
The Profound Dorkness
Game Developer
May 31, 2019
Tomboy Supremacy?
What About Muscular Girl Supremacy?
Why not both?

You'll usually find that they're both the same thing most of the time. Nothing wrong with a big ol' musclehead (within reason...) of a woman giving you a hard time, only for her to do a complete 180 and become uncharacteristically girly and skittish during hand holding. I honestly didn't know I was into that until it happened for the first time, like sleeping au naturel.
I also like tomboys that aren't muscular, but muscular tomboys being cute is cute, and any kind of tomboy acting girly/embarrassed is cute. Basically, tomboys are cute.

Hopefully she hasn't changed too much, but I remain generally optimistic and look forward to the reveal. Plural. Reveals. Both seeing her in general, and then seeing her nekkid...

Hmm, thinking about that lovely idea, another thought occurs. It may be in the future, but what is your stance regarding group activities? There seem to be quite a variety of duos among the girls that could be set up for fun times: Ashley and Sarah, Metatron and Sarah, Ashely and Sam, Sam and Celica (that'd be fun), Aspasia and Celica, Metatron and Maya... each has their own unique dynamic that could be in play. Arguably, this could extend to activities even without the MC, though that's a dangerous route. Opinions are split regarding a harem means the harem members can all fool around with each other with the MC being an equal member, or if the harem must be centered on the MC in question and anything not involving him goes right to NTR. I place myself in the former group, not least because it's the only way a healthy polyamorous setup could work as there's only so much attention one person can split and share. But really, I just want to see Sam and Celica sniping at each other during a threesome (especially if they try to one-up each other with each other : V) or Metatron indulging in a petting frenzy with Maya. And Sam with either of the succubi could be amusing, given how the adventure started.

No idea what your plans are, sorry if I've meandered with this train of thought too much. I've just come to really like the cast, which is always a big draw for me so I like musing.
Don't worry, we were working from the same design doc as old Sam, and the end result should still be very recognizable as Sam. Just a bit more dynamic, VASTLY more expression diversity, and of course a fantastic nude version.

I would definitely like to write more threesomes, and some are definitely going to happen if you pursue both (Ashley/Sarah, Sarah/Metatron) or likely eventually (Sarah/Celica). There will likely be others as well over time (Sam/Badon tomboy, Maya/future petite girls).

That said, I only like writing them if they make sense for the character combo, and especially if any kind of relationship is born of them, that requires a lot more careful planning - and writing - on my end. So I doubt there'll be any kind of camp-wide degeneracy, or Metatron randomly banging Aspasia, just some targeted mini-harems/polyamory.

Some people complain about any human in the setting not existing solely to jump on the MC's cock, which I don't really care about, but I also wouldn't expect that much non-MC-related lewd stuff. Metatron/Sarah and Ashley/Sarah seem ripe for it IMO, and there are future bi girls planned, but it's not really something I'd focus on you know? More like, something that might get mentioned when it comes up. IDK.

Sam/Celica has been widely requested but that's one of those I'm iffy on, it's gonna be hard to justify. Never say never I guess tho, depends on how fixing that friendship goes, maybe it'll feel natural when I get there.

On the flip side, the term 'casual sex' implies the existence of ranked, competitive sex, and we know how competitive Sam and Celica can both be...

No worries on any potential meandering, I genuinely enjoy discussing this stuff! Lord knows I have a million things like that I want to get to, just gotta get there.
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Jul 10, 2018
Sam/Celica has been widely requested but that's one of those I'm iffy on, it's gonna be hard to justify. Never say never I guess tho, depends on how fixing that friendship goes, maybe it'll feel natural when I get there.
Yeah, much of that musing was dependent on future character development that might go in a different direction. I could just personally see how it could end up in such an area. Ashley and MC working together to double-team Sam, and then Sam wanting a rematch. Sarah and Metatron would be very co-operative, possibly with Sarah in a leading position as a bit of role reversal for their dynamic, showing an uncertain Metatron how to proceed. Ashley and Sarah seem such a given they honestly didn't cross my mind, Aspesia and Celica would be clinical, almost experimental, testing hypothesis. Sam and Celica would absolutely be a rivalry in action, trying to prove... whatever excuse they've latched on to really, and possibly more focused on each other than the MC. Which could go in a variety of directions, from them going to it directly to the MC chastising them both and putting them in their places. Depends on how things flow if/when that point is ever reached.

