4.00 star(s) 1 Vote


Sep 1, 2024
Here are some tips from this bird:

Casino + save scumming = infinite money

While money by itself isn't as good as in other games because of the lack of diversity in equipment (for now you have only one option for equipment) it also means INFINITE POTIONS! while they only heal 40 hp when you hit level 3 you should be able to overheal the damage you receive from the first floor boss from there just use focus when your arousal level is around half and you should be fine.

Well, it is about it... The game combat isn't that complex for now. Thank you for reading this cool bird tip I hope you have a nice day.

The game scene quality is really good! And the game overall is nice... I am hopeful for the future updates.
wdym by save scamming
4.00 star(s) 1 Vote