May 10, 2017
It's hard to give much feedback with so little to go off of.

I generally prefer more interactivity in sex scenes. Obviously the breeding for the captured goblins in just not implemented yet, but the capture breeding being just a single scene means that once you've seen it once there is no reason to see it again. I don't know how feasible that is in HTML as engine.

I feel like the isekai setup could work if it was tweaked a little. Have the MC start out interacting with a dubious game they downloaded from an email, getting the games initial premise and such exposited there, "You have been selected..." etc. Then when they actually start the game they get sucked into another world.

In an isekai anime the characters are interacting with a visually depicted and clearly "real" place, even if it has some oddities like the MC being able to interact with things using GUI pop ups. I think in based text game you might want to minimize those sorts of elements in the fiction to avoid evoking the sense, as others have interpreted, that this is a video game about playing a video game.


Sep 3, 2019
Mmm...Just "Attack" and "Seduce" seems very little. There should be things like a "Submit" option. Also, how about the player being able to get captured if they lose a certain amount of times?
Jul 20, 2020
Mmm...Just "Attack" and "Seduce" seems very little. There should be things like a "Submit" option. Also, how about the player being able to get captured if they lose a certain amount of times?
Do you mean the extra sex scene? Or something like, after falling into slavery, the player will have to break out, but until then, they will be used as a sex toy? 'Cuz I don't want to add bad ends just from losing.
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Mar 15, 2020
This kind of thinking is what leads devs to using ai art, ugh.
The previous attempts at this kind of game burned through thousands of bucks and who knows how many man-hours. It's kinda important for a small devs to have realistic expectations imo
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Feb 8, 2021
Nice demo. Great game design in the dungeon mechanics with choice if you either release or catch the poor thing.


Mar 1, 2022
It's a start.
I didn't go too far because it's late.
But you can get pregnant with yourself, which give a goblin.


Sep 3, 2019
Well that's interesting. I was thinking on suggesting the chance of the player getting a womb tattoo from the enemy when losing a fight. Giving the chance to any type of player of getting pregnant too


Jan 26, 2020
what people casually forget about the breeding genre of games is that the art isn't what matters, but how in-depth the breeding comes into play. just look at breeders of the nephelym; that game looks like someone took a bunch of assets from the unity asset store and smashed them together, but the systems are surprisingly in-depth and give you a lot of options and content.

the thing about people talking about art in a breeding game is this; art doesn't matter, in fact art could be entirely defunct, and the game would still be good as long as the systems it is built around are deep enough. it could have no art whatsoever and only use text and static stock images, and it would still be a good game as long as the systems are good.

you dont come to stare at some pretty tits, after all. when you play a breeding game to come to breed things. yourself, your monsters, your pets. you come to breed, not to stare at some images telling you about the breeding. of course, images supplement the text in a lot of ways, from descriptions to scene-setting, but the system should come first. art should be something that comes last.
Aug 10, 2018
what people casually forget about the breeding genre of games is that the art isn't what matters, but how in-depth the breeding comes into play. just look at breeders of the nephelym; that game looks like someone took a bunch of assets from the unity asset store and smashed them together, but the systems are surprisingly in-depth and give you a lot of options and content.

the thing about people talking about art in a breeding game is this; art doesn't matter, in fact art could be entirely defunct, and the game would still be good as long as the systems it is built around are deep enough. it could have no art whatsoever and only use text and static stock images, and it would still be a good game as long as the systems are good.

you dont come to stare at some pretty tits, after all. when you play a breeding game to come to breed things. yourself, your monsters, your pets. you come to breed, not to stare at some images telling you about the breeding. of course, images supplement the text in a lot of ways, from descriptions to scene-setting, but the system should come first. art should be something that comes last.
Do you mean that should be a html plane game?
If images matter or not is subjective and it seems that several user think it DOES matter. And don't get me wrong, your opinion or the opinion of any other user that thinks like you has the same value, but I think is disrespectful think your opinion in the only one valid.


