
Jul 22, 2018
Do you have English version?
Unfortunately, there is no English version. I have many of his works, but all of them are in Chinese except those he published on dofantasy(see the spoiler). I guess the author is from mainland China or Taiwan. In addition, the administrator also said that it was not allowed to upload non-English comics, so there's nothing I can do about it.
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Dec 4, 2017
Unfortunately, there is no English version. I have many of his works, but all of them are in Chinese except those he published on dofantasy(see the spoiler). I guess the author is from mainland China or Taiwan. In addition, the administrator also said that it was not allowed to upload non-English comics, so there's nothing I can do about it.
great - but there is already a thread for feathers extreme works ( - even in english ... e.g. ) maybe you can share his works there, .... it became clearly calmer since the retreat of Londo_Mollari ..... every donor is welcome ;)

ddd dsad

May 23, 2017
Unfortunately, there is no English version. I have many of his works, but all of them are in Chinese except those he published on dofantasy(see the spoiler). I guess the author is from mainland China or Taiwan. In addition, the administrator also said that it was not allowed to upload non-English comics, so there's nothing I can do about it.
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Please share his work to this thread:
Many people and me want to see his patreon works but no one share anymore.


Staff member
Aug 6, 2016
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I'm not surprised you wasted your own time filing DMCA after DMCA. I'm sure you have nothing better to do with your time. Do yourself a favor and tell your bosses to consider piracy as free advertising. But I'm sure you're spineless so that's not an option.
By the way, your little "jokes" at the end of the urls doesn't faze me. Hey! Shoo! Go away, fly.


Sep 9, 2018
Grayfox, much thanks for the share of Slashers, FC 498 - He Knows Your Alone.
It's always good to see a new Slasher as they seem to take a while to get out compared to other artists comics.
I know Bruml is a Slasher fan, I hope he has been able to get a copy!(y):sneaky::cool:;)

Muttdoggy, LOL, loved your reply to Barry Brown, spot on man, you tell him!
Wow he showed his true spots! Maybe he's a Dalmatian, see below, LOL.(y):p:D:)
And people think I am / we are paranoid about Dofan spies!!! :mad::devilish:

Barry Brown, to use a phrase, "Don't let the door hit you in the arse when you leave" (the doggie door, LOL!)
Content is going to be shared one way or the other, GOOD LUCK WITH TRYING TO STOP IT!
So you can now go running back to your masters and sit at their feet, or hump their leg, or lick your own balls, like the good little doggie you are!
"Sit boy sit, roll over, play dead,:poop:....BAD BOY...BAD BOY, you DUMB MUTT!!! (LOL).
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Reactions: Barry Brown


Sep 9, 2018
Hey Bruml, just wanted to make sure you were able to get a copy of it (498) for yourself, as I know you like Slashers stuff. Good to hear you already have a copy and have not missed out on it.:):cool:

LOL, Barry Brown, "liked" my post, WTF?
I was expecting (looking forward to!) a reply at least, and a little back and forth "discussion"...damn!...denied!:cry::(:confused:
Oh well hope he enjoys his "very honourable" role as a "Peeping Tom" on behalf of Dofan, LOL!:poop:
Remember to close the blinds guys, pervs like
Barry Brown could be watching you through a teleoscope while they have a fap, LOL!:unsure::oops:
This just enforces what I've written before, yep I'm paranoid, and with good reason, "They" are out to get us, or at least monitor us!


Nov 6, 2018
[QUOTE = "Кракатоас, должность: 1910425, участник: 515494"]
есть ли здесь поклонник предондо? : D


Mar 26, 2018
[QUOTE = "Кракатоас, должность: 1910425, участник: 515494"]
есть ли здесь поклонник предондо? : D
did you already read the ending comics? i really curious with the ending