Do you think a porn game lost its aim when finally all your target become fuckable?


Active Member
May 10, 2017
YES for the most part and not to be rude but the people who say no don't know what they are talking about.

Pretty much every dev knows this which is why in almost all games events leading up to the fucking are usually drawn out and the game continues with another girl or some other form of escalation or starts to rap up.


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2017
Oh a car guy, that's good :) we can exchange lots of analogy.

Creating old school adventure games are "Rochester Mechanical Fuel Injection System" of the game industry.

Of course there is bad games and there is very bad games. Problem is point and click adventures are has defectives from birth. If you search enough every old school games all of them has fundamental problems and no body making it any more. Except adult games. Because we can't find any other way to serve porn content from game perspective. and almost all successful games has builtin cheats.
I know a lot of games that either don't have cheats or that you don't have to use. Anything made by Tlareo, Goblinboy, Mortze, etc. etc. Why cheat on a solo game? I don't win prizes if I beat it or lose stuff if I get a bad end.

Creating replayable games is hard, To build replayable games, you need to be able to think and plan everything as subsystems and this is equals, custom hot rot with boosted european engine with hybrid drivetrain.

Also please consider if rpgm and renpy disappear today, 90% of the games will also disappear with them.

Plus nobody give a damn if you create good backend but bad frontend. So both engine, chasis and paint must be good.

And thats hard.
Something my Dad told me a LONG time ago "Nothing worth it is ever easy". To many "games" either give the sex scenes away or make it such a grind to get there that people get frustrated and give up or continue playing just to fuck. That causes it either to be worthless (to easy) or cause you to lose track of the story and just focus on the sexual aspect of it. Its supposed to be a game, its supposed to be fun/entertaining. I understand a challenge, slow burn, romance and all that. That's what makes life worth living and makes those moments of victory worth it. If your just looking to FAP than shit hit up a porn site and Fap, why bother reading and clicking to look for the next scene.

There is nothing I like better than a game with a good story (both front and back), a nice pace/build up, sex somewhere in there, and then I want to see what happens next. Just me but half the games on this site I will never ever play or wont ever finish them because they "suck" in one way or another. Just my opinion.


Game Developer
Feb 4, 2018
I know a lot of games that either don't have cheats or that you don't have to use. Anything made by Tlareo, Goblinboy, Mortze, etc. etc. Why cheat on a solo game? I don't win prizes if I beat it or lose stuff if I get a bad end.

Something my Dad told me a LONG time ago "Nothing worth it is ever easy". To many "games" either give the sex scenes away or make it such a grind to get there that people get frustrated and give up or continue playing just to fuck. That causes it either to be worthless (to easy) or cause you to lose track of the story and just focus on the sexual aspect of it. Its supposed to be a game, its supposed to be fun/entertaining. I understand a challenge, slow burn, romance and all that. That's what makes life worth living and makes those moments of victory worth it. If your just looking to FAP than shit hit up a porn site and Fap, why bother reading and clicking to look for the next scene.

There is nothing I like better than a game with a good story (both front and back), a nice pace/build up, sex somewhere in there, and then I want to see what happens next. Just me but half the games on this site I will never ever play or wont ever finish them because they "suck" in one way or another. Just my opinion.
The problem is,

It is difficult to make a successful game in itself, and besides, there is currently no established genre in the adult game market.

And those who made these games have not done this job professionally before.

And in order to make these games, the producers must have skills that require education such as programming, art design, and screenwriting.

So ? lets end with car analogy.

I bet all the mechanics in your city are very talented, all of them who solve the problem at once and receive almost no money in return.

My best regards.


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2017
The problem is,

It is difficult to make a successful game in itself, and besides, there is currently no established genre in the adult game market.

And those who made these games have not done this job professionally before.

And in order to make these games, the producers must have skills that require education such as programming, art design, and screenwriting.

So ? lets end with car analogy.

I bet all the mechanics in your city are very talented, all of them who solve the problem at once and receive almost no money in return.

My best regards.
No they went to some sort of schooling that teaches or certifies them to be mechanics.

The game industry doesn't work that way.