That said, I only like writing them if they make sense for the character combo, and especially if any kind of relationship is born of them, that requires a lot more careful planning - and writing - on my end. So I doubt there'll be any kind of camp-wide degeneracy, or Metatron randomly banging Aspasia, just some targeted mini-harems/polyamory.
Yeah, I wasn't wanting to suggest camp-wide orgies per standard. Just the idea that the girls have lives that continue when we don't see them, much like the small vignettes about running into another pair when out adventuring go. It shows that they still exist even when we're not moving with them, and as the various bonds within the party proceed further developments could arise. Or not. As you say, it entirely depends on how the story flows. "Where I want to reach is thattaway, let's see how we get there." Aside from the MC and the two succubi who were somewhat forced into establishing such a relationship and so it's continued since the ice was broken, I'm not sure anyone else is comfortable enough with the change in their lifestyles just yet to be hooking up. That the MC is sleeping with the succubi is a stimulating factor though (pun not intended), pushing both Sam and Celica (more the latter, Sam I think is just moving out of her comfort zone in a more organic way) but once either Sam or Celica make a move directly and the other hears about it, hell will break loose. As for Metatron, I don't think I have a solid idea on how her progression might go, though I'm sure you do. I'd almost think that idea of Sarah coaching is the most realistic way, albeit not as an active participant, but it'd take more development between the two of them for that to feel natural.

The part of my own writing I most enjoy is solving the problems the plot throws at me, I'm an engineer by mentality so it's less art so much as it is wordsmithing, heh. Again, apologies if I overstep. None of this is a suggestion of what you should do, merely speculation about possibilities. A test to see how well I'm understanding your setting, seeing how well my musing fits in and what more understanding I've yet to gain.
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Well-Known Member
May 25, 2018
I think the most exciting for some will be that we finally have a functional damage/heal display! It's a little clunky, and I'd like to improve it further, but at least it's there.

Abilities now also preview their approximate damage, both normal and crit, and update those numbers when targeting different enemies. It takes into account almost everything the actual calculations do.
If abilities are going to show aproximate damage, will the mana cost for abilities shown in their descriptions also change with chosen traits?
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Active Member
Jan 24, 2020
I also like tomboys that aren't muscular, but muscular tomboys being cute is cute, and any kind of tomboy acting girly/embarrassed is cute. Basically, tomboys are cute.
It depends on how muscular we're talking about. I don't mind tomboys who have some visible muscle, but full on bodybuilder types are too much for me.
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The Profound Dorkness
Game Developer
May 31, 2019
Yeah, much of that musing was dependent on future character development that might go in a different direction. I could just personally see how it could end up in such an area. Ashley and MC working together to double-team Sam, and then Sam wanting a rematch. Sarah and Metatron would be very co-operative, possibly with Sarah in a leading position as a bit of role reversal for their dynamic, showing an uncertain Metatron how to proceed. Ashley and Sarah seem such a given they honestly didn't cross my mind, Aspesia and Celica would be clinical, almost experimental, testing hypothesis. Sam and Celica would absolutely be a rivalry in action, trying to prove... whatever excuse they've latched on to really, and possibly more focused on each other than the MC. Which could go in a variety of directions, from them going to it directly to the MC chastising them both and putting them in their places. Depends on how things flow if/when that point is ever reached.

Yeah, I wasn't wanting to suggest camp-wide orgies per standard. Just the idea that the girls have lives that continue when we don't see them, much like the small vignettes about running into another pair when out adventuring go. It shows that they still exist even when we're not moving with them, and as the various bonds within the party proceed further developments could arise. Or not. As you say, it entirely depends on how the story flows. "Where I want to reach is thattaway, let's see how we get there." Aside from the MC and the two succubi who were somewhat forced into establishing such a relationship and so it's continued since the ice was broken, I'm not sure anyone else is comfortable enough with the change in their lifestyles just yet to be hooking up. That the MC is sleeping with the succubi is a stimulating factor though (pun not intended), pushing both Sam and Celica (more the latter, Sam I think is just moving out of her comfort zone in a more organic way) but once either Sam or Celica make a move directly and the other hears about it, hell will break loose. As for Metatron, I don't think I have a solid idea on how her progression might go, though I'm sure you do. I'd almost think that idea of Sarah coaching is the most realistic way, albeit not as an active participant, but it'd take more development between the two of them for that to feel natural.

