
Sep 9, 2018
Obviously good art gets your attention, draws you in.
Comics are mainly a visual medium, via the illustration, otherwise without the art and just a narrative it's a novella etc not a comic.
With great art, even the crappiest story / plot can (mostly) be bearable.
But, as the saying goes "beauty is in the eye of the beholder", if you’re not into the art in the first place then you’re not even going to bother to give the story / plot a chance generally.
There are artists whose stuff I just don't bother with at all because their art just does not appeal to me.
While there are artists whose works I'm pretty much obsessed with, so even a crap plot can be tolerated if the art is having the right reaction.
I agree partly with kurogari, that most plots that appear via Dofan etc comics are rehashed BDSM themes over and over - abduction, rape, sex slavery, torture etc and that the genre can be limiting. But using historical, sci-fi, pop culture, geopolitics, horror, etc themes can and do provide some interesting plots at times, I find. But hey, at the end of day it's comic porn, not Shakespeare, Tolstoy, H.G Wells etc, so what do you expect?
Hey just my two cents worth, and as they say "different strokes for different folks" (and yes that is a fap pun....lol!)
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Nov 29, 2017
btw for anyone who want catch the train, i found some bigger packages, ofcourse without missing parts, so i gues that everyone here already have all from this package.
missing 489
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Jul 12, 2019
Hello all I was directed here from 8muses to get the big collection of fansadox I've tried clicking various links in this thread but I must be doing something wrong, is the torrent on the very first page still active, there are a lot of posts in this thread bit overwhelming for a new person lol


Sep 9, 2018
Hello all I was directed here from 8muses to get the big collection of fansadox I've tried clicking various links in this thread but I must be doing something wrong, is the torrent on the very first page still active, there are a lot of posts in this thread bit overwhelming for a new person lol
rosethorn87, Hi. I know what it was like to be a "newbie" to this thread. I also found my way here via 8muses, which I still regularly visit.
This thread and 8muses are slightly different. There are pluses and minuses of both.
The stuff that gets onto 8muses is mainly JPEG converted (main pages) from the original PDF format, so the quality at times can be "questionable", it's what has recently been released, and it usually takes longer to get onto the site, but once it's there it's there for good!
The stuff posted on here can be recently released material or sometimes it can be "rare" content, it all depends on who's posting, and when. It's usually the converted (DRM cracked) original PDF format, which "can mean" its higher quality.
BUT if you see point two below you'll see the real difference in the two sites.

Here are some quick tips I've picked up for this thread to help "newbies".

1. "Newbies" are somewhat seen as suspicious, Dof / Dofan (Dofantasy) have spies regularly (well actually constantly!) watching this thread. They seem to especially pose as new members, or just keep changing accounts to hide in the shadows "like the rats they are!". So if you don't get a lot of responses, or get "attitude" to your first few posts that might be why. Obviously I'm trusting in you're case you're not a Dofan spy, something in your post makes me feel your not. But either way, I hope this info helps someone / anyone legit trying to "learn the lay of the land".

2. Following on from the first point, as a result of the Dofan monitoring, links posted don't stay active for long. Dofan gets the links and sometimes even the whole upload site the link is on taken down pretty quick! 8muses seems to have been immune to Dofan take downs / closure!
So it's "the quick, or the dead" on here, you have to either check the thread regularly for new link postings and / or be lucky!
If the links not working it's probably already down! You can ask for a "REUP", and you may be lucky and the link gets reposted via another upload site?
So yeah this thread can be "hit and miss", but some of the stuff that gets posted is absolute gold and you'll be lucky to find it elsewhere.
Sometimes weeks or months may pass without stuff getting posted, AND then there will be a "gold rush" of stuff posted in a short time frame!
Recently released material will usually be on here first, before it finally gets to 8muses.
You'll see lots of posts about the links getting taken down etc, and suggested ways to better deal with it.
The "jury seems to still be out" on how best to address this situation, and I don't know if a concensus will ever be reached!
Also there are some brilliant people, who post and who can be very helpful with a variety of advice etc on this site (and yes I'm kissing up again, lol)!

3. DON'T DIRECTLY REQUEST, DON'T EVEN USE "SUGGESTIVE" LANGUAGE THAT SOUNDS LIKE YOUR REQUESTING COMICS / LINKS ON THIS THREAD (WE ARE ON NOW)! THIS IS A DISCUSSION AND POSTING THREAD ONLY. Use this thread for any comic / link requests and the below link has the rules for requesting etc https://f95zone.to/threads/comic-animations-requesting-rules-22-10-2017.2923/.
If you request via this thread (we are on now), you will likley, eventually get a blast from the Admins / Moderators or even get you're posts deleted etc etc! YES, you will see others doing it on here, ("monkey see, monkey do") but eventually they get a "rap on the knuckles" etc!
As mentioned previously, you can (seem to get away with) asking for a "REUP" of a previously posted link on here, that has gone dead, but there's no guarantees though that it will / can be reposted by the member via another upload link / site. But it's sometimes worth a try.

