Do people like adult games that are really story driven?

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
Well, which one do you prefer: interesting and complex characters or an interactive story? Because you can't have both.
Er... Excuse-me, but why exactly should they be exclusive ?

It obviously need more works from the author, but it's perfectly possible to do both at the same time. And one name immediately come to my mind when saying this: Heavy Five. Deep and complex personality for the characters, massively interactive, and each one of your choice matter in a way or another.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Sep 26, 2019
Er... Excuse-me, but why exactly should they be exclusive ?

It obviously need more works from the author, but it's perfectly possible to do both at the same time. And one name immediately come to my mind when saying this: Heavy Five. Deep and complex personality for the characters, massively interactive, and each one of your choice matter in a way or another.
If each choice matters then any good writer will give you a blank protagonist because they need to account for whatever the user chooses, otherwise in many choices he would be acting out of character. Down each path they can get more detailed with his personality because there are less options, however, when he is first introduced he is a blank slate.

It doesn't have to be like that, you could write a very detailed protagonist with a sharply defined personality, but you'd have a terrible story, as he will often be acting out of character, the mark of a terrible writer.

If the writer is good and chooses this type of protagonist, he would only give you superficial choices that only decide which girl you end up with and whether it is a good or bad ending, but the lion's share of the game would be essentially linear, each path having the same core story but with different dialogue or small events unique to that route but with the key points of the story shared between all of the routes.
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Sep 26, 2019
Have you never played any Bioware game? Witcher 2 and 3? Divinity Original Sin 2? Fallout NV? The Outer Worlds? Persona 5? Sakura Dungeon? Faulty Apprentice? Love Esquire? Corrupted Kingdoms? Harem Hotel?

Plenty of proof it can happen, even with porn.
Let me clarify, I was referring to the protagonist. And thank you for giving me so many examples that prove my point.


New Member
Jul 29, 2017
Personally I think that if you can't be the best at both, then focus on one part. Porn or story.

People that go into H-games already have a general expectation for just going in it for the porn, then proceed to get surprised when the story is actually decent or really good like MGQ, SHRIFT and Black Souls.

Do what you think you can accomplish.
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Dec 14, 2020
I think there's potential success to be had for both views. But once your fanbase is one of those it becomes a bit more difficult to sell them on the other. Not saying it isn't possible but it's an uphill battle.
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anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
If each choice matters then any good writer will give you a blank protagonist because they need to account for whatever the user chooses, otherwise in many choices he would be acting out of character. Down each path they can get more detailed with his personality because there are less options, however, when he is first introduced he is a blank slate.
Every character looks like a blank slate for the player when the game start, because he know nothing about him/her. What doesn't mean that they don't already have an effective personality, that will be shown all along the game. As for the choices, they don't fill the blank, they reveal a part of the personality ; they can also change a part of this personality, because human's personality isn't something frozen, it evolve depending of the circumstances.

It's how a game works, how the personality is handled ; a journey during which you will, more or less slowly, discover the characters you interact with, through the decisions you'll make.

It doesn't have to be like that, you could write a very detailed protagonist with a sharply defined personality, but you'd have a terrible story, as he will often be acting out of character, the mark of a terrible writer.
I'll go further than you. It's not that it doesn't have to be like that, but that it have absolutely no reason to be like that if you're effectively a good writer.

As author, you are the one who present the choices, therefore you already know how to handle them in order for the character to stay true to his/her personality. You haven't just thrown some choices, you have thought about them, weighted the effect that each one will have on what's coming next, and prepared yourself, and your code, to handle them.
There's absolutely no difficulty to handle this, both as writer and as game maker. All you need is to have planed it when you decided to offer this choice to the player.

Therefore, few variables at the right place, few tests at the right moment, and you'll have a scene that will look totally different, depending both of the choice made by the player, and of the personality of the other character(s) involved in the scene.

If the writer is good and chooses this type of protagonist, he would only give you superficial choices that only decide which girl you end up with and whether it is a good or bad ending, but the lion's share of the game would be essentially linear, each path having the same core story but with different dialogue.
You can doubt what I said if you want, I really don't care, but you can't imply that it's impossible to make games that will have both, characters with a strong and deep personality, a good and consistent story, while relying (more or less) intensively on choice, and this without the characters being a single second out place. And there's a really good reason preventing you to make such implication : such games exist.

I gave you an example, few others gave you more. If those games exist, and they exist, then you are wrong, dot.


May 30, 2017
Personally I think that if you can't be the best at both, then focus on one part. Porn or story.

People that go into H-games already have a general expectation for just going in it for the porn, then proceed to get surprised when the story is actually decent or really good like MGQ, SHRIFT and Black Souls.

Do what you think you can accomplish.
I think that many dev already do that. Many games I saw lots of potential, good story and interesting character but it become absolute trash overtime.
The reason? Updates. In these game that people like the story are game that are already finished, where the developer have time to make a good story and character development with reward at the end. Meanwhile, game on patreon require constant updates to show some sort of progress and with that people already expect in every update the game to be give what they want without any story building and with that lots of devs give up the ideas they had in favor of pandering to patreon or people in this forum turning the game from passion project to money making with no soul.
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Asia Argento

The Golden Dragon Princess
Apr 14, 2020
Let me clarify, I was referring to the protagonist. And thank you for giving me so many examples that prove my point.
Which confused me... I looked at your game and it seemed like you were smarter than that... glad to know I just misinterpreted you... but it didnt seem like you felt that way...