The part of my own writing I most enjoy is solving the problems the plot throws at me, I'm an engineer by mentality so it's less art so much as it is wordsmithing, heh. Again, apologies if I overstep. None of this is a suggestion of what you should do, merely speculation about possibilities. A test to see how well I'm understanding your setting, seeing how well my musing fits in and what more understanding I've yet to gain.
Haha, some spicy mental images! I can see a lot of those working out in one way or another.

I agree that the idea of separate lives is something I'd like to do more with (in terms of activity, not specifically in terms of romance), I have ideas but there's always so much to do lmao.

Again, no worries! You're not telling me how to make the game, just giving feedback and pondering ideas, which is something I always enjoy seeing. There's a lot of potential with the characters, the question will just be if I can juggle them all with the plot and possibilities ahead of us. But hey, learning experience, gotta start somewhere.

If abilities are going to show aproximate damage, will the mana cost for abilities shown in their descriptions also change with chosen traits?
Yes, the new ability preview screen shows exact mana costs and cooldowns. It's also color-coded, so you can check at a glance which requirements are met/missing.


Jul 10, 2018
There's a lot of potential with the characters, the question will just be if I can juggle them all with the plot and possibilities ahead of us. But hey, learning experience, gotta start somewhere.
Yup, and hey, you're doing great if this is early in your writing regime. And so, after everything I've just been saying about possibilities, I'm going to contradict myself if I may: Always be wary of scope creep. Meandering on your way to a plot point you have in mind is fine, changing plot points if you find them too artificial to reach after the plot has gone in a different direction is fine, but getting so caught up in the smaller details you forget where the plot is supposed to be going is always an issue, as is thinking you can take a "minor" tangent and pull the story back on course afterwards without too much effort. One of the rules of writing - "Kill your Darlings". It doesn't matter how good an idea you can't get to work is.

Also an issue is overusing commas, but I'm still working on that one myself...
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The Profound Dorkness
Game Developer
May 31, 2019
Yup, and hey, you're doing great if this is early in your writing regime. And so, after everything I've just been saying about possibilities, I'm going to contradict myself if I may: Always be wary of scope creep. Meandering on your way to a plot point you have in mind is fine, changing plot points if you find them too artificial to reach after the plot has gone in a different direction is fine, but getting so caught up in the smaller details you forget where the plot is supposed to be going is always an issue, as is thinking you can take a "minor" tangent and pull the story back on course afterwards without too much effort. One of the rules of writing - "Kill your Darlings". It doesn't matter how good an idea you can't get to work is.

Also an issue is overusing commas, but I'm still working on that one myself...
Hah... I went into this with a bit over 50 planned party members. I still have their profiles written up and floating around. Learning how to dial back my wildly optimistic early ideas for stuff I can actually keep up with has been quite the learning experience. Some will still get to show up as minor characters, acquaintances, etc, but a lot I'll just have to toss back in the 'later' bin.

I've seen too many games get caught up in eternal reworks or meander forever, and I don't want to join those ranks. So I'm doing my best to handle it. If I can get the Deepwoods/Hob plot out of the way in the next 1-2 updates (guessing 2), I think I'll be on track to start pushing main plot forward a *lot* harder than I have been, I have the next while decently worked out. And there's still at least one more story party member I can't skip... the game suffers from a severe lack of *ara ara.*
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Jun 12, 2018
Okay while sam and celica affection scenes is nice so far when will best girl Ashley romance come? Also based on those affection scenes I take it 10 affection is the choice if you want to get in a relationship with them.


The Profound Dorkness
Game Developer
May 31, 2019
Okay while sam and celica affection scenes is nice so far when will best girl Ashley romance come? Also based on those affection scenes I take it 10 affection is the choice if you want to get in a relationship with them.
I'm still kinda feeling around on the numbers, and it varies by girl. Celica and Metatron for example are likely to take ~10 affection to get sex with, whereas for the succs, the sex is natural and a meaningful romance is the part they have no experience with.

That said, part of this update is getting more romances going all around; adding the sexy bits for some (ex. metatron) and the less-sexy trust and affection bits with sarah/ashley. I wrote about 1900 words of Sarah today on stream, among other things, and Ashley will be getting her fair share as well!


