Divine Dawn 0.21e is out! The product of over two months of work, it offers 4+ hours of content, lewds with CGs, a new combat area, and much more!
- Metatron's existing romance and Celica's new 10-affection romance scene now lead to lewds, each with a bespoke CG with multiple variants! Celica's CG was drawn by Nor, while Metatron's was provided by SunsetSkyline.
- Deliver Ina to the knight camp, meeting several new characters, running into your first main plot decision, and unlocking...
- A new combat area, the Deepwoods Verge. Expect to target down specific enemies, deal with cancerous bullshit, and fight...
- Siofra, an extremely hot spirit mommy drawn by Coubalt, a new character debuting as a boss!
- Two entirely new weapons, the Shortbow and the Greatsword, each with 6-10 abilities. Shortbows excel at ability rotations to keep debuffs and statuses on enemies, and can synergize with magic to become a magic archer, while Greatswords deal ruinous damage and can cripple enemies.
- Most weapons now have various stat bonuses and penalties, including several new magic or hybrid melee/magic weapons.
- Ashley gained 8, 10, and 12 trust scenes, which start her along the path of her own custom martial art and reveal quite a bit about our beloved gremlin! Soon you'll be able to follow her down the same path~
- Maya got adorable new art, courtesy of jfc, with a boatload of new expressions!
- Progress menu heavily revamped, with far more information and less reliance on shitty tooltips, as well as aesthetic improvements.
- Tons of new icons for statuses and stats, especially visible in the progress menu and rightclick stats menu, courtesy of Clockwork Raven!
- A new Charisma stat, which buffs your ally's offensive and defensive abilities. It can benefit multiple allies, which may become relevant soon...
- Deepwoods Verge monsters are a mix of custom stuff from Garrisen or acquired from Aekashics.
- Deepwoods Verge background art courtesy of Chrisowl!
- The main menu now cycles between a couple cool new backgrounds, and some of the commissioned music. Also messed with the layout slightly so it feels a little more... idk, professional.
- A bunch of new music, particularly the Deepwoods and Sam battle/camp themes by the talented @Ubercrow, and a few from various free-use repositories.
- Various fixes to channeled abilities; they now update targets each turn, including newly-summoned enemies or recently-dying foes, rather than needing to be re-toggled. Buff boosts and channel cost upgrades SHOULD be working properly as well, but doublecheck your pre-mastery channels.
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