i am not sure if you are the dev or what is the case but have you actually tried playing it? everything about the gameplay is shit, interaction button bugs out and stops working, you can't randomly interact with things even when the interaction button decides to work, huge issues with clipping of body parts. there is actually so much wrong with this game i couldn't even bother to list it all. the whole gameplay feels like torture. i challenge you to go through first 4 events/days without something bugging out, i strongly doubt whether that is actually even possible.
It is possible, actually. Granted, the 'issue' is that some additional interaction buttons got added (but not accounted for in the controls settings, so it takes trial and error to find them and figure out what they do), and some wires got crossed in the pre-existing controls.
Thus far, crouching seems to solve
most interaction button issues; once you know
which crouch state relates to what interact object (mid-crouch for light switches, full crouch for putting clothes back on,
having clothes on to strip others), it'll tend to be that association most (if not all) times. So, that's your initial two knocks.
Clipping body parts is going to happen this early in development
, though adjusting the lean states (which are existing and accounted-for controls that aid in penetration depths and grabs) help settle that.
Personally, it has worked better for me after some time fuckin' around and figuring out one particular option seems to auto-fail, with SM sniffing out
either of us nutting (Crazy Day, option 1) after multiple runs of
just that. Hell, the Blow the Nerd event actually
works now (though we are oddly hovering over our chair, and using hands forces her head under our butt, it's
significantly better than folding in half to get rocks off last version).
seems to be a "press Shift to Lock" on grabbed limbs thing I haven't quite sorted out yet, there may or may not be a specific button that causes the perspective to lock to one angle (also undoes that, will figure out which that is and report back) and
All-in-all, it's no 10/10, but it's also certainly playable.