Active Member
Jan 24, 2020
the game suffers from a severe lack of *ara ara.*
You sir, have just earned my full, undivided attention.
I mean, you sort of had it before for the most part, but there was still the occasional stray thought about pizza or fashionable cargo pants sneaking their way in. Now it's all on you. Just imagine the sheer amount of culture she could bring to the party.


The Profound Dorkness
Game Developer
May 31, 2019
You sir, have just earned my full, undivided attention.
I mean, you sort of had it before for the most part, but there was still the occasional stray thought about pizza or fashionable cargo pants sneaking their way in. Now it's all on you. Just imagine the sheer amount of culture she could bring to the party.

ever since I started the fucking game I've been regretting that I locked Her(tm) behind the mountains; while it makes sense lore wise, I really, really want to get my shit ara ara'd inside out, and a succubus mommy is peak culture as far as I'm concerned.

Now that I'm actually pushing the plot forward, she shouldn't be too far away...


Active Member
Jan 24, 2020

ever since I started the fucking game I've been regretting that I locked Her(tm) behind the mountains; while it makes sense lore wise, I really, really want to get my shit ara ara'd inside out, and a succubus mommy is peak culture as far as I'm concerned.

Now that I'm actually pushing the plot forward, she shouldn't be too far away...
Well, it's not stated anywhere that you should limit yourself to one.* Although... as much as I love me some wholesome ara araffection, I think having more than one team mom per party sort of causes them to cancel each other out, or enter some sort of internal conflict over the MC's affections (physical and/or otherwise) that ends up really making a mess of the entire party dynamic.
I've been abstaining from playing so far (but still keeping an eye on it like a hawk) because I prefer to binge and like games to be a bit on the chonkier side before digging in, but you're really going to put me in a rough spot here after that revelation.

*Disclaimer: Bearing in mind I am but a humble player of games that has no experience whatsoever in making them. Any and all opinions that I might have regarding the content of the game (or it's quantity and/or scope) are likely worth as much as a strip of toilet paper. Caution is advised both before and after reading.
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The Profound Dorkness
Game Developer
May 31, 2019
Well, it's not stated anywhere that you should limit yourself to one.* Although... as much as I love me some wholesome ara araffection, I think having more than one team mom per party sort of causes them to cancel each other out, or enter some sort of internal conflict over the MC's affections (physical and/or otherwise) that ends up really making a mess of the entire party dynamic.
I've been abstaining from playing so far (but still keeping an eye on it like a hawk) because I prefer to binge and like games to be a bit on the chonkier side before digging in, but you're really going to put me in a rough spot here after that revelation.

*Disclaimer: Bearing in mind I am but a humble player of games that has no experience whatsoever in making them. Any and all opinions that I might have regarding the content of the game (or it's quantity and/or scope) are likely worth as much as a strip of toilet paper. Caution is advised both before and after reading.
I agree with you on the first point; multiple can work, but I'd say this game's focus is more on (hopefully) a smaller number of fleshed-out characters, so having more than one dedicated ara-ara mommy runs into diminishing returns.

I completely understand waiting to play, and honestly, I tend to be the same way. The longer you wait, the higher the quality (usually) and the more there is. The game is currently undergoing some major UI upgrades and succ mommy is probably still a few months away, so there's nothing wrong with waiting for those!

As for game development... eh, it really depends. Some 'easy' things end up taking weeks or months, some hard things end up taking a day or two. In general, party members are incredibly time-consuming and require the most TLC from me, so I try to be careful with those. Adding an H scene with some random waifu in town might be a day of work. Pushing Sam or Metatron through maybe 4000 words of romance each took me 2+ weeks, despite me often writing 2-3k words in a day otherwise.

I do try to read and consider all feedback, even some of the ruder comments people leave. While I don't necessarily agree with them all, the game's UI in particular has been massively improved based on player feedback.

It's really hard to gauge how much content there is; the game as a whole is approaching 300,000 words, which in theory could take around 20 hours to complete if you read at an average speed, buuuuut you may not care at all about some of the characters, or visiting every magic training, and in turn, that number doesn't account for grinding various things. I had a pretty rocky first year, but this second year seems to be doing pretty well in content speed, so each 1-1.5 month update brings a fair amount of stuff.
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Jul 17, 2017
Due to unforeseen life circumstances, it took me a while to continue playing the game, but finally reached the proper game(That is having a camp and all XD). And read the Ashley FJ scene, and I can definitely say it is well written! I will say more, it's better written than in some VNs I've seen, since it has proper length, is quite descriptive, and has some nice dialogue and character interaction. My only little gripe is that it would be better if Ashley was barefoot when doing it, but it's just personal preference of mine. And as a side-note really hoping for female Sam to get some foot fetishy scenes sometime, her design is my favourite of all girls, and her personality reminds me of a bit a more muscleheaded version of Mordred from Fate series, who is the girl in my avatar XD.

