So I played it for the first time and have to say it's pretty good. I do understand what people say about updates, but I always thought that the final image is more importnant that the way to it. In other words you can be disappointed with what storylines developer follows and what not, but if all of them get proper attention in the final product, than all is good. Of course it's not really practical to do it this way on patreon in early access game given what you create may be directly responsible for the amount of support you get, but yeah, that's just how it is. I don't intend to follow this game update by update, I'll probably pick it up in a year or two and potentially replay it from the beginning, so I'm not too offended by the way it gets updated.
Following other peoples suggestions when creating a game is difficult. If you have no clear vision of your game and you are sort of "winding it" than yeah, I guess. But if you have clear vision of the game than it's better no to, it will do more harm than good. Most of the time that is. Of course not all suggestions are bad, but than you gert somethin like this: " She need Breast augmentation surgery by the pornographer', change the hair style to the wig style, and sex with her mom dad and brother and option of no BDSM.", which is better to ignore.
Following other peoples suggestions when creating a game is difficult. If you have no clear vision of your game and you are sort of "winding it" than yeah, I guess. But if you have clear vision of the game than it's better no to, it will do more harm than good. Most of the time that is. Of course not all suggestions are bad, but than you gert somethin like this: " She need Breast augmentation surgery by the pornographer', change the hair style to the wig style, and sex with her mom dad and brother and option of no BDSM.", which is better to ignore.