this game really is a hit and miss for me. i like the gameplay for whatever masochist reason, i like the overall quality, music, sound effects. the dialgoue is not my personal thing most of the time, her looks would be great being a mix curvy as the vampire version but less veiny (and according to dialogue less "rotting"?) but young and more fimer than her "human" version.
it seems i have to buy and use the items in a specific order?
the fighting "trial" seems quite (maybe a bit too) challenging (items in specific order?)
wasn't this the game where you could encounter other females like from GoW? miss those or is there another game version planned?
some animations are really hot, other too POV /close up and others too dark/cencsored... why does she has nipple piercings? why does she look so wrinkly in her more human form and so veiny in her more vampire form. a bit too much for my taste even tho i like the curves.
gameplay overall okay but partly too easy, partly too hard.
i really don't know. i want to enjoy it but i partly can't.