Anyway though, on more technical topics... as much as I understand the sense of Celica starting with high affection, I think it's a bit awkward that we can just instantly play through all of her Affection scenes there before even going on first adventure, since the scenes kinda imply she had some time to think about previous conversation between scenes... Perhaps there should be a limit of one new affection and trust interaction with each girl per time of day(Though with ability to repeat previously viewed ones infinitely)? It will feel more natural that way... though I guess some people might complain then that it feels like artificially padding the game ^^;
Other than that... perhaps there should be a warning in the game when you are about to go onto Adventure alone without a partner? Since my first adventure attempt ended quickly and abruptly after being destroyed by a bunch of wolves due to going alone XD


The Profound Dorkness
Game Developer
May 31, 2019
Due to unforeseen life circumstances, it took me a while to continue playing the game, but finally reached the proper game(That is having a camp and all XD). And read the Ashley FJ scene, and I can definitely say it is well written! I will say more, it's better written than in some VNs I've seen, since it has proper length, is quite descriptive, and has some nice dialogue and character interaction. My only little gripe is that it would be better if Ashley was barefoot when doing it, but it's just personal preference of mine. And as a side-note really hoping for female Sam to get some foot fetishy scenes sometime, her design is my favourite of all girls, and her personality reminds me of a bit a more muscleheaded version of Mordred from Fate series, who is the girl in my avatar XD.

Anyway though, on more technical topics... as much as I understand the sense of Celica starting with high affection, I think it's a bit awkward that we can just instantly play through all of her Affection scenes there before even going on first adventure, since the scenes kinda imply she had some time to think about previous conversation between scenes... Perhaps there should be a limit of one new affection and trust interaction with each girl per time of day(Though with ability to repeat previously viewed ones infinitely)? It will feel more natural that way... though I guess some people might complain then that it feels like artificially padding the game ^^;
Other than that... perhaps there should be a warning in the game when you are about to go onto Adventure alone without a partner? Since my first adventure attempt ended quickly and abruptly after being destroyed by a bunch of wolves due to going alone XD
Hmm, do the stockings reduce the appeal for you? I appreciate the feedback, I wasn't as confident in writing that scene so getting constructive criticism on it is very helpful.

The trust/affection scene rate is a WIP. Starting with enough affection to skip to the end of her romance is probably a bad move, thought makes sense character-wise... I'll have to think about that more.

Adventure warning is a good point. I should be able to add some kind of warning about that, like a "current partner: X" bit in the adventure tab, and have "None" in red if you have none? Or I could just default it to Sam. idk lmao.


Jul 10, 2018
I'd say one event a day per character would make sense.

As for stockings, I'm a leg guy but not a foot guy. For legs, stockings are a yes. Maybe you could do those stirrup stockings with an open toe and heel as a compromise?
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Jul 17, 2017
Hmm, do the stockings reduce the appeal for you? I appreciate the feedback, I wasn't as confident in writing that scene so getting constructive criticism on it is very helpful.

The trust/affection scene rate is a WIP. Starting with enough affection to skip to the end of her romance is probably a bad move, thought makes sense character-wise... I'll have to think about that more.

Adventure warning is a good point. I should be able to add some kind of warning about that, like a "current partner: X" bit in the adventure tab, and have "None" in red if you have none? Or I could just default it to Sam. idk lmao.
Well it's a matter of taste. I know there's plenty of people who prefer socks or stockings for everything. I'm the type that prefers barefoot for any kind of action(So like FJ or foot licking), though it's not exactly that they reduce appeal completely, since I can appreciate socks or stockings for a kind of "unwrapping a gift" effect which can be quite sexy(Though that's most effective IRL or in animation XD). I know some people who are also into dirty feet... though I'm definitely not a fan, I prefer clean or a bit sweaty(Within reason though... some people go too far with it too XD), but like covered in sand, dirt or anything filthy sounds... unpleasant, especially for an FJ scenario. What I REALLY don't like though would be high heels, especially stiletto style... those are just more scary than sexy to me somehow, luckily most tomboys would be sooner caught dead than wear those, thus it's another proof of tomboy supremacy! XD

