Don't make a Zombie Porn game unless you actually use the Zombie porn concept!!


May 17, 2020
By that I mean... Don't make a Zombie Porn game unless there's Zombie rape in it!

It's incredibly boring to have Zombies only serve as the backdrop of a Porn game and do nothing else, I see these Zombie survival games here, but on more that one occasion the Zombies themselves are just there to be an annoying obstacle.

I'm so tired of these games where your objective is to just fuck the women around you while living in a safehouse somewhere during some kind of apocalyptic event ... While there are plenty of Zombies, mutants, demons, tentacle plants, tentacle monsters or whatever outside that could be doing the fucking!
Involving a Taboo can improve the game a somewhat e.g. Incest, Shota, loli or whatever... but it can only go so far if the game is set in a horrific survival backdrop but not have it play a masive part in the sexual content.

Hell I hate the frequency of these games where the objective is: Seduce and fuck the women around you and you're all just a bunch of regular people, just some guy and some beautiful women around you, no matter how attractive they're designed.
If I wanted to see a normal adult human fuck another normal adult human I'd just watch regular porn.


May 22, 2018
Not a huge amount of people find the idea of rotting corpses to be all that alluring. It's rather a niche fetish. Surely that can't be all that surprising to you? The apocalypse concept itself, be it zombies, nuclear disaster or hellfire is a pretty good setting for a porn game. It's usually fairly small scale with few people around, intimate, tense, and allows for more questionable morals.

Not to be that guy, but why not try making a game of your own if it's so frustrating to you? Then you can add any fetishes you want to it.


May 17, 2020
Not a huge amount of people find the idea of rotting corpses to be all that alluring. It's rather a niche fetish. Surely that can't be all that surprising to you? The apocalypse concept itself, be it zombies, nuclear disaster or hellfire is a pretty good setting for a porn game. It's usually fairly small scale with few people around, intimate, tense, and allows for more questionable morals.

Not to be that guy, but why not try making a game of your own if it's so frustrating to you? Then you can add any fetishes you want to it.
First, it may be niche in some circles but I promise you there's plenty who'd be fine with it if it's done right.
games like Bioasshard by Versus X Studio have about 400 Patrons with me being one of them, I'm certain the Japanese market are much more receptive to stuff like this, there actually are plenty games with Zombies and other more mobid concepts on DLsite... in Japanese 90% of the time so I have no idea what's going on... and they're all censored.

Second, I would if I could I really mean that, I'd honestly love to try and make my own Porn game but I have absolutely no talents in any way whatsoever, so it's never happen.


Nov 12, 2019
Sounds like you need to explore the monster sex category. Though I think zombies specifically are rather uncommon even there. It's mostly demons, orcs, goblins, werewolves etc. ROR sidescrollers are probably gonna be your best bet for zombie rape.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2018
Why are you limiting it to rape OP? Or do you mean the zombies are getting raped because they cannot give informed consent, despite presumably being down to fuck?


Conversation Conqueror
Sep 5, 2018
Zombie apocalypse is a common setting for both porn and non-porn stories. I don't see why zombie porn has to come with the assumption that zombies would be raping people. It could, but it doesn't have to.

If you really think about it, zombie rapes would get rather boring in a male MC game if the entire concept of the story was based around it. Zombies make terrible NTR antagonists because they are brainless. It can be used for some bad ends or occasional scenes that depict heroine rape, but not NTR. The zombies are naturally used as backdrop because that's what they are. They present the sense of danger and break down of social order. Anyways, Deadmoon Survival is one that has optional zombie rapes that doesn't end in bad ends or breaking of characters.

For female MC games that are basically "get raped" simulators, it could make sense to make the whole thing about that.

Carpe Stultus

Engaged Member
Sep 30, 2018
Zombie apocalypse is a common setting for both porn and non-porn stories. I don't see why zombie porn has to come with the assumption that zombies would be raping people. It could, but it doesn't have to.

