but is it any way to tweek the lust points ?

Putting that aside, your game is really something else, story, art, paths, inspiration, gameplay ... you've got everything right !


Mar 31, 2017
Shaso mentioned on discord that Lust Points are Variable 83
Thank you ! But it seems to be the "special" lust points. It seems that lust points are constantly calculated regarding the actions you did. But since a lot of variables are in russian, it's hard to tweek anything !


Engaged Member
Jun 28, 2017
All the routes are pretty high value, couldn't have guessed the game turns out so good from first playing it. Calex is more fun than father since his personality is better. Maybe we later learn the father is immortal and keeps the family going by repeatedly impregnating his daughters. Some father scenes feel redundant, like you prob don't need a cinema anal scene with no additional narrative leading up to it.
The animations were great.
Some band-aid action going on.


Aug 4, 2018
I did notice a rather legit masculine vibe from the father from his conversations about how he got his arm replaced. (not sure if this or previous update since finding out about his prostitute visits was bugged in last update for me).
Kudos for that, it made him feel like a legit personality.
Mar 17, 2019
Bit of help needed and some opinions. Like the game so far, wish the txt boxes were not over some of the action. I found the new update to be a bit weird to me to have several things say something like this outfit is not really in the game yet, or this quest. I would have unfinished quest lines not accessible to us while you work on them. But I understand that you want to show progress being made. That being said I am stuck again as I was last update (no I do not want a save file) at about the point where it should go from BJ's to something more interesting... Loved the number suggestion over the fathers head but that has also stopped. To recap played through to where she is kidnapped (waiting on update) calix is gone, cant romance Raffina, cant get a outfit to learn boxing (would have been nice to have those skills pre kidnap) and cant um finish the love story past a BJ... What am I missing!!! P.S. hate working for the arcade... especially outside, the conversations take to long, just my opinion, so I only do that shit when I am out of cash.


Game Developer
Dec 27, 2017
N3M1S1S , yea, the plugin that flash number of the event not working well, so I remove them and do this balloons from myself. Also right now I recheck conditions for event balloons, there also may some problems. Before the kidnapped event, I should do some moment in the game, without that future storyline will not work. Outfits for box club not completed. For Agapiy, send in PM first missing events in the room of memories. Also, I try to do some moments in this route more understandable for players. Work outside in Aracde will full reworked.
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Mar 17, 2019
just read the hint from shaso > every morning go to main square talk to calix , and night go to bar talk to calix and then repeat > as for the father event : talk to him every day morning and night


Låt den rätta komma in
Jul 2, 2017

Hello everyone! It’s been a while already, and it’s the first post after the update release and I’m sorry for that…
However, there were reasons for it. Now I’m preparing for my university graduation project and those who faced it know that it requires a lot of time and effort. So recently I’ve been preparing for it thoroughly. I have other personal things I need to resolve immediately, but I need time for this. But all this is solvable, and I’m solving it, but I need time. These are the reasons for such a late post and a long postponing of the walkthrough.
I hope you’ve already tried 0.7. I have already read the majority of reviews and comments and everything seems to be OK. Not without bugs, certainly, but no problems with new content. When I have time for it, I work on the fixed version, so it will come out along with 1$ version.
In that version I improved the animation quality, I think you could notice that, especially during the scene in the car. That was all thanks to your support because it allows me to pay for the software I use for it.
The text structure was also adjusted in this version. I refused from the frequent empty lines like – “…” and other symbols like hearts. And overall, in the last two versions, I tried to approach the text writing more wisely. I’m trying to, at least. I’m not a writer but still, I have no opportunity to have someone in that field so the text would improve.
There will be no poll on the next update. The next update theme is Midea.
Also, I would like to remind, why is it happening. For the “Arcade” events and in order to continue the story, we need a basis for perverted Noemi. In the Calix’s route, Noemi stopped being shy and started showing herself (even though she’s still wearing the mask, hehe), but we need to go further! Here’s where we need Midea’s route. After her route is added, the polls for future content will return.
However, just like the previous times, there will be polls on other themes. For example, a couple of poll regarding 0.8, a couple of one on Agapiy’s route reworking. And a couple more of polls I’m thinking about. There will be about 6 of them, so stay tuned and look out for the posts!
I’m going to tell you right away that 1/3 of these polls will be exclusive for 10$+ patrons. Another little improvement in making higher tiers better.
Another thing is that I thought I won’t start a page on trello, since I’m already telling you about the progress in the posts, and doing all this there… It will only increase the amount of work connected with game development. However, if I see enough comments asking for this, I’ll think about it. It depends on you.
The next post theme is pregnancy and bad endings expansion.
That’s it! The next two weeks I’ll be solving my personal stuff, simultaneously thinking over the plan for 0.8 update.
Don’t forget to update your subscription. Thank you all who supports me, it means a lot to me and it helps to develop this project!
4.50 star(s) 71 Votes