Does story really matter in an adult VN when it comes to making money on Patreon and alike?

Jan 19, 2020
It have sex right from the start, and its sex scenes aren't just thrown randomly, they appear, naturally, through the progression of the story. It's (so far) a heavy, poor, and badly wrote story that wouldn't works without Deus Ex Machina move to solve the big mystery of the day, but it's a story. What suddenly make all your argumentation fall. People support WVM because they partly care about the story ; it's just that they don't care about its quality.
I meant this. You definitely had more nice things to say about WVM than DoD. That was my gripe. But I guess it's just a personal preference.

And about being butthurt; from your very first reply, you only tried to prove the body of text of my actual topic wrong, in turn had nothing meaningful to add towards what was the actual goal of the post; other than bunch of links to numbers. I may be wrong about 5K and it may be just 2-3K; the numbers may not be "massive" rather just significant or noteworthy... But you my friend, had nothing other than argument about a tangent and made no worthwhile addition to the head topic.

A lot of people wrote different things. I agreed with some, with some I didn't. But I didn't talk back to any of them. Cause people were just expressing their personal views and no matter how different, I respected that. But you; your reply was different. Only to prove how my entire argument is baseless and have too many things(numbers) that I've got wrong. I hope this made you happy. Thanks for your input, whatever that might have been intended for. Sorry if I failed to grasp it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2021
Regarding Anne's 'amazing' data, is not that he's some kind of dark wizard, data is available to all of us at . It's a useful and well-known tool to analyze how are adult gaming devs ACTUALLY doing. Way better than just posting random assumptions based on our limited experience and guts.
I get tears in my eyes when i took a look at that side.
With an income like that, or shall we call it, donation, there should be really something coming out of it. You could really expect high top-notch games coming out with fantastic stories.

From my days when i was playing Sims 4 i remember Nisa K on that list. And i was actually confused why people donate so much or their money to support a mod. Its really a money driven business. Thats at least how i see it.
Jan 19, 2020
I don't want to prove your assumptions wrong, I even said that the masses aren't exactly demanding when it comes to story. All I said is that he DID NOT say at any moment that WVM has a good story. DoD of course had its hooks, that's why Lewdlab succeeded back then. Every successful game has a sweet combo of several elements that 'click' for many people, you don't need to be a perfect 10, nor even a bright 8, in one single aspect, but if you somehow manage to get a solid 6-7 in a few key areas (fetishes, art, and story, probably in that order of importance) you have an actual chance to go big if you keep working on it and people believe in your potential thanks to your marketing efforts or proven dedication or whatever. However, things are probably harder these days than they were 3-4 years ago. Then we can discuss what 'success' actually means, and that's when Graphtreon data comes in handy if we want our opinions to carry some weight. Basically, about 90% of devs are NOT successful at all, even if they are doing things 'right'. They just keep releasing updates in the hopes of making it someday or just because this is their beloved hobby.
Now that's an actual reply to the topic. Thank you for it. Look, I was just asking for some personal views and opinions. So what if I did get some numbers wrong, doesn't make my main topic invalid. But that guy's reply was so focused on proving me wrong from the get go with numbers and data while had nothing to add in a meaningful way to the main topic. I get it. Maybe not a whole bunch of Devs are making tons of money, but that doesn't make my argument completely false that a lot of Devs that "play" the market with just good cgs aren't making fast cash compared to others. It may not be as high as 5K for a lot of them but if I say 2-5K; now you can find a lot surely. But on the contrary, a lot of Devs with poor setup are still struggling to reach even 1k. I don't think I'm wrong now as well. Although who knows, someone might come up with more data to prove me wrong. I've known too many people in my life who derive uncanny pleasure from proving others wrong.

Anyway, sorry if I was rude. Thank you for your input.
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Nov 20, 2021
I think it's unfair to criticize older big games with today's standards, because times have changed and people's demands have changed too. Many of the old devs wouldn't have made it big nowadays but you don't have to forget that they helped raise the standards we all have today.

Before Big Brother, DMD, DoD existed, games were really crap. RPGmaker and shitty images was the standard. People used to ripoff images from porn clips and use them as art! Daz and Renpy were unheard of. Then DMD and Dod popularized the use of Renpy and daz renders. Then we suddenly had hundreds of copies trying to imitate them. Big Brother took the incest fetish to another level and the bar was raised once again.

