That's a bit unfair to say. I've addressed this topic on the patreon page today. I personally upload the game myself and I have a rather slow connection. This issue began when the game reached 900mb+. Every time I try to upload it via mega, it reaches about half way, stops then restarts. It never completes. My immediate response was to find another upload route.Update 8.d appears to be out. I'll release the Windows version here(As of now It's the only version available). Mac and the others will come later(Edit:Whether it's from me or someone else. Probably the latter.)
Edit: I can see why I never became a Patreon. They use the most shadiest sites that have fake download buttons with hella popups and a download speed of Mc Donalds Wi-Fi to release Divine Adventure. Why can't these dudes just use Mega or some shit. I read the Patreon comments and I can tell there's a lack of communication if someone goes wrong on the Devs personal shit.
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What was the glitch?got glitched when i got past the new super sayan form anybody got a save? i tried to rush trough it and im to lazy to waste another hour
I got the same one, but its not a glitch. Your suppose to name your new technique, but the yellow line letting you know to type doesnt show up, unless you maximize the window.What was the glitch?
if it's the same as the one I have, then after you get the transformation and fight you can't continue as the option to continue your quest just causes you to talk to everyone's favorite MILF.What was the glitch?
Hmm after which fight?if it's the same as the one I have, then after you get the transformation and fight you can't continue as the option to continue your quest just causes you to talk to everyone's favorite MILF.
So far story wise I have not encountered any is my unofficial android port of Divine Adventure v0.8d.
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from now on my android ports of Ren'Py games have a 2nd, persistent save location like windows. if you uninstall an app, the save files and persistent data remain intact.
therefore the app needs the permission to access the public external storage, because it has to read and write outside its own external storage directories.
you have to grant the permission or the app is shut down.
have fun and please report problems (you can reach meYou must be registered to see the links).
With now that I have clarification on certain issues I can now respond.That's a bit unfair to say. I've addressed this topic on the patreon page today. I personally upload the game myself and I have a rather slow connection. This issue began when the game reached 900mb+. Every time I try to upload it via mega, it reaches about half way, stops then restarts. It never completes. My immediate response was to find another upload route.
Ironically, I found "LetsUpload" from this exact site. To call me shady for choosing that is rather unfair, even further, I sometimes swap the LetsUpload links with the MEGA links you guys have converted and post it on the patreon.
I don't usually comment directly to people here but I really do want people to understand that we are genuine. If there are any other alternatives to LetsUpload, please feel free to share.
I don't know what to think of that.Well....if you choose to die while obtaining your new will encounter a bug. You will be transported to 'training with vados' event and return to present. Insted of a game over.
And you will be stuck with endless training. You can't do any event.I don't know what to think of that.