Ok, hope this helps you rosethorn87, and anyone else new to the thread etc.
I'm sure if I've left anything considered important off, or there's anything I've written others disagree with, posts will follow!
And no, before anyone asks, I'm not "bucking" for an Admin or Moderator position, I'm just trying to be a "good citizen", lol.
All the best to all. :);):cool::p:D:LOL::sneaky::giggle::devilish::geek:
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Jul 12, 2019
Thank you for the advice :) I do have a large amount of fansadox comics 9 and half GB but when I found out there was a mega folder I thought I can seed that etc I'll hop over to the requests thread and spys kiss my ass try getting fansadox to charge a reasonable price and use paypal and other currencies would help a lot.


New Member
Jul 13, 2019
Thank you for the advice as well from another newbie. This may sound like a stupid question but how does one 'crack' a DRM on a pdf?
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Sep 9, 2018
rosethorn87, could not agree more, its Dofan's total lack of any even basic customer service, unreasonable pricing and other bullshit, and then there's all the threats, doxing etc regarding sharing, that has driven most of us (if not all of us) onto threads / sites like this, 8muses etc.

Cake1000 , not a stupid question, just one out of my "skill level" (pay grade, lol).
If you scroll back through the thread you'll see tons and tons of posts about it, by more knowledgeable / skilled folk than I, lol.
There seem to be a variety of suggested methods, but I'm yet to see exactly how the "pro's" actually do it. I'd love to know myself!
I gather it comes down to using filters, maybe "paint / photoshop" type tools, etc.

Some seem to be able to "crack" the PDF and leave it at an original high quality, others seem to "crack" the PDF, which via their process has to change to JPEG, with varied quality levels, compared to the original. Nearly all the stuff on 8muses seems to be done via a PDF to JPEG convert. Where the stuff that turns up on here is usually via the straight PDF "crack" method.
In a nutshell, it all seems to come down to removing any identifers (DRM codes) hidden (very very well!) in the illustrations, that Dofan use to track the sharing of the comics. When you buy a comic they link a DRM code to the purchasers details (e-mail, credit card etc) and keep you on file.
If that comic turns up shared, they try to pursue the purchaser, threaten them with legal action, dox them etc.
So a comic may get shared millions of times, they don't just try to stop the sharing, get those who share, they will go after the original purchaser as they have their details on record. Which to me seems to be more about "petty revenge" than anything else really!
So those who put in the time , effort and some risk, to "crack" are TRUE HEROES, they just don't wear lycra , capes, etc, lol. :):cool::p:D:LOL::sneaky::giggle::geek:
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Jan 15, 2018
hello, sory for delay, but our eastern splintercell get swated and suffer heavy loses (dofantasy get rly serious), BUT! they give their lives for good reason, so i can manage get some of theirs backups

rest in pieces, comrads


Jul 12, 2019
hello, sory for delay, but our eastern splintercell get swated and suffer heavy loses (dofantasy get rly serious), BUT! they give their lives for good reason, so i can manage get some of theirs backups

rest in pieces, comrads
you are my hero


Sep 9, 2018
"Never was so much, owed by so many, to so few"!
A 21 gun salute, a minutes silence, and flags at half mast please for the fallen......!:cry:
Bruml and the Eastern Splintercell, heros and legends all!:love:
Thanks again buddy for yet another brilliant share.:);):cool::p:D:sneaky::giggle:


Jan 15, 2018
"Never was so much, owed by so many, to so few"!
A 21 gun salute, a minutes silence, and flags at half mast please for the fallen......!:cry:
Bruml and the Eastern Splintercell, heros and legends all!:love:
Thanks again buddy for yet another brilliant share.:);):cool::p:D:sneaky::giggle:
eastern splinter cell is not a name, its just simple cell located at east (and by east its usually meaning of russia)
btw it was a joke, i am not a member of any group or such of things, just for case if someone did not get it


Sep 9, 2018
Bruml, lol, thanks man. I did guess your post was meant to be humerous.:p:D:LOL::ROFLMAO:
Mine was to, but I do not always (some would say never!) succeed, lol! :censored:
Thanks again buddy for yet another great share, you're even more of a legend in my mind if you're working solo dude!:cool::)
PS. I think Eastern Splinter Cell would be a cool "cracking" groups name, if anyone was to use it.:sneaky:;)


Jan 15, 2018
Thanks again buddy for yet another great share, you're even more of a legend in my mind if you're working solo dude!:cool::)
sorry, but I have to disappoint you, i am NOT working on anything, solo or in group, i am not "provider", all my links i found on internet, and just post them here, i am mere poor copy paste script bot :(

who really do that hard work are in russia or china, even india, i must say, that i dont really remember any active group in europe or amurica, maybe back in time of razor1911 etc, that was groups from eu/usa, but today, i really dont know