Then ICSTOR came with his amazing renders and animations and the bar was raised once again. And so on and so forth.

Every one of these devs gave to the market something unique at that time and that's why they became so popular.

I think the render aspect of current games have been mastered by many devs and daz has evolved to a place where almost anyone can create good looking renders.

That's why people are shifting their critics towards the story and that's where all these old big games tend to fall apart. But at the time they were made, story didn't matter. Look at old ICSTORs games to prove this point.


MSL Games
Game Developer
May 22, 2021
So what if I did get some numbers wrong, doesn't make my main topic invalid.
That's true, but that's the thing: if we don't at least try to look at the numbers, any thing we may say is just pulling things out of our ass and of little interest. If we can get some data behind, it'd at least let us learn something about the trends in the adult game dev. And that's an interesting topic by itself.

But, since it's hard to get hard that and we're talking just about our gut feeling, I can shime in a little bit about my own experience. I work with just a 5 (or around that) years old laptop with a 1060ti. It'd be impossible to make the number of renders I want at a significant pace, so I used some different shaders (and denoiser) in Daz that makes render speed 10-50x faster. The biggest criticism my game gets are the render quality (even if it has also been praised by many players who liked the alternative style), the biggest praise is the story and characters.

So, after 1 year of development, why am I not making $5k a month yet? Is it because people don't care about story, and just want amazing renders? Maybe, who knows?

I have a much more mundane theory: it's much easier to see if a game has good renders than to know if it has a good story. A big number of f95 users may find a banner good, open the game thread, see good renders and download the game. It takes 30 sec. But, even if they purposely look for games with good story, how can they tell in 30 sec?

It's just much easier for a game with good graphics to go viral. This may not be the whole story, but I think it's part of the equation.

Other than that, you have two groups of players: one that says they are here to fap: if they wanted to read a book they'd do so; and other that says they are here for the story: if they wanted to see meaningless sex scenes they'd watch a porn video with real people. I have no idea which group is bigger, but I'm glad both of them get enough games to play.

I do, however, have a good idea about which group has an easier task in finding games they like with just a glance at the game thread. And, if it's easier/faster to find games you like, you'll download games more often. Assuming that every download has a give probability to be converted in a patron, more downloads equals to more patrons.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2021
I think it's unfair to criticize older big games with today's standards, because times have changed and people's demands have changed too. Many of the old devs wouldn't have made it big nowadays but you don't have to forget that they helped raise the standards we all have today.

Before Big Brother, DMD, DoD existed, games were really crap. RPGmaker and shitty images was the standard. People used to ripoff images from porn clips and use them as art! Daz and Renpy were unheard of. Then DMD and Dod popularized the use of Renpy and daz renders. Then we suddenly had hundreds of copies trying to imitate them. Big Brother took the incest fetish to another level and the bar was raised once again.

Then ICSTOR came with his amazing renders and animations and the bar was raised once again. And so on and so forth.

Every one of these devs gave to the market something unique at that time and that's why they became so popular.

I think the render aspect of current games have been mastered by many devs and daz has evolved to a place where almost anyone can create good looking renders.

That's why people are shifting their critics towards the story and that's where all these old big games tend to fall apart. But at the time they were made, story didn't matter. Look at old ICSTORs games to prove this point.
I did not know there is a standard. :unsure:

I don't think that games written on RPGMaker are per se bad. They can looks as good as any Renpy. But true, there many old titles that looks quite bad. Though one can not compare them to new titles. Machines are faster today, so more advanced stuff is possible.
I still like Downfall that is to me visually really great (its on RPGM).

To be fair. There are only so many ways you can show incest or any other fetish. Most games seem to like corruption to archive their goals. And there will be always one game that did it first. Doesn't mean it was the best. Its rather subjective i think.
Be nice to mom and eventually she will fall in love with you.
If that doesn't work, use paranormal events. Or some scifi tech.
I don't think any of these ideas are original in itself.

I have no real opinion of Big Brother other than i did not like it. But its more art style than anything else.

Technically i can't say anything because this is all new to me to this day. DAZ is a big help in the way it enables anyone to build their favorite scenes.
Plus the software is free itself, just need to pay for the assets or use F95.

Again, i don't think a good game depends on a great story. They can work really well, with a shitty story. As long as you get what you looking for which is mainly sex. For some reason i can't imagine someone playing all these games for their story alone.

