Do you ever decide to not play a game because of how MC acts?


Sep 6, 2018
The MC can certainly be annoying enough to ruin an orgasm, and not in a good way. It's especially bad in games where the MC's thoughts are repulsive/undesirable and put on constant display.


Latina midget, sub to my Onlyfans - cash for gash
Game Developer
Jul 28, 2017
It is really hard to write a likeable mc, especially one who frequently cheats on his girlfriend without writing him to be a piece of shit.


Aug 7, 2018
For me, I cannot stand idiot MCs.
Now let me make something clear: The MC doesn't have to be the smartest person in the room.
And Its perfectly acceptable for the MC to be ignorant or even naive but, I draw the line at actual Dumb ass.

Let me give an example: In one game whose name I have forgotten long long ago there comes a part where you cannot progress unless you break a woman out of prison. The problem comes because 1) She is a Murderer and Wants to Murder the MC as well! And 2) The only reason the MC wants to free her is because she is beautiful and therefore incapable of murder [According to the MC]. The worst part is that she flat out tells the MC that she is a serial killer and that he would make a fine target and he thinks she's joking.

Care to guess what happens not 5 mins after he frees her?

Deleted member 167032

Alternate Existence
Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
She makes sweet love to him?

For me, I cannot stand idiot MCs.
Now let me make something clear: The MC doesn't have to be the smartest person in the room.
And Its perfectly acceptable for the MC to be ignorant or even naive but, I draw the line at actual Dumb ass.

Let me give an example: In one game whose name I have forgotten long long ago there comes a part where you cannot progress unless you break a woman out of prison. The problem comes because 1) She is a Murderer and Wants to Murder the MC as well! And 2) The only reason the MC wants to free her is because she is beautiful and therefore incapable of murder [According to the MC]. The worst part is that she flat out tells the MC that she is a serial killer and that he would make a fine target and he thinks she's joking.

Care to guess what happens not 5 mins after he frees her?
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Active Member
Sep 11, 2017
It is really hard to write a likeable mc, especially one who frequently cheats on his girlfriend without writing him to be a piece of shit.
I think for many porn genres the MC necessarily needs to be evil. There are just no redeeming qualities in a character who sexually exploits his mother or who wants to enslave every woman he meets. However, playing a villain can be interesting, as long as he or she is well written villain.

I think, a villain who is also the protagonist of a game should have some background and some reason to be evil beyond just being an asshole. The character who blackmails his mother into sexual servitude could do so because she cheated his father. The character who wants to enslave women could do so because of his (perceived or real) genetic superiorty, thinking his offspring to be the next step in human evolution.

Unfortunately porn games rarely have such protagonists. Usually the MC blackmails his mother just because she has a not ass and usually the MC enslaves women just because he can, thanks to a demon with a strange sense of humor.
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Sep 6, 2018
I think, a villain who is also the protagonist of a game should have some background and some reason to be evil beyond just being an asshole. The character who blackmails his mother into sexual servitude could do so because she cheated his father. The character who wants to enslave women could do so because of his (perceived or real) genetic superiorty, thinking his offspring to be the next step in human evolution.
You're totally right but most people are just playing those games to get off. I think that depth in development is usually overlooked in favor of creating another sex scene etc. Perhaps the truly great sex games have both.
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Aug 7, 2018
She makes sweet love to him?
The hilarious thing is... Murder = Sex for that psycho.
Fortunately for the Dumbass (unfortunately for any sense of justice) her friend stop her from doing the devil's tango on you (with a knife).


Active Member
Aug 11, 2016
Honestly, I don't know. I dropped quite a few games until now, but it's more like I disliked the dev's decisions regarding the MC's path and available choices rather than the written character's personality.
I can play mean and I can play dumb, just not what I consider to be extreme or inconsistent.
It's like the Dev skips a few steps and leaves you wondering "Where the hell did that come from?"... Such a disappointment at times...
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Active Member
Oct 15, 2016
Sometimes. My usual reasons for stopping to play a game are:

  • Games with WAAAAAAAY too much dialogue. Usually this comes in the form of needless and unrealistic levels of communication. "Are we going to the beach", "Oh, you want to go to the beach with me", "Yes are you free on Saturday?", "Yes I am free on Saturday although I need to pick up a swimsuit on Friday", "Where are you picking it up from?", "The swimsuit shop in the Mall", "That sounds good, I bought my swimsuit back in 19-dickety-three and I tie an onion to my belt which was the style at the time". No, fuck you.
  • The game is advertising itself as free choice but forcing me down a completely linear path. If you advertise your game as free choice and then I don't have an option on whether I have sex with someone or not then that is not a free choice. Just make a linear game.
  • Overly self-referential narrators. "Hey Player! Hahaha, you're playing a game! Isn't my breaking of the fourth wall in an escapists fantasy really funny and original?". See bulletpoint 1.
  • I grind for ten hours for an ass flash. Listen, I understand that grinding is part of most games and I'm happy to go along with it but some of the pacing issues that adult games suffer from are ridiculous. One or two of them are getting overtaken by glaciers. If I have to grind for hours but there's a ton of content at the end, and the grind has an interesting story or premise then I'm game, but the idea of grinding that whole time for a couple of JPGs is frustrating.
  • The MC is overly annoying. Usually in this genre, the annoying ones are overly pretentious or overly romantic. If you're mind controlling a woman to be your personal sex slave then reading them a sonnet while having sex is a handbrake turn of a tonal shift. Also, you're usually a dumb teenage boy with degenerate fantasies. Be that. Don't be Albert Einstein's mind reading cousin.


Aug 16, 2018
Absolutely. I don't like asshole or evil or rapey protagonists.

I generally prefer female protags.

Pervy Lad

Jun 10, 2017
It's rare, but I think there have been a few MC's that made me cringe so hard I ruptured internal organs. Though I can't remember the names of these games for the life of me.