The problem is,
It is difficult to make a successful game in itself, and besides, there is currently no established genre in the adult game market.
And those who made these games have not done this job professionally before.
And in order to make these games, the producers must have skills that require education such as programming, art design, and screenwriting.
So ? lets end with car analogy.
I bet all the mechanics in your city are very talented, all of them who solve the problem at once and receive almost no money in return.
My best regards.
No they went to some sort of schooling that teaches or certifies them to be mechanics.
The game industry doesn't work that way.
#1 You have to come up with an idea and then make a demo that is good enough to attract people that want to invest in such a idea. However most games don't do that. Most games are very basic and short as all hell so there is nothing to suck the player in and make him want to see where it goes. Strike one for investing in the game
#2 Something has to make it jump off the page. It has to have a good story, good characters and something that makes it unique from the rest of the garbage. However most games are the same story, same type of character, and it literally sounds like half the other new releases or old games that have been there and done that. Strike two for investing in the game
#3 You have to start at the bottom. Rags to riches stories only happen in the movies unless you really, Really, REALLY work hard at something. To many developers create a game that when it doesn't blow up and make them a ton of money they abandon it and try something else. Reputation matters if your trying to get someone to invest money in something that there are no guarantees that it will even get finished. Im sure Im not the only one but if I see a game, even if it looks great and reads like a classic novel, by a developer that has a bunch of unfinished games I might download it but Im not investing in it. Why bother when its just going to get abandoned before its done, rushed to finish, or just screwed up because the developer is going to cater to what the mob wants rather than write the story that he meant to or initially talked about. Strike 3 for investing.
Brother no one flies straight out of the gate. We all have to start somewhere and work our way up. Along the way we are going to be told we suck, its garbage, quit wasting our time, etc. etc. Listen to what people say, apply it to where its needed and keep going. Start of simple. Dont try to create something that has 10 characters, multiple branching story lines, so complex that you cant figure out how to code it. However make it the best game you can with whatever skill/asset set you have. FINISH IT! Start a new game, make it better than the last one (whether its more characters, better pics, sounds, whatever). Keep going and improving.