Some time back, i tried several abandoned games and thought, there are really great. Technically they weren't great. And sometimes the renders weren't either.
Though the idea was from time to time refreshing.

And another thing which seems to be important is fandom. Regardless how crappy (or good) a title is or how unfulfilling, there are people supporting it until they die.
You have some games that are years old in development and they have large support. And perhaps the never ending cycle of development keeps it alive and the game can evolve technically.
Though i usually prefer a finite end to a story but i think its part of the business model.
But there are many studios that make not peanuts with these games. And still updates are slow. But then again, whats a studios definition today. One guy saying i have a study and hiring some people on a contract basis. Or a real studio with professional artist and writers.

I did not come for the "great" games. Rather, i discovered on my own that there is such a thing as adult novellas.
And i came to the conclusion that renders can be as good as some porn pics. Maybe even better. Story wasn't my main interest. It was just there.

To a point AMAW had an amazing story. Though it fell short in my opinion. I still like Light of my Life because its really great art and the sound and everything just fits together. This is one of the only games i did not play for sex. How peculiar.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2021
So, after 1 year of development, why am I not making $5k a month yet? Is it because people don't care about story, and just want amazing renders? Maybe, who knows?
I think it has to do with competition of the popular developers.
You are competing with established devs. People rarely donate to several devs. At least that is my impression.
Kind of my theory anyway.


MSL Games
Game Developer
May 22, 2021
I think it has to do with competition of the popular developers.
You are competing with established devs. People rarely donate to several devs. At least that is my impression.
Kind of my theory anyway.
Yes, that’s 100% true. But even there, we might ask why that is. Is it because those supporters play a lot of new games but think they aren’t as good as the old devs – quality wise it’s hard for a new dev like me to compete with devs with several render machines with several 3090 like DrPinkCake – or is it because they aren’t even aware of many of the good games that are in the early phases of development?

But that is an unfair comparison. We can try to do better and compare games that were launched at similar times. For example, Artemis was launched just ~3 months before my game, and (afaik) is one of the best success stories of games launched last year by a new dev. I has:

2.7x more page views;
2.7x more comments;
2.5 more likes;
0.1 more star rating;
3.5x more reviews;
3.7x more patrons;

I haven’t played it yet, but it has been recommended on this thread several times, so I’ll assume it has a good story. A lot of reviews also mention above average/good/great renders, so I’ll assume it has good graphics.

You’ll notice that all the metrics are around 3x better than mine – which means that both games can generate similar levels of engagement, but one got more exposure. Yes, the patron numbers are a bit higher than that, which could mean that game has a better download to patron conversion ratio. Or that’s just a compound effect because the same thing happened in several platforms. For example, on itch that game is constantly above mine on the , which means, once again, more exposure, more downloads, more patrons.

I don’t have much time to play games, but anyone else can try to make this kind of analysis with other games they know of that released at a similar time and focused more on gameplay, renders, or story, and then see which ones got more patrons and exposure. I still think that better graphics will bring more exposure. and that alone will explain a lot of the reason why prettier games (all else being equal, like release date) seem to have more support or to be more popular. Prettier games get more clicks and more downloads because you can’t see in a render how good the story is, but you can see how sexy the girls are. However, that doesn’t meant that the majority of players just want good renders and don’t care about the story.


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Jul 28, 2017
It's "massive" in regard of one's salary, but nothing in regard of the successful games. The estimation is ~$11K/month, what is far from the more than 25K/month he was making before Patreon's ban. MrDots used to be one of the three most successful, with Lewdlab and DarkCookie, and now stand in the middle with Lewdlab, for the same reason ; he didn't really evolved, while the scene did.
As for Dating my Daughter by itself, the game died when Patreon hammer hit it. MrDots apparently don't want to drop it (what I understand, it's his first baby), but in the same time he can't effectively continue it. The thread is probably deeply buried now, but he can continue the game thanks to Patreon courtesy... to the sole condition that he never talk about it, and have a "front game" as game officially funded through Patreon ; devs, don't try this, Patreon will never ever agree to such conditions nowadays.
This make just impossible to seriously continue working on Dating my Daughter. He and his team have twice more works, while having twice less patrons (and so income).
A lot of talking about numbers and earnings in this thread from people. Graphtreon is good, but people have to be careful when interpreting graphtreon's stats, and pay notice to what they are actually seeing. For one thing, if earnings isn't listed in the graph, only patrons, you can't say what the earnings are. A guess could be very wrong unless you have a good idea of the average pledge per patron. Now, let's look at MrDots graph:

You say that he makes around 11k/month which is much less than the 25k/month he used to make before Patreon's ban. If by 11k you are referring to the $11.975 stated on graphtreon, that is from when he last showed his earnings, which was in early 2017 and he had less than half his current patron number. Assuming he kept the same "per patron" earning of around $9, he should now make around 25k/month, same as you say he used to make, which raises the question where you get this 25k/month from since that number was never picked up by graphtreon.

However, it also says his "per patron" is $4.28 which isn't supported by the graph. So where did this number come from? My guess is that those $4.28 is an estimated "per patron" value which graphreon reaches by applying some general trends for creators over time based on data they have. In any case, I can't take that for a fact. So, is it reasonable to believe that mrdots could keep up that high $9 per patreon he made last in 2017 until now? Judging from mrdots' tier benefits, offering animation and stuff for the $20 tier, I don't think it's unreasonable that he has, so I will stick to that last available data, but, you know, feel free to make your own guess.

MrDots further has as many supporters on SubscribeStar with the same tiers. Using the same guess here, it means we can double his total earnings to 50k/month. This is before taxes and other fees, but even after that, I wouldn't call this a mid level creator. He's still one of the big ones as far as I can tell.

To this we can add the fact that creators usually make a decent amount more than what is shown on the public stats, because they charge people up front, and people pledge and unpledge all the time. For instance, devs using early release benefits for higher tiers can make a lot more than what is shown on graphtreon, because people pledge to grab the update, then unpledge. Based on this, it is not unreasonable that this 50k/month is more like 60k or even more. But this is even more guessing, so let's stick to published data. And then we can say that mrdots likely makes significantly more money than braindrop, who based on past data seems to hover close to 20k/month on Patreon (We can ignore his SS since he makes very little money there). Again, this is assuming mrdot's "per patron" average has not dropped drastically (or braindrop's has not increased drastically).

Also, as far as I can see, DMD is not dead.
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anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
You say that he makes around 11k/month [...]
No. Would you have quoted a bit larger, you would have included that I explicitly said that "the estimation is ~$11K/month".
Perhaps should I have reminded that there's creators who hide their earning, like I did in my previous post on the thread. But I naively expect readers to be adult, and so to be able to understand that two posts on a same exchange and separated by less than 24 hours are somewhat linked ; one being the continuation of the previous.

So, is it reasonable to believe that mrdots could keep up that high $9 per patreon he made last in 2017 until now?
It is as reasonable as when I wrote:
Syvaron, ranked 378, is more or less the last one who can pretend to earn enough to quit his job if he live in a Western country. Yet only if he's really successful (what happen) and only have pledges over US$ 5/month, since he have 500 patrons. There's less than 10 exceptions after him. Yet, none of them will have an amazing life in a Western country.
What is clearly explaining what "estimation" means. Especially the last line, that show that tiers can vary, since it explicitly say that you can earn more than 2.5K/month while having less than 500 patrons ; therefore that you can have a majority of high tiers pledges.

This being said, in reality making such guess for MrDots is not this reasonable. When you've to interpolate data, you shouldn't do it blindly.
He lost many patrons when he was hit by Patreon hammer, but had a clear rebound during Melody period. Yet, if you look at the evolution of his number of patrons, except a small rebound, Sunshine Love displease his historical base and he is loosing more support than he gain new one. The past tell us that this is only exceptionally linked with an increase in the pledge tiers. It's more the opposite. In this case, if they come back confirming their pledge, people kicked out at the start of the month tend to do it one tiers below the one they were previously at.

But you missed an important point on which I haven't insisted enough:
But limiting to Patreon, among the ~200 creators who potentially earn more than 5K/month, half of them hide a team working on minimal wage, or below.
MrDots also have a SubscribeStar account, while there's creators who have a tipjar, an account, when they aren't also selling their game on Steam. These data are just an indication of the reality. They are an accurate reflect of the tendency, because Patreon is the most used platform for the pledge. But, while being their principal source of income, ; some creators admit that it don't even represent half of it.