#1 You have to come up with an idea and then make a demo that is good enough to attract people that want to invest in such a idea. However most games don't do that. Most games are very basic and short as all hell so there is nothing to suck the player in and make him want to see where it goes. Strike one for investing in the game

#2 Something has to make it jump off the page. It has to have a good story, good characters and something that makes it unique from the rest of the garbage. However most games are the same story, same type of character, and it literally sounds like half the other new releases or old games that have been there and done that. Strike two for investing in the game

#3 You have to start at the bottom. Rags to riches stories only happen in the movies unless you really, Really, REALLY work hard at something. To many developers create a game that when it doesn't blow up and make them a ton of money they abandon it and try something else. Reputation matters if your trying to get someone to invest money in something that there are no guarantees that it will even get finished. Im sure Im not the only one but if I see a game, even if it looks great and reads like a classic novel, by a developer that has a bunch of unfinished games I might download it but Im not investing in it. Why bother when its just going to get abandoned before its done, rushed to finish, or just screwed up because the developer is going to cater to what the mob wants rather than write the story that he meant to or initially talked about. Strike 3 for investing.

Brother no one flies straight out of the gate. We all have to start somewhere and work our way up. Along the way we are going to be told we suck, its garbage, quit wasting our time, etc. etc. Listen to what people say, apply it to where its needed and keep going. Start of simple. Dont try to create something that has 10 characters, multiple branching story lines, so complex that you cant figure out how to code it. However make it the best game you can with whatever skill/asset set you have. FINISH IT! Start a new game, make it better than the last one (whether its more characters, better pics, sounds, whatever). Keep going and improving.


Jan 8, 2018
Even if there is only ONE "target" it doesn't become boring, well, depends how many cocks that target (which obviously must be a tentacle monster) has.

ogr blanc

Active Member
May 15, 2019
it depends on the game, something like rogue like, for example, has the potential to keep going indefinetly, even if rogue herself is complete. the problem with that game is that the guy behind doesnt really know what he wants to do, so its more of a lack of vision than anything else.

in other cases, like a more streamlined game, where its meant to be a short story, focused on a small, maybe single character, like bell master, or soldier's life, its best to make it short as to not overstay your welcome.

to me, there's always a way to make the game longer, be it by adding new characters, or new interactions with that one character. its only an issue when the game farts around not developing because the person behind is afraid of people getting bored with their game and them losing support.


Conversation Conqueror
Sep 5, 2018
The key is: conquer without effort.
As gamers we like challange's to overcome.
The problem is finding the pacing.
To fast and it is too easy and we get bored.
To slow and we feel you are dragging out of game to make it longer then it needs to be.

The best games i played make you earn it.
You work for it so when you do get it.
It feels great.

For example: Superpowered(I am using it as example alot latetly) has mind control.
It is the most expensive power to buy, compleetly destroy's billy's(the mc) ability to relax at home as it unlocks his incest and drains energy like crazy.
And i am still getting it first because it is just that good.
My first dozen ingame months are:
Go to school:
Monday Tutor derek, Tutor tamara, hang out with freddy.
Thuesday: Hire tutor twice to keep grade's at 100.
Wensday till friday: Work my ass off as janitor to save up the cash needed for mind control.
Is it the most effecent way?
That would be social billy (aka increasing your social skill so that you can just talk them into sleeping with you)
But when all the girls are walking around as my mind control slave's i feel happy.
Like my hard work has paid off.

The difference between a good game and a bad game is often pacing.
Getting the right balance between work and reward.
are you saying superpowered is an example of good pacing? That game is damn near unplayable without cheats and extremely grindy even with cheats.

Deleted member 229118

Active Member
Oct 3, 2017
are you saying superpowered is an example of good pacing? That game is damn near unplayable without cheats and extremely grindy even with cheats.
First time i did use cheats to unlock the sex scence.
After my third playthrough i start playing legit.
It feels much more satifying to fuck the girls after i spend an hour to corrupt them then to just cheat and get laid.
The pacing comes from having to work for it.
The effort put in to get the scene.
If you just get it the feels meaningless.
I enjoy seeing how little tweaks to a girls personality effects the game.

I can see why people consider it grindy.
It blue balls you for real life hours unless you know where all the triggers are.
But that same grind can be fun as it makes you feel like you earned your rewards.
And things just feel more fun when earned.

Well-known Member
Mar 8, 2018
I don't believe so, I'd happily go another round with all the 'targets'. :giggle: It's all up to the dev obviously, I don't quite understand this notion that once we've fucked it's all over.