quid quad quo

Jul 5, 2017
I tried berfore, but I don't have a credit card that meets the payment terms. I generally use Alipay.
Also pretty sure once they found out you bought their comics then shared them for free, they'd stop selling you and ban your IPs so you should know a thing or two about DRM. Remember to upload the files only after you get rid of the pesky DRM. Have a good day mate. Really appreciate your spirit!


Jul 22, 2018
GillH's post, makes a point about "The "democratic free west" makes sites aggressively enforce copyrights", how true, just look at how quick links posted on here get taken down!
But quid quad quo's posts about "trusting The Chinese government to protect your porn comic stash", and the post directly above, are very good counter points! If the "state" is strict about porn censorship / enforcement, those outside the country "might" get away, but those within its borders should probably worry!
Then there's the whole “social credit” system (Google it)!
No offense to any of the Chinese members, BUT OMG, from what I've read etc, it's straight out of George Orwell's novel 1984 (War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength. Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.)
aichobits, just to correct a small point in your last post, "This is Fernando's early works", its actually not! it's from The Art Of Fernando - Vol.1, which is like a comic compilation book, showing how he creates his art, his origins etc. I know this as it's a fav of mine as a once amateur artist and it's one of the few comics I found that had not been offered on this site so I posted a link to it. I very rarely find links for comics that have not already been posted, so I don't get to contribute as much as I'd obviously like to, and when I do it's a "little win" for me (lol). Reading this whole paragraph back, I probably sound like a bit of an a-hole and a dick head (lol), I wait for the rush of replies (lol)!
I know, I used the screenshot in The Art Of Fernando - Vol.1 because the picture inside has higher resolution, I also put a bt link on the top of the picture, so you can download the complete comics


Sep 9, 2018
aichobits, no worries buddy (lol), I was just being a smart arse (lol) and stuffing around for shits and giggles (lol).
The link does not seem to be working for me, but as I wrote it's a fav I already have. Other people who do not have it though might want a working link?
All the best man and hope there has been no offence regarding what has been written about the Chinese "state" system.
At the end of the day no matter the system we live under we are all human beings "If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh?" (lol).


Respected User
Former Staff
May 6, 2017
This is not the place to discuss politics, tv streaming, or post content from other artists. Please keep the discussion about the artist in the OP of this thread.
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Jul 22, 2018
Guy, this is not the place to discuss politics, tv streaming, or post content from other artists. Please keep the discussion about the artist in the OP of this thread.
Got it,xman

This is a very tangled problem. The creators who signed up with dofantasy need enough sales to maintain their income. If the works are immediately pirated, their losses will be great. Maybe we can never see the later works. Just like CAPCOM's Resident Evil 2 remake, Denuvo Anti-Tamper technology is used to ensure that its sales reach the sales expectation. After that, the official initiative cancels the d encryption. Players who do not want to spend money can also play pirated versions. Maybe we have to wait a little longer

I really like the way of patron. When the amount of crowdfunding is expected, everyone can get satisfactory results. By the way, Ted Owen's work can be found on Google. Search for the keyword "Ted Owen bdsm" in Google. You can find many websites to download.
link ? which software to use ? 请链接 ? 使用哪种软件 ?
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Sep 9, 2018
Guy, this is not the place to discuss politics, tv streaming, or post content from other artists. Please keep the discussion about the artist in the OP of this thread.
Bossapplesauce, I gather your warning post (just titled "Guy"?) was intended for me (mainly!) as well as aichobits2011, as all but one of my recent posts have just disappeared with out notice or explaination at all, while other posts appear to have remained untouched!
Was it the Voldemort post that offended (lol)?
The discussion from me was not intended to be political etc, I even said no offence intended, I just tried to state the facts that are all over the Net etc! But yes discussion
"swayed" that way because we were discussing DRM, hosting sites etc and what was safe and viable etc ways to share content etc, as different people put forward suggestions!
Yep we (
I) got off topic, in future I (if I'm not barred that is after this post (lol)!) will keep the discussion to topic only, which is Fansadox Comics only, right?
I hope others will be held to the same high standards, as I've seen posts in the past that certainly don't, without any action taken!
All business, no pleasure (lol)!

Message clearly received, over and out (lol)!


Sep 9, 2018
aichobits2011, I can see you really want to buy the comics. I and I think most other people on this thread will probably have no idea about any of that account / payment type stuff. Sorry not sure where you would go either. If anyone does know I hope they will reply!
I had trouble in the past myself (only ended up buying one or two), and was not happy with the process and the price (they are overpriced) and that's what brought me "down this path"....ho ho ho it's a pirates life for me (lol)!
I'd like to be able to help you because you seem like an enthusiastic, reasonable person (well from your posts).
But buddy, I think we (you, me etc) need to get back to what this thread is supposed to be about "ways to get hold of free versions of Fansadox comics and the supply of them to the thread, mainly", before we annoy to many more people (Admins etc) and get ourselves kicked off here.
So all I can suggest is, like the rest of us, look around the Net for pirated comics when you can, keep an eye on here, check out 8muses etc and eventually (yeah you'll have to wait a while!) but you'll find stuff to share or someone will find something to share and you'll see the comics you want.
Yeah it takes time but in the end the comics (well most of them?) seem to get out, and get shared! All the best pal.
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