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Sep 26, 2019
Which confused me... I looked at your game and it seemed like you were smarter than that... glad to know I just misinterpreted you... but it didnt seem like you felt that way...
I'm having trouble understanding this sentence, are you insulting me or agreeing with me?
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Asia Argento

The Golden Dragon Princess
Apr 14, 2020
I'm having trouble understanding this sentence, are you insulting me or agreeing with me?
Your posts in this thread led me to believe you didnt think story and good characters could meet, hence my confusion. So in a way, I am apologizing for misunderstanding you.
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Well-known Member
Mar 8, 2018
I'm people and yes I do, in fact very few games I play are not story driven. I still haven' a game scene but I do like working towards those scenes through choices and whatnot.
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May 11, 2017
From my side the story has (but not limited to) essential role for:

  • MC's moral code (if applicable) - which is actually in the hand of the writer, though s/he can give specific level freedom also
  • non-MCs story/connection to MC - which is ultimate pro/con to go after their scenes (ofc their looks is also important, but we speak about story in this thread)
  • story world setup - It is a taste thing. It is pushing buttons, some people may be sensitive/receptive on specific points, some are not.
So story is important, doesn't need to be highly interactive. Higher (real) interactivity makes ->exponential<- load on writing efforts.
Complex characters are not a must have. It is nice to have, but I recommend (only?) for those authors, who know how to write characters in a way to keep their integrity.

Just to mention OP initial message, "really stroy driven" as being superlative is not tangible to discuss. However I it is easy to see we are not in here only for the scenes :D To put it in a hard measure, I would say it is 40% story, 60% scenes. For me.
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The Godfather
Game Developer
Dec 21, 2017
As a dev that is known for doing a pure story-driven game, The DeLuca Family, I can say yes - it can 100% work doing a story-driven game. The game is fairly well known and with a healthy playerbase. Also doing fine on the Patreon side of things.
Now, it isn't like the gigantic projects out there but I am also an amateur writer and doing this as a hobby (with slow updates in between).
If an experienced writer enters the scene with good update flow - I can only imagine it doing much better.
So, yes. Story-driven games can absolutely work

Honestly, any style can work. Pure sex, pure story, or anything in-between. As long as it is done well - people will be there.


New Member
Jan 3, 2021
People that go into H-games already have a general expectation for just going in it for the porn, then proceed to get surprised when the story is actually decent or really good like MGQ, SHRIFT and Black Souls.
Honestly I never went into H-games JUST for the porn. I usually go into an H-game with the expectation of good gameplay + porn, that's why I personally hate the dozens of cheap steam visual novels.


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2017
For me a perfect adult game should feature (in order of importance):

1) Good porn (duh)
2) Good dialogues
3) Interesting story

Of course, I'm not taking into account lots of other things but I think that would diverge the discussion into other matters so I won't get to those.


Jun 16, 2020
In my opinion story and sex play equal roles in this equation.

The more important question is what is story? and what are its most important aspects? To me Premise and Dialog come first after that development of characters ( i want what I decided to matter) and finally the full narrative.
details and descriptions are important but just like carvings on a table only add to the product they don't make it sturdy.


Conversation Conqueror
Sep 5, 2018
Every character looks like a blank slate for the player when the game start, because he know nothing about him/her. What doesn't mean that they don't already have an effective personality, that will be shown all along the game. As for the choices, they don't fill the blank, they reveal a part of the personality ; they can also change a part of this personality, because human's personality isn't something frozen, it evolve depending of the circumstances.

It's how a game works, how the personality is handled ; a journey during which you will, more or less slowly, discover the characters you interact with, through the decisions you'll make.

I'll go further than you. It's not that it doesn't have to be like that, but that it have absolutely no reason to be like that if you're effectively a good writer.

As author, you are the one who present the choices, therefore you already know how to handle them in order for the character to stay true to his/her personality. You haven't just thrown some choices, you have thought about them, weighted the effect that each one will have on what's coming next, and prepared yourself, and your code, to handle them.
There's absolutely no difficulty to handle this, both as writer and as game maker. All you need is to have planed it when you decided to offer this choice to the player.

Therefore, few variables at the right place, few tests at the right moment, and you'll have a scene that will look totally different, depending both of the choice made by the player, and of the personality of the other character(s) involved in the scene.

You can doubt what I said if you want, I really don't care, but you can't imply that it's impossible to make games that will have both, characters with a strong and deep personality, a good and consistent story, while relying (more or less) intensively on choice, and this without the characters being a single second out place. And there's a really good reason preventing you to make such implication : such games exist.

I gave you an example, few others gave you more. If those games exist, and they exist, then you are wrong, dot.
Vitalsigns made a very extreme statement, but there is some truth to what they are saying. It's obviously not mutually exclusive and it has been done before, but even games with good writing in general can blunder heavily when it comes to choices not matching up with the MC's persona. This is very evident in many games with the typical good vs evil choices. The MC is generally written to be a "good" person who has the typical inner thoughts and interactions with characters because it is a tough order to write different dialogue trees for each common text between routes/alignment. The biggest offender here is Radiant. Try playing that while making all the asshole choices and you will see a schizophrenic MC that has outbursts of psychopathy.

The problem is not exactly that the writers are not using a "blank slate" for the MC. Blank slates are boring. The problem arises because they have a certain core persona in mind for the MC that is generally leaning quite a bit towards the good, simpy, nice guy archetype while still providing choices in certain parts where the MC can act like a total sociopath with little justification.
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New Member
Aug 30, 2019
To me it depends on the game, like if the artwork for sex scenes are really good then I'll probably keep playing regardless of the story (as long as it is coherent and logical and the characters are believable and at least slightly likable). Though if the story is really well made but there are very few sex scenes I'll probably also keep playing, albeit a little disappointed, but overall satisfied. A good example for me is A Wife and a Mother, there are barely any sex scenes (I think none with any characters besides the MCs husband, who is the worst character imo, but I like the slow burn and gradual relationship building with the other characters enough to keep playing anyway.
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