DLsite suspends payment using Visa and Mastercard

Have you purchased from DLsite before?

  • Yes

    Votes: 293 82.5%
  • No

    Votes: 62 17.5%

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Sep 14, 2021
For now, I think the best is still dlpay, the playasia bitcash option has a pretty significant markup, the only downside is dlpoints has a one year expiration date, so spent everything immediately once points are purchased.

One more thing is that all these circumventions are temporary at best, if VISA and Mastercard are desperate enough that they look at a niche site like DLsite and want to censor it, then no amount of workaround will work forever, these companies really are looking for blood. The only real way of solving this problem is counter-legislation/lobbying since taking down VISA and Mastercard are impossible. Maybe some lobbying groups like Comic Book Legal Defense Fund and Electronic Frontier Foundation, and there likely needs to be an American company that deals with doujin of all genres and also has the balls to fight legally when they inevitably are targeted by VISA and Mastercard.
That's the problem nobody is gonna fight for porn and legally claim they are doing so because its shun upon in society so we just have to hope they dont find this circumvention for now
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Sep 28, 2017
I think onlyfans backlash and backtracking prove that THERE ARE people who fight for porn, real people porn no less.

For doujins people can fight within the basis of freedom of expression in fictional content and the duopoly nature of VISA and Mastercard which may subject them to a legal argument for them to be treated as a public utility.

But this would require an American company in the business of doujin to be coerced, and subsequently fight against such coercion using the above two arguments. Because the Japanese are utterly toothless internationally.

Also for this hypothetical to succeed, AI generative porn in all forms MUST NOT be included because their data origin are too controversial and may dabble into area of actual **

Also this here:
Credit Card Competition Act

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Sep 14, 2021
I think onlyfans backlash and backtracking prove that THERE ARE people who fight for porn, real people porn no less.

For doujins people can fight within the basis of freedom of expression in fictional content and the duopoly nature of VISA and Mastercard which may subject them to a legal argument for them to be treated as a public utility.

But this would require an American company in the business of doujin to be coerced, and subsequently fight against such coercion using the above two arguments. Because the Japanese are utterly toothless internationally.

Also for this hypothetical to succeed, AI generative porn in all forms MUST NOT be included because their data origin are too controversial and may dabble into area of actual **

Also this here:
Credit Card Competition Act

So essentially this means that another service apart from VISA and Mastercard which hold 80% of card transactions in the US citizens and banks. The thing is that VISA and MasterCard have so much lobbying in congress that I highly doubt that act will go anywhere as it’s almost been a year since has been introduced and it has not move an inch in congress. If it did pass then that means we could potentially get another service that may offer service to buy spicy content but that’s probably a pipe dream for now.

hu lover

adult porn gave me purpose to be here.
Jul 27, 2022
i voted the option for No.

i only really buy most of my games through Steam its more preferable for me. dlsite has payment bugs or errors, i never buy games from there nor have an account on their website either. and honestly to you when i make a purchase payment for any game i want to ensure it pays successfully without any errors whatsoever


Apr 14, 2020
What would you recommend one write to their local senator regarding this topic and its importance? Namely overreaching payment processor influence and moral grandstanding? Maybe one could relate it to relevant sociocultural wars?

Tired Noir

Dec 29, 2018
Tried the DLpay method, and then remembered that paypal skedaddled from Brasil long ago, well fuck supporting the small amount of devs i follow, back to pirating their games it is
Screw these credit card companies, screw them all


hu lover

adult porn gave me purpose to be here.
Jul 27, 2022
Tried the DLpay method, and then remembered that paypal skedaddled from Brasil long ago, well fuck supporting the small amount of devs i follow, back to pirating their games it is
Screw these credit card companies, screw them all

View attachment 3513167
you better off using a more secure and more reliable platform, like Steam. dlsite has bugs for payment transactions and is just a cluster fuck confusing mess.

hu lover

adult porn gave me purpose to be here.
Jul 27, 2022
You say that but i've never had a problem buying on DLsite and for a lot of these games, the only place to buy them is DLsite.
depends on what game you buy on dlsite specifically.

don't get me wrong, dlsite is a great place to purchase games


New Member
Jun 21, 2020
well if you really want to you can still buy from dlsite without credit card. Personally I buy dlsite point from Tokyo Otaku Mode now and then I purchase using points.

hu lover

adult porn gave me purpose to be here.
Jul 27, 2022
well if you really want to you can still buy from dlsite without credit card. Personally I buy dlsite point from Tokyo Otaku Mode now and then I purchase using points.
that is a good alternative, if you don't want to make payment for a game with a credit card alternatively you can use dlsite points.


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2018
My only problem with DLsite points is that unlike sites like Amazon or Steam, There is actually an expiration date of one year for those points you bought so you can't just sit on a bunch of points and not use them (I tend to wait for deals before splurging), you HAVE to spend them soon or they will be gone after a year.
this expiration date should tell everyone that this is not the credit card companies attacking them, but instead them trying to exploit their customers harder. it's just another predatory marketing trend like lock-boxes and micro-transactions in general, and the separation from real money is meant to make you lose the sight of how much you're spending.

Tired Noir

Dec 29, 2018
Looked up action class lawsuits done against visa and mastercard, and they got shat on for far less before.
This strongarming into controling what the client should and shouldn't buy, because it hurt the feelings of some overlord in the credit companies, is criminal enough that if the internet ever united for once into fucking them over, we would have a case and changes possibly could be made, even if on a infinitesimal chance.
A shame the last time the internet ever united to fuck rich people where it hurt, was during the gamestop stocks event of 2021.
And the defeatist argument that the community is too niche to do anything completely ignores that dlsite posted themselves that a third of their revenue comes from western waters, so there are enough buyers to make a change when finding out they were denied of their purchase rights.


Feb 7, 2019
I can confirm that points can be purchased yet by Paypal, I bought 3 games today thanks to the points, but it's absurd that Visa tries to tell where or what I can buy, this is getting out of control.
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New Member
Jul 2, 2020
of course i find out about this the day i want to buy something its that or wait 10 million years for it to download from some back water site. i HATE CREDIT CARD companies i swear they want us to live in the world of shimoneta


Sep 14, 2021
Update (Bad News Again): It seems they have banned VISA and Mastercard on DLsites subscription service (CI-EN) so by April 30th all subscriptions won’t work anymore.


May 18, 2023
I know that PornHub has gone through this and seems to be still surviving. I wonder if we might be able to get a group of NSFW game developers together and approach PornHub and see if they might want to branch out into selling NSFW games. They seem to have focused on NSFW content creators now, and that's what we are as NSFW game developers. We still have Steam, and itch.io but it wouldn't be a bad idea to have more options.

Maybe they can fill in for Patreon, and Gumroad as well? Losing Gumroad hurt the NSFW voice-acting market. Losing dlsite is hurting the ability to get the NSFW games from Japan. I really don't know right now, but hopefully there can be something that will fill in the new gaps in the market.
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Jan 14, 2024
do I understand it correctly, that the overlords crack down on nsfw where guys make money from (games, animations, hentai) but continue to support the nsfw where girls make the money (E-whoring)?

if they start banning porn before fixing women they are in for a surprise