NOTE [since stating the obvious is apparently mandatory with adults nowadays]:
Of course, this don't apply to all adult creators, once again it's an indication. Something that permit us to have a glance at the reality.

[...] but, you know, feel free to make your own guess.
Like you just did ?


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Jul 28, 2017
No. Would you have quoted a bit larger, you would have included that I explicitly said that "the estimation is ~$11K/month".
Perhaps should I have reminded that there's creators who hide their earning, like I did in my previous post on the thread. But I naively expect readers to be adult, and so to be able to understand that two posts on a same exchange and separated by less than 24 hours are somewhat linked ; one being the continuation of the previous.

It is as reasonable as when I wrote:

What is clearly explaining what "estimation" means. Especially the last line, that show that tiers can vary, since it explicitly say that you can earn more than 2.5K/month while having less than 500 patrons ; therefore that you can have a majority of high tiers pledges.
No, it doesn't clearly explain what you mean with "the estimation" or how you reach $11k/month, or $25k/month for that matter, because there are lot of Patreon numbers being mentioned in the thread and then you just throw some numbers out, calling them "the estimation" instead of "my estimation" and expect people to understand that it's your guess, when you don't even say (and still don't say) how you reach those numbers. Because of this, I thought you meant the value shown on Patreon.

Btw, I now understand what the $4.28 per patron is on mrdots' graphtreon. It's simply the last known earnings from 2017 divided by the CURRENT patron count. So an error on the page.

This being said, in reality making such guess for MrDots is not this reasonable. When you've to interpolate data, you shouldn't do it blindly.
He lost many patrons when he was hit by Patreon hammer, but had a clear rebound during Melody period. Yet, if you look at the evolution of his number of patrons, except a small rebound, Sunshine Love displease his historical base and he is loosing more support than he gain new one. The past tell us that this is only exceptionally linked with an increase in the pledge tiers. It's more the opposite. In this case, if they come back confirming their pledge, people kicked out at the start of the month tend to do it one tiers below the one they were previously at.

But you missed an important point on which I haven't insisted enough:
You miss that he didn't lose supporters after he got in trouble with Patreon, he increased them. Because he kept most of his supporters on Patreon and gained new ones on SubscribeStar. We can't separate Patreon and SS, they are the same type of platform with the same audience. People moving from Patreon to SubscribeStar is not a loss. Effectively, he gained more supporters on SS than he lost on Patreon, meaning a net gain of supporters. You haven't shown anything that points to his "per patron" earning being significantly less than before, but even if we assume $5 per patron, he would still make significantly more than braindrop. And this means Patreon plus SS, because just looking at one would be foolish when comparing what devs earn.

Like you just did ?
Yes, that's what I just said. I explain how I reach the numbers I give, but others may guess differently. :FacePalm:
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anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
No, it doesn't clearly explain what you mean with "the estimation" or how you reach $11k/month, [...] then you just throw some numbers out, calling them "the estimation" instead of "my estimation" [...]
You would have been more credible if you didn't said yourself from where this 11K/month estimation come.


Conversation Conqueror
Sep 5, 2018
No interest in joining this dick measuring contest, but you can actually estimate patreon revenue quite reasonably by averaging the first 2 tier values and using that as the pledge per patron. It works for Dark Cookie and Adeptus steve, and generally works for most devs I've checked out. Of course there are exceptions and modifiers though. If the first tier is something high like 5$, the average pledge will be something close to that. Some niche fetishes might have some whales that could skew results if the patreon numbers are not too high.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2021
Yes, that’s 100% true. But even there, we might ask why that is. Is it because those supporters play a lot of new games but think they aren’t as good as the old devs – quality wise it’s hard for a new dev like me to compete with devs with several render machines with several 3090 like DrPinkCake – or is it because they aren’t even aware of many of the good games that are in the early phases of development?

But that is an unfair comparison. We can try to do better and compare games that were launched at similar times. For example, Artemis was launched just ~3 months before my game, and (afaik) is one of the best success stories of games launched last year by a new dev. I has:

2.7x more page views;
2.7x more comments;
2.5 more likes;
0.1 more star rating;
3.5x more reviews;
3.7x more patrons;

I haven’t played it yet, but it has been recommended on this thread several times, so I’ll assume it has a good story. A lot of reviews also mention above average/good/great renders, so I’ll assume it has good graphics.