If you really think about it, zombie rapes would get rather boring in a male MC game if the entire concept of the story was based around it. Zombies make terrible NTR antagonists because they are brainless. It can be used for some bad ends or occasional scenes that depict heroine rape, but not NTR. The zombies are naturally used as backdrop because that's what they are. They present the sense of danger and break down of social order. Anyways, Deadmoon Survival is one that has optional zombie rapes that doesn't end in bad ends or breaking of characters.

For female MC games that are basically "get raped" simulators, it could make sense to make the whole thing about that.
The more important question is: Can zombies even get it up anymore if their dick didn't rot off in the first place.


Feb 2, 2020
I'm with Jamman on this one. There's a few games, such as Terminal Desires, Love Zombies, One Night in Badger City, and so far, Deadmoon Survival that I feel are/were the best kind of narrative using the zombie setting. That is to say there is an element of infection which usually is depicted in the form of disgust/fear of the zombies by the protagonists or characters in the story, which then typically turns into some sort of corruption the more encounters there are, then displayed as further desire, and lastly (but seldomly) complete/partial transformation of the character to a zombie. Cracking: The Second Strain, Anaximanes games, and RainyDayZ gave/gives us a faster accelerated infection of characters where one interaction is enough for transformation. Last, I agree again with Jamman regarding the Zombie Island and several other japanese games in this genre; a color pallet swap and deadpan expression makes them more sleepy looking than anything. Then, instead of any kind of transformation, there's numerous games (usually found on DLSite more than here) that have heavy emphasis on guro instead of transformation. Not a fan of those games myself, but it does fit the zombie apocalypse theme.

Games like World after War, Zombie Retreat 1 and 2, Zombie Life, The Shrink (to a lesser extent), Now and Then, Apocalypse, S.H.E.L.T.E.R., and many others I think fit what Jamman is talking about. The zombie apocalypse is a heavy element of the narrative, but there is no depiction or direct (only implied) consequences for the story protagonists. ZR1 had one optional collectible, but that's it and it didn't affect the protagonists in any way. It's not to say some of the titles I've listed here aren't good games.

Last, you have games like 69 days after, Bioazzhard, and Seed of the Dead where you do have depictions and scenes, and these fit what the OP would like to see, but they lack the danger of long term effect (infection). I think this is where many people a fan of the zombie porn game genre probably would fit in. Some would be ok with my first paragraph but under certain conditions, while others prefer just the back drop like games in the second paragraph.

I'm not going to go huge into it as it's a complicated subject, but since it's a topic that came up, the subject of NTR is where some people have problems. The problem with this particular tag in F95 (as compared to DLSite) is NTR is very non-descriptive on F95. It's weird to see in some other threads people ok with cheating or rape content but not when NTR is applied. Some are ok if it's netori but not netorare, or netorare but not netorase. Some hate all forms of NTR. Some see cheating as completely separate as NTR. Some lump rape as NTR (which I think is completely wrong, but I'm not going to waste time arguing on the Internet). Some are ok with NTR but not rape. I think the problem with what the OP is suggesting and trying to fit in the various definitions of NTR/Rape/Cheating is that by having sexual zombies, you definitely are going to have one of those three (NTR/Rape/Cheating) or all of them depending on the author/developer. You're also going to have interpretations from the audience that may not fit the author/developer's intent, which can cause the author/developer to alter course. More often than not, this usually frustrates the author into abandoning the project more often than completing the title in this particular category (zombie apocalypse). By steering away from the controversial topics, then you hit the games the OP is tired of seeing. All of this is just my two cents, and you're all welcome to your opinion, but I didn't want to leave the OP feeling like they were alone in this topic.

Meaning Less

Engaged Member
Sep 13, 2016
Games like World after War, Zombie Retreat 1 and 2, Zombie Life, The Shrink (to a lesser extent), Now and Then, Apocalypse, S.H.E.L.T.E.R., and many others I think fit what Jamman is talking about.
Well none of these games have the tag combo OP seems to be looking for, which would be monster + rape. Sure many games in this list aren't going to be specifically about zombies and some might just have rape in parallel to monsters, but it should be a good place to start looking.

