
Sep 9, 2018
Well I'm stumped!!! o_O
I've turned all virus protection off.
I've tried four different browsers. Firefox - I get "Server not found". Chrome and Vivaldi - "This site can not be reached", and Explorer (which I never use!) "Can not display webpage" for address and basically "File not found 404" on all four browers for address .
I use Firefox about 99% of the time, with virus protection turned on and never really (until now) have issues getting to about 99% of sites (porn etc). The only ones I get blocked from are those, like all of us that are black listed by Interpol etc.....you know the ones I mean guys......uh um arr.....:whistle::censored::rolleyes::oops:
Bruml, you have mentioned "black lists" associated with net providers etc for certain sites, how would someone work out if this or other black lists on extensions etc are at play?
I know this is not really on topic for the thread, but any IT gurus out there with any ideas please, or can anyone suggest a browser that does not have "black list" restrictions / blocking? I was having luck with Vivaldi for a while with some of your links Bruml.
I'd be most greatful for any suggestions peoples, this is getting a bit frustrating (first world problems...lol) :mad::(
Missing out, whoa is me! :cry:
Thanks in advance all :);):cool::sneaky:


Jun 28, 2017
by both of the files i get

The file you are looking for does not exist!
The file you were looking for could not be found.

so the files are remove from there servers
and nobody can download those files again


Sep 9, 2018
Hey Warmmer. Thanks for the reply.
Yeah, I thought that this time (now) they had been taken down.
But I was not 100% sure because before when others could get to the sites / files (see their posts) I could not get to them and was getting Server, Site etc not found notices.
Oh well looks like I've missed out and the files have been pulled on request from Dofan.
We know they don't stay up long, with the eyes on this thread!
Will just have to wait for another possible chance down the track of a possible reup....ho hum!


Jan 15, 2018
Bruml, you have mentioned "black lists" associated with net providers etc for certain sites, how would someone work out if this or other black lists on extensions etc are at play?
only way how you can work this out is, that you take your pc (notebook, phones etc) from place where it does not work, to another place, where it work, with different inet provider ofc. Or if you have cable net, try connect thru mobile phone for example, but i just blind shot this out, i dont really met any public inet provider, which really block sites, even if they can, but ofc this can vary where you are, every country have different laws/moralle etc

for browsers try this should work even on blocked sites, it use strong privacy security and connect thru vpn, so it can hide you from any blocking mechanism, try it, and you will see if it works

btw if you get 404 or "file deleted" it is usually really deleted, if you have blocked sites from inet provider, you will get "blocked page" message, or you will be redirected to another page, like provider homepage etc, or you will load fully blank page
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Sep 9, 2018
Bruml, what can I say, you are a "legend". :cool:
Thanks heaps buddy, really really appreciate the advice about Tor etc and the re-up of Slashers Motel Of Hell. I've never seen it advertised etc any where, on Dofan etc it's an obvious rarity and an early comic from him.
The Tor browser worked first go, spot on, and I like some of the features offered. Looks like I have a new fav browser to play with, Fire Fox etc will be getting a rest. (y):love:
Now people on this thread don't have to hear me bitching about missing out on comic postings, asking dumb questions, and not being sure if the links have been pulled down or it was just me not being able to get to the sites...(I think I hear people cheering and saying thank god...lol!). :p
I very much appreciate your help pal, I owe you man. It's cool people like you, with their contributions, help etc that make this a great thread for fans of the Dofan artists. Thanks again man. :):D:giggle:


Jan 15, 2018
actually Motel of Hell and few others are not originaly made for Dofantasy, but for Bdsmartwork and this comics are not listed on fansadox page, BUT some of them were later re-released under fansadox homepage, have fansadox number etc, but it is the same comics, i think fansadox have added advertisment pages to their releases, so fansadox have more pages in totall


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2017
Trying to buy but they're really not accepting my cc even though I already talked to my cc provider to not block any purchases.
I believe they have some sort of location/IP block on their site. I might have the wrong thread but I'm sure someone else had a similar issue. Are you using a VPN or are you based in Russia?


Sep 9, 2018
actually Motel of Hell and few others are not originaly made for Dofantasy, but for Bdsmartwork and this comics are not listed on fansadox page, BUT some of them were later re-released under fansadox homepage, have fansadox number etc, but it is the same comics, i think fansadox have added advertisment pages to their releases, so fansadox have more pages in totall
Hey Bruml, thanks again for your help with the Tor browser and the re-up of Motel Of Hell.
I'm really enjoying using Tor.
Your last post was interesting and explains a few things I've noticed about certain comics, especially some of Slashers.
What you wrote about some being originally made for Bdsmartwork, not Dofan, but being re-released by Dofan, explains why I have noticed some comics that look the same but have some very very small differences in them (story text etc), mainly by Slasher.
I'd often wondered why this was the case and now it makes sense, thanks man.

Davox, is someone bucking for a Moderator role? Lol, only joking man (shits & giggles). Seriously, good on you for your post.

RancidSocks and Davox, we know Dofan monitor this thread religiously! Your posts above will probably be seen quicker than putting in an actual "Customer Query" through the Dofan site....lol!

Brilliant business practices! They make it so hard for people to actually buy the "product", and then wonder why people go else where to get the "product", and for free!!!
If it was not for the quality of the art (artists) they have signed on, would they even be in business?
They need to really really keep those artists happy and on contract ($$$, hookers, blow jobs...lol...whatever) because if they decide to leave, Dofan is fucked!!!
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Jan 15, 2018
so Untitled999 your curse is removed ?? try it here

btw everyone who run some pay sites monitor other forums and share sites, its no secret, just be nice to them, say halo and dont be rude, bcz how one old classics said, internet is for (free) porn


Sep 9, 2018
Bruml & Tinchen, thanks to you both for posting links to Tourist Trap 2. It's one we have all been looking forward to seeing.
Tinchen, people including myself have made comments about some new members "begging for links" and "looking like Dofan spies". As a new member (only your second post!) posting a comic link, to a sort after comic, you are turning that negative image around. Good one pal!
I need to really lift my game and try to find something to contribute.
Bruml, yep looks like my comic porn voodoo curse has been lifted, hallelujah, praise be! And no chickens had to be killed, or virgins sacrificed (wasted...lol).
Thanks again buddy for the Tor browser, and the comic postings you have provided us all recently. Your a legend buddy!
Lol....yeah I guess I should let up a bit on Dofan. It is Easter after all, "Turn the other cheek" and all that....lol.
"We should actually feel pity for them, they know not what they do, they be their own worst enemy".....lol.

Barry Brown

New Member
Sep 9, 2017
Which idiot has put 'PaRi-PRVP-SwDr-5.wmv' in that Tourist Trap 2 zip file? Did svscomics think of that to make more money on uploaded/fileboom/keep2share? The pictures only take 3.5mb. Lol, let's spend some bandwidth and storage for fun ? !


Jan 15, 2018
Which idiot has put 'PaRi-PRVP-SwDr-5.wmv' in that Tourist Trap 2 zip file? Did svscomics think of that to make more money on uploaded/fileboom/keep2share? The pictures only take 3.5mb. Lol, let's spend some bandwidth and storage for fun ? !
its bcz you have payment from these sites based on trafic, if people download more thru your link, you will get more money for it, like youtube provide money only for videos with lengh more then 10 min btw if you did not notice, svcomixc smugle these videos in every their uploads for long time (i am not sure if everywhere, but with fansadox always), but i agree with waste of bandwitch :(
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