I somehow managed to miss this update entirely until now. Glad it didn't escape me for longer. I haven't dived in yet but I figured I'd give my opening impressions on Sam's new look
I like the increase in expressiveness, the overall anatomy looks fine, those trousers must be sprayed on her. I think my critique would be that her face looks a little... wibbly. The bend to the side of her head doesn't look like cheekbones so much as her skull expanding (and Sam certainly isn't a megamind : V), the mouth and nose seem too far offset and that expression where her mouth is open with her fang showing works with the other lines of the face to look really odd to my eyes. Though, it could jsut be on my end, the way I process seeing faces is a bit off.
Otherwise, as I say her body is very nice (and drawn very nicely), and her hair and eyes are great. Looking forward to seeing more of her... by getting to her new event : V
EDIT: So, having seen her closeup where her face is fine (very nice scene btw) I think it's confirmed a suspicion I had: Her face in her sprite is supposed to be angled so that she's looking off to our left and that's how the nose and mouth are aligned, but her eyes and the right line of her jaw (from our perspective) don't quite match up, they're still directed more towards us than they should be. I think we should be seeing less of her right eye and the iris of her left eye should be further left. Or the mouth and nose should be moved more centrally to have more of a face-on perspective.