Jun 15, 2021
what people casually forget about the breeding genre of games is that the art isn't what matters, but how in-depth the breeding comes into play. just look at breeders of the nephelym; that game looks like someone took a bunch of assets from the unity asset store and smashed them together, but the systems are surprisingly in-depth and give you a lot of options and content.
On the flip side, Breeders of the Nephelym is one of the Very Few games that marriages breeding depth with attractive visuals. The fact that you consider them to just be 'Unity assets smashed together' doesn't mean they're unattractive, just that they don't fit your aesthetic. Art can matter, but having someone who can handle both good art and good programming is rare, so most people who are into breeding are willing to settle for just the mechanics being up to snuff and let their imagination fill in the rest.


Jan 26, 2020
Do you mean that should be a html plane game?
If images matter or not is subjective and it seems that several user think it DOES matter. And don't get me wrong, your opinion or the opinion of any other user that thinks like you has the same value, but I think is disrespectful think your opinion in the only one valid.
never said my opinion was the correct opinion, or the only valid opinion, just that people need to understand that art and visuals don't make a game and they shouldn't get hung up about them.
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Jan 26, 2020
On the flip side, Breeders of the Nephelym is one of the Very Few games that marriages breeding depth with attractive visuals. The fact that you consider them to just be 'Unity assets smashed together' doesn't mean they're unattractive, just that they don't fit your aesthetic. Art can matter, but having someone who can handle both good art and good programming is rare, so most people who are into breeding are willing to settle for just the mechanics being up to snuff and let their imagination fill in the rest.
true, but then again BotN has graphics i'd see on a 2006 game with the optimisation of cyberpunk 2077; meaning it runs like ass on pc systems that it really shouldn't run like ass on. and onto the point of them not fitting my aesthetic...they do, actually, i didn't say they dont' i'm just self-aware enough to recognise how garbage they are in comparison to what someone could else could do.

art can matter, yes, i didn't say it couldn't, but this is a HTML game; art takes a back-burner to the story and systems, and realistically there are great games that have little to no art made almost a decade earlier that still hold up today because they weren't weighed down by graphics. Corruption of Champions is one. the first one, not the second one. Strive for power is a more recent one, but the graphics can literally be ignored and you would still get a complete experience.

the original argument wasn't that art doesn't matter, just that art isn't everything, nor should it be, when one makes a game.


Aug 27, 2020
Do you mean that should be a html plane game?
If images matter or not is subjective and it seems that several user think it DOES matter. And don't get me wrong, your opinion or the opinion of any other user that thinks like you has the same value, but I think is disrespectful think your opinion in the only one valid.
Actually, he has a really good point. There's a billion porn games out there for the standard coomer, but there aren't really any well designed "Breeding" games. Most only half-ass it, then abandon or milk the smooth-brained patreons forever.

A true "breeding" game, is desired for the following reasons:
1. Increasing Population
2. Bringing out Desired Traits Through Focused Breeding
3. Visually Diverse Livestock to work with
4. Making a living off of Breeding through Contracts&Sales
5. Detailed Genetic Lineage
6. Harvesting Material or/& Labor from Livestock
7. The MC studding themselves out, to form Genetic Lineage or to be a Genetic Stabilizing Placeholder for a Collapsing Tree

Instead, what we usually get is slop riddled with fetch quests, cosplay girls or folks in fursuits pretending to be animals, hard limits on Genetic Lineage, or a bare bones economy, that are abandoned within 2 years.
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Aug 27, 2020
On the flip side, Breeders of the Nephelym is one of the Very Few games that marriages breeding depth with attractive visuals. The fact that you consider them to just be 'Unity assets smashed together' doesn't mean they're unattractive, just that they don't fit your aesthetic. Art can matter, but having someone who can handle both good art and good programming is rare, so most people who are into breeding are willing to settle for just the mechanics being up to snuff and let their imagination fill in the rest.
What sucks about BoN is that the Dev activly focuses on ThEIR fetishes, and either neglects or has abandoned anything that doesnt appeal to them, like the Corruption of Champion Dev & his space game.
EX: Dev saying that futa with testicles is fake, logically stupid & hard to implement; yet a bug briefly existed that allowed them to have it without issue, was fixed immediatly.

Also the game is riddled with uncessary fetch quests to stretch time.