Also if you see a game that has monster rape scenes but is missing those tags make sure to report so they get added and other people can find them easier as well.


Aug 21, 2018
I've gotta disagree. I like the setting of a zombie apocalypse but I'm not interesting in the zombies actually raping people.


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2018
Zombies aren't for raping, it's the zombies that should do the raping. I don't even count those as Zombies anyway, they're more like "Grey Women" that look tired.
why though? why would zombies wanna rape when the only thing they care for is eating brains and flesh?

I mean I get the idea of being raped by a monster, and it's not a bad one (the script of Alien was based on the male fear of xenomorph raping the crew, then later changed to oral rape), but an undead interested in raping would NOT be a zombie. which especially seems like a problem when you say they need to be 'real zombies' instead of 'grey women'.

another famous similar idea was clive barker's rawhead rex, which as I remember was dug up, then started raping everything and everyone from cracks in a wall to policemen called to stop its rampage. but it was some kind of primal monster/god.


Feb 2, 2020
Well none of these games have the tag combo OP seems to be looking for, which would be monster + rape. Sure many games in this list aren't going to be specifically about zombies and some might just have rape in parallel to monsters, but it should be a good place to start looking.

Also if you see a game that has monster rape scenes but is missing those tags make sure to report so they get added and other people can find them easier as well.

Sorry, I wasn't clear. I meant these are the games the OP is talking about in terms of games they dislike... not games they want to see more of. Although I whole-heartedly agree with you comment as a whole (both search by tag(s) and report missing tags), the "monster" tag will result much more than just zombies (orcs, goblins, vampires, oozes, and so on). As much as I'd like more specific tags, I get why we're limited to what we have. Take SVS comics way of tagging... Sometimes it works well to search for "comic", but the poster may have done "comix", "comics", "manga", "doujin", or something misspelled and that can get messy.


Feb 2, 2020
I've gotta disagree. I like the setting of a zombie apocalypse but I'm not interesting in the zombies actually raping people.
Nothing wrong with that at all. This site has a lot of stuff where people will find their niche, their turn-offs, and everything in between. I think my frustration (in general, not necessarily with this topic) is people trying to compel the author to change their narrative to fit their desires or posters telling others they're wrong. To be absolutely clear, I'm not saying anyone here has done that (except for maybe a person that posted a one word response). It's fine to have discussions, and I feel that's what this post is... or a means to vent frustration, which I get. I prefer game devs and authors to write what they intend, regardless if I like it or not. What I also don't like is something so "friendly" or "generic" that it does the same thing that I can find in another game but with different scenery, characters, or art style. I feel too many devs do that for monetization purposes and not for the purpose of expressing their stories.


Feb 2, 2020
why though? why would zombies wanna rape when the only thing they care for is eating brains and flesh?

I mean I get the idea of being raped by a monster, and it's not a bad one (the script of Alien was based on the male fear of xenomorph raping the crew, then later changed to oral rape), but an undead interested in raping would NOT be a zombie. which especially seems like a problem when you say they need to be 'real zombies' instead of 'grey women'.

another famous similar idea was clive barker's rawhead rex, which as I remember was dug up, then started raping everything and everyone from cracks in a wall to policemen called to stop its rampage. but it was some kind of primal monster/god.
Good references and points. Frankly, I'd be fine with a game here with a traditional zombie setting as well. I wouldn't consider it guro at all if the zombie's sole intent is to feed. It would go into guro territory if the protagonist is in a ... compromising position, and that's very "meh" for me. I can't speak for the OP in this case, but for me, that would work and break the mold for lots of zombie apocalypse games on this site. Like I said earlier, too many of them have no repercussions other than "horny zombie... rawr" and the protagonists being inconvenienced in their love life than actually being in some sort of mortal peril.