And yeah, I understand that Celica has a big crush on us from the start, but it's kind of odd that we can on day 1 pretty much have her come out of her shell, and be ready to sleep with us. I mean I know we are pretty much a harem protagonist, but I don't think even best of them are THAT fast to make childhood friend with hidden feelings become more open about them XD

And I really like the "Current Partner: X" idea, it's a lot less intrusive than giving a warning in case someone feels suicidal or wants to go alone for some other unknown reason(Maybe if we get more EXP from that, so for grind? I didn't actually check since I died on first battle XD).
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The Profound Dorkness
Game Developer
May 31, 2019
I'd say one event a day per character would make sense.

As for stockings, I'm a leg guy but not a foot guy. For legs, stockings are a yes. Maybe you could do those stirrup stockings with an open toe and heel as a compromise?
Honestly, I think it'd probably be easier to just start her off with less affection. I don't mind people back-marathoning scenes, but unless I add a time commitment to EVERY scene (which I can do, just would rather not), I'm not convinced there's a good way to limit that in the current format.

Well it's a matter of taste. I know there's plenty of people who prefer socks or stockings for everything. I'm the type that prefers barefoot for any kind of action(So like FJ or foot licking), though it's not exactly that they reduce appeal completely, since I can appreciate socks or stockings for a kind of "unwrapping a gift" effect which can be quite sexy(Though that's most effective IRL or in animation XD). I know some people who are also into dirty feet... though I'm definitely not a fan, I prefer clean or a bit sweaty(Within reason though... some people go too far with it too XD), but like covered in sand, dirt or anything filthy sounds... unpleasant, especially for an FJ scenario. What I REALLY don't like though would be high heels, especially stiletto style... those are just more scary than sexy to me somehow, luckily most tomboys would be sooner caught dead than wear those, thus it's another proof of tomboy supremacy! XD

And yeah, I understand that Celica has a big crush on us from the start, but it's kind of odd that we can on day 1 pretty much have her come out of her shell, and be ready to sleep with us. I mean I know we are pretty much a harem protagonist, but I don't think even best of them are THAT fast to make childhood friend with hidden feelings become more open about them XD

And I really like the "Current Partner: X" idea, it's a lot less intrusive than giving a warning in case someone feels suicidal or wants to go alone for some other unknown reason(Maybe if we get more EXP from that, so for grind? I didn't actually check since I died on first battle XD).
Good to know! I don't mind also doing barefoot stuff, there can be a mix of both. I think Ina is the only one with high heels in the cast, but I want her to step on me, so... idk LOL.

Yeah, the bonus affection was supposed to be a fun easter egg, but it causes so many issues in its current form... I'll rethink it a bit.

Glad you like the current partner idea! I know some people prefer to solo, but the game isn't balanced for it and you don't get any XP bonus, so that sounds like a decent compromise.


Jul 17, 2017
Good to know! I don't mind also doing barefoot stuff, there can be a mix of both. I think Ina is the only one with high heels in the cast, but I want her to step on me, so... idk LOL.

Yeah, the bonus affection was supposed to be a fun easter egg, but it causes so many issues in its current form... I'll rethink it a bit.

Glad you like the current partner idea! I know some people prefer to solo, but the game isn't balanced for it and you don't get any XP bonus, so that sounds like a decent compromise.
Had to check in the files who was Ina since I didn't get to her yet, but it doesn't seem bad in her case. Luckily those don't look like overly high or spiky(Let's just say I've read a few fetish stories where the heel was used for some very unpleasant sadistic things... and also seen photos of what long-term wearing of overly high heels can do to feet XD), still give us a nice view (unlike for example dominatrix-style leather boots with heels)... and I wouldn't mind her stepping on me either as long as she took those off first! Also I like the clawlike toenails she has(Hopefully she doesn't scratch us with them though), since despite my fear of spiky stilettos, for some reason I find clawy toenails pretty on monster girls. I even had(Or I guess still have...) a dragon girl OC who had those back when I was active on Deviantart(Not as an artist though, just an occassional writer and commissioner. XD).

And well I guess the solution could be to just give less starting affection bonus to Celica too... she still can get like 2 points, just not enough to trigger all her scenes right after getting to the camp.
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4.50 star(s) 41 Votes