You’ll notice that all the metrics are around 3x better than mine – which means that both games can generate similar levels of engagement, but one got more exposure. Yes, the patron numbers are a bit higher than that, which could mean that game has a better download to patron conversion ratio. Or that’s just a compound effect because the same thing happened in several platforms. For example, on itch that game is constantly above mine on the , which means, once again, more exposure, more downloads, more patrons.

I don’t have much time to play games, but anyone else can try to make this kind of analysis with other games they know of that released at a similar time and focused more on gameplay, renders, or story, and then see which ones got more patrons and exposure. I still think that better graphics will bring more exposure. and that alone will explain a lot of the reason why prettier games (all else being equal, like release date) seem to have more support or to be more popular. Prettier games get more clicks and more downloads because you can’t see in a render how good the story is, but you can see how sexy the girls are. However, that doesn’t meant that the majority of players just want good renders and don’t care about the story.
Well, the point are all valid. For sure.

Here is how i see it. I don't plan to make a career out of it. I develop my own little game and i am not investing really anything, except my own time.
So i make a game out of joy and the sheer fun on it.

My goal isn't to make money but to offer a game play that isn't really represented. And i am sure not a lot of people will love it because they are seeking games/themes i don't cater to.
One thing that is kind of a guarantee of success is when you have big titted females in your game that fit the likeness of most users.

But i'll get it. There are dev that can invest heavily in equipment and have a farm of computers to do the process much quicker. Perhaps they also hire art developers and story writers.
Though i think for most of the devs, that is a dream. Its probably a lucky shot to deliver what people like and being famous for you do.

I wish i had that money. But what keeps me away from sites like Patreon is the freedom what i can do.

As a bystander, gamer, hobbyist, i always wondered whats about those "donations".
I mean they are not really donations but a payment. On the other side you can say, people like to thank you with their wallets.
Whatever the case, i think if you made early on a great title and people loved it, they will flock around you and give you all their money. Out of appreciation. People pay with real money.

I am not really critical of all that but i think that one can be jealous of someone making really a ton of money.

Now i checked the top earner from that link that was sent earlier.

So its a game called Wild Life. It earns a lot of money. Though its not the kind of game i would play just by the fetished that are in there. But people seem to love that.
The stranger something is, maybe thats the key. I dunno.

Like i said, for me personally, its more of a whatever. But most of the time, you need advertising of any sort to make people aware of your game.
And mouth propaganda is of course another key.

But perhaps the key that made his game available 3 month before just hit the lucky spot. But fame is not eternal. Especially in the digital age.
Yes, that’s 100% true. But even there, we might ask why that is. Is it because those supporters play a lot of new games but think they aren’t as good as the old devs – quality wise it’s hard for a new dev like me to compete with devs with several render machines with several 3090 like DrPinkCake – or is it because they aren’t even aware of many of the good games that are in the early phases of development?

But that is an unfair comparison. We can try to do better and compare games that were launched at similar times. For example, Artemis was launched just ~3 months before my game, and (afaik) is one of the best success stories of games launched last year by a new dev. I has:

2.7x more page views;
2.7x more comments;
2.5 more likes;
0.1 more star rating;
3.5x more reviews;
3.7x more patrons;

I haven’t played it yet, but it has been recommended on this thread several times, so I’ll assume it has a good story. A lot of reviews also mention above average/good/great renders, so I’ll assume it has good graphics.

You’ll notice that all the metrics are around 3x better than mine – which means that both games can generate similar levels of engagement, but one got more exposure. Yes, the patron numbers are a bit higher than that, which could mean that game has a better download to patron conversion ratio. Or that’s just a compound effect because the same thing happened in several platforms. For example, on itch that game is constantly above mine on the , which means, once again, more exposure, more downloads, more patrons.

I don’t have much time to play games, but anyone else can try to make this kind of analysis with other games they know of that released at a similar time and focused more on gameplay, renders, or story, and then see which ones got more patrons and exposure. I still think that better graphics will bring more exposure. and that alone will explain a lot of the reason why prettier games (all else being equal, like release date) seem to have more support or to be more popular. Prettier games get more clicks and more downloads because you can’t see in a render how good the story is, but you can see how sexy the girls are. However, that doesn’t meant that the majority of players just want good renders and don’t care about the story.
Usually its probably two key factors.

a) advertisement
b) word to mouth

Me personally am more ambivalent about all Patreon as i don't seek support.

But if one is more professional oriented, i wonder if Patreon has options for visibility.

Another factor is of course the game itself. In my experience a game can be technically perfect but still falls short.
I am not sure if prettier graphics alone make a game more successful.
It may be and its what i don't understand really.

Are people really playing these games for their story and not for sex? A game like AWAM comes to my mind. Sex isn't the main driver but the story.
Its pretty and has lots of supporters.

Or maybe i am more perverted than i thought and everyone else is more normal.

As for sexy girls. I am definitely not on board with most games. Its so stereotypical and is a turn off for me.
Sure, hooters are great but if the main character or any female looks like a bimbo out of a bimbo factory, i ask myself, are men really that shallow?
Don't get me wrong. I live boobs but i think its almost comical how most of them look.
Anyway, i think that answers what people want to see.


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Jul 28, 2017
You would have been more credible if you didn't said yourself from where this 11K/month estimation come.
Can't you speak plainly, man? I still don't know where you got this number from, because you said it wasn't what I thought it was. Your estimation of 11k together with mrdot's latest patron count of about 2800 means you're guessing $3.9 per patron, and I have nowhere mentioned something like that. So no idea what you mean. Why can't you tell us?

And again, even with your estimation of 11k, you have to double that when adding the supporters on SubscribeStar. So you should have estimated his earnings to 22k, and then explained how you reached that number (still waiting).

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
Can't you speak plainly, man?
I know that my English skills aren't this good, but when it come to this point, it's not the writer who have a problem.

I still don't know where you got this number from, because you said it wasn't what I thought it was.
Read again, I never said that it wasn't what you thought. In fact I even confirmed that it was it.
What I, explicitly, corrected is your "You said that he makes around 11k/month", and nothing more. And I corrected it, because it's not what I said, explicitly pointing the fact that this number was only an estimation.
And, in before, there's a difference between "making around X", and "having an estimated earning around X". Your first post was dedicated to explaining it.


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Jul 28, 2017
Read again, I never said that it wasn't what you thought. In fact I even confirmed that it was it.
What I, explicitly, corrected is your "You said that he makes around 11k/month", and nothing more. And I corrected it, because it's not what I said, explicitly pointing the fact that this number was only an estimation.
And, in before, there's a difference between "making around X", and "having an estimated earning around X". Your first post was dedicated to explaining it.
:FacePalm::FacePalm::FacePalm: Jesus, again you're making a big fuss about one word. Okay, you ESTIMATED that he makes around 11k/month.

But I still haven't seen you explain why you're using what he earned 5 years ago, with a lot less patrons, as an estimate on what he earns now? Because that's just stupid. If that was a mistake, you could just say so.

I know that my English skills aren't this good, but when it come to this point, it's not the writer who have a problem.
At this point, I hope it is your English, because it isn't the first meningless exchange I've had with you because of one word you have a problem with. Such a waste of time, man.


Engaged Member
Jul 30, 2017
Yes, it can matter, as is the case with the game: Being a DIK. That games story seems to be brought up over and over again in the reviews, it's highly praised. That game bored me to absolute death. There are a COMPLETELY different audiences out there.

I can do without a deep and meaningful story. Take Karryn's Prison for example, excellent porn game.

I can try to get into a deep and meaningful story in a porn game, but if it drags for too long, I usually end up skipping the dialogue.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2021
Yes, it can matter, as is the case with the game: Being a DIK. That games story seems to be brought up over and over again in the reviews, it's highly praised. That game bored me to absolute death. There are a COMPLETELY different audiences out there.

I can do without a deep and meaningful story. Take Karryn's Prison for example, excellent porn game.

I can try to get into a deep and meaningful story in a porn game, but if it drags for too long, I usually end up skipping the dialogue.
DIK. So i checked and it says: Dating Sim, Strategy, Sandbox. I think thats why i never downloaded it. On the plus side, its not a harem game. I assume you don't have to date any girl if you don't want to.

I think stories are fine. I think all are like a dime novella.

Interestingly, most stories revolve around a young adult that is either in search of his past, his parents, parents died tragically, or have runs in old "female" friends. And sometimes he is a nerd, shy and bumm, he is transformed into a sex machine.

I think i am ok when its porn